Now, I was in the kitchen cracking eggs into the frying pan and whistling a tune. When last did I whistle? No idea, but it felt good. Everything was good.

Two crisply toasted slices of bread sprang from the toaster. I laid them out and added a new batch. While the toaster did its thing, I went back to the eggs and finished scrambling them. I had already fried the bacon, and the aroma wafted through the air. I sniffed and smiled to myself, pleased. Violet would love this. Or would she?

I paused on my way to turn on the coffeemaker. Did she like bacon, eggs, and toast? I was sure she liked coffee since she had gone out for some the previous night, but how did she take it? I liked mine black, and my mom called it self-torture. Would Violet, too?

Fuck it. I gripped the countertop with my hands, knuckles turning white. The last time I was this nervous about something was when I pitched an idea for a boat design to a big company. Ever since I had no fear in me. Anything I encountered, I was sure I'd conquer. But Violet was a challenge I wasn't ready for. I wanted to please her, not gain a sponsorship, partnership, or anything related to growing my net worth. No, I just wanted to see her smile and hear her laugh.

The ding of the toaster pulled me back to the kitchen. Quickly, I pushed away the thoughts immobilizing me and resumed making coffee and laying out toast. The coffee had just stopped brewing when Violet appeared in the doorway.

She wore a white T-shirt over tiny pink shorts, and her hair fell over her shoulders in soft waves. Her sleep-hazy eyes blinked at me slowly, and she smiled. "Hi."

I abandoned the mug and walked over to pull her into my arms. I bit back my groan as I pulled in her scent. Somehow, her unique sweet smell mixed with mine, reminding me of how she rode my dick last night and had slept in my bed. I resisted the urge to ask for a repeat and instead kissed her forehead and pulled back. "Sleep well?"

Her cheeks blushed prettily, but she held my eyes. "Mm-hmm. But I woke up alone." She pouted.

I pecked her on the lips. “I had to make breakfast.”

She kissed me back, and I tasted toothpaste. "You've never made breakfast."

“Come in, then. You have much to learn about me.”

Violet smiled, eyeing me as I laid out the plates before us. She hugged her arms around herself and waited till I was seated before she forked the scrambled eggs into her mouth. She chewed on a soft moan, sending my blood rushing downward, but when she told me it was delicious, I forwent the dirty thoughts and basked in her admiration instead.

“How did you learn?” she asked about my cooking.

"Online recipes. The boys are quite ravenous and don't understand that daddy wasn't taught how to cook. My mom probably assumed I'd have help."

Violet smiled. Her lips started to move but she stopped and sipped on her coffee, which she liked with two parts milk and one part sweetener.

I narrowed my eyes, studying her. We'd just spent a night together, yet she was still hesitant around me. If only she knew how much I loved the sound of her voice, and I would listen to anything she said. I wanted her to feel comfortable with me.

“What are you doing today?” I asked.

She swallowed her toast. “I'm staying in and applying to teaching positions,” she said the last words quietly.

A pang went through me, but I pushed it aside. That was always the plan. "Great," I said with forced enthusiasm. "As long as you're free in the evening."

She frowned. “Why?”

“I'll tell you when the time is right.”

Her lovely face scrunched up, but she said no more about it.

After breakfast, we cleaned up. I kissed her at the bottom of the stairs on the way to my study. When she headed up, I paused and watched her pert ass in those tempting shorts. She glanced back, caught me looking, and giggled, shaking her head, and disappeared down the hall.

Laughter bubbled out as I made it to my office. Soon, Violet wouldn't be shy around me anymore.

Sitting in my swivel chair, I flipped open my laptop and went online. I needed a new nanny. Troy and Layla kindly referred Violet, but I doubted they had more friends escaping from stalker exes lined up. Back to the agencies.

Violet would probably complete the month with us but searching for and interviewing nannies was always a herculean task, and I needed to start as early as possible. As I went through an agency's website browsing through nannies' profiles, I kept putting them up against Violet, wondering if they'd treat the boys as well. Sighing, I left the task. Best to get back to it when I wasn't inundated with thoughts of the current sitter.

A more sensible part of me still fretted that she was my employee. Even though I knew she said it didn’t bother her, it felt wrong that I was the source of her income. I never wanted her to worry that if anything happened with us it might affect her professionally. I was okay with her leaving to find a teaching position. It would allow us to pursue a relationship without the boss and employee dynamic muddling things. Thank goodness she wasn't staying long-term.

I picked up my phone and dialed a number. The person at the other end picked up before the second ring.

"Mr. Hart," the female voice chirped. "How may I help you? Do you have a party to plan?"

“Something on a much smaller scale.”