“No, no.” Kate pulled my hands down, forcing me to look at her. “He can't do anything to you, okay?”

“Well, what if he comes here? I don't want him to harm you.”

Kate scoffed. “That asshole? He can't. I’ll run him off. With my...baseball bat.”

Laughter spilled from my lips. “Baseball bat?”

“It's a running joke between Layla and me.” She waved a hand. “But best believe I'll make him pay if he shows his face around here.”

Knowing my friend had my back calmed me. “Thank you, Kate.”

“No thanks needed.” She squeezed me in a hug. “Want some coffee? You feel a bit cold.”

I thought back to the coffee I didn't even taste but had paid for. “Yes, please.”

“I'll be right back.” She hopped off the couch and went toward the kitchenette.

Reclining in the chair made my anxiety mount, so I followed her, taking a seat by the counter. As she prepared the coffee, she glanced out the window. Once, twice. Did she see something? Or someone? Worry clamped down on my chest.

“What are you looking at?” I tried to sound as calm as possible.

“Oh, nothing.” She immediately ducked her head.

Curiosity got me off the chair, and I headed to the window. I peered out and cocked my head. The window offered a clear view of the house next door. A man was bent over a work table, sanding a piece of wood. Even from a distance, I could make out the grey in his hair. When he stood up to assess the wood under the light, I paused.

“He's good-looking,” I said.

“For an older man,” Kate said nonchalantly.

I eyed her. “What do you know about him?”

“He's the new neighbor.”


“And nothing.” She took a mug to the coffeemaker and poured out the coffee.

The aroma filled the space, and my mouth watered. It still wasn't enough to distract me, though. There seemed to be more to Kate's story than she was letting on.

“There's more to this neighbor, Kate. If you don't tell me, I'll start calling you Peeping Tom.”

Kate laughed. “Okay, I'll spill.” She handed me the mug and leaned by the counter next to me.

As I sipped, she began.

"His name's Phillip. He moved in a while ago, and he's generally an okay neighbor.”

Phillip? Where did I hear that recently? “But...”

"Well, I met him before he moved in here. Specifically, at an outdoor sports convention years ago. We hooked up—" she cringed "—and then on the last day, he ghosted me."


"Yep. I never thought I'd see him again, but here he is." She shrugged, looking out the window. "My new neighbor."

I frowned, recalling something Shawn had told me about a Philip earlier today before we... Shaking my head, I stayed on topic. “What does Phillip do?”

“He's a carpenter or something. Came in for work this past week.”