

As soon as the elevator door shut and I glimpsed my windblown hair and flushed face in the mirrored wall, I quickly let go of my suitcase handle and reached into my purse. I powdered my cheeks and glossed my lips. Next, I ran my fingers through my hair, giving it some semblance of order. I doubted my new employer would appreciate me reporting to my new job looking like I'd just rolled out of bed after a quickie.

I looked myself over once more and sighed. Finally, I looked presentable. Why was I so worried anyway? It wasn't like I was going to work in an office. On second thought, I wish I was starting with a corporation. Then I wouldn't be so worried about what one man thought—my new boss, Shawn Hart. I'd met him and his kids once, a week ago, when he was considering me for the job. His manner was brusque, and he barely gave me two glances except when he addressed me. I was sure I didn't get the job and had already started searching job postings online when my friend and temporary roommate informed me I was mistaken.

“You got the job!” Kate bounded into her kitchen, a big grin on her face.

I choked on the sandwich I was eating and coughed before asking, "When do I start?"


It'd taken me less than an hour to throw my few clothes into my bag, get ready, and take a cab across town. Now I was mentally preparing to start my new job as the live-in nanny to Shawn's two boys.

Before this, I was a teacher. Well-loved by my colleagues and adored by my students. A painful feeling swept through me, and I shook away the need to sulk. I left that life behind for a good reason, and this new one would be an interesting challenge. If all went according to plan, it wouldn’t take long, and I could move on to bigger and better opportunities.

Now, feeling more confident, I gripped my suitcase handle and waited for the elevator to come to a stop. I stared at my face in the mirrored wall and paused. Shoot! I missed a spot. Hands shaking, I pulled out my powder. If I could just cover the circles underneath my eyes. I hadn't slept much last night because I had stayed up late job hunting. But this was no way to begin my first day, looking tired and disheveled.

The elevator jolted to a stop. I dabbed quickly, racing against time. Gah, I won't make it before the door opens. I slammed the powder case shut, started to bag it, and then paused. Standing opposite me in the open hallway was Shawn Hart. His indifferent face scanned me up and down, and his dark brows lifted.

Should I say something?

Then the elevator door began to slide shut.

I lunged forward to stop it. My powder case slipped from my grasp and clattered to the floor.No! I screamed internally. Turning so my back was wedged against the door, I leaned back into the elevator, dragged my bag, and picked up my powder case. I stumbled into the hallway, and the door finally slid shut.

Way to go, Violet!

My breath still came out in gasps, and it took my shaking hands a little under a minute to finally get my powder case organized and in my purse. Equilibrium slightly restored, I gazed up at my new employer.

Shawn Hart watched me with an inscrutable gaze, but I was a hundred percent certain my opinion of him was on full display. Somehow, my brain omitted the embarrassment of wrestling with the elevator and instead focused on my new boss. With every little detail my eyes took in, my heartbeat quickened.

A dark leather jacket clung to his broad chest, and black jeans hugged his muscled thighs, his outfit complete with dark shoes. If I spotted Shawn in a club, I wouldn't guess he was the father of two sons. More likely, the leader of a motorcycle club.

My eyes slid up to his face, and I had to remind myself to breathe. His blue eyes, set in a face surrounded by a dark beard and close-cropped hair, regarded me. I swallowed, unsure what to do with myself. I was tempted to tuck my hair behind my ear under his scrutiny. But that could be interpreted as flirtatious. And the last thing I needed was to invite any kind of male attention. Especially from my boss, who looked like the poster boy for the type of man any sensible woman should steer clear of. Despite this, my brain still considered all sorts of scenarios, and it took a conscious effort to stay present.

“Thanks for showing up.” His deep, gruff voice filled the hallway.

The rough sound caused my belly to flip, but realization slammed into me. Was that sarcasm? Shawn didn't wait for me to respond, instead, he turned in one smooth move and crossed the carpeted hallway. I snatched my suitcase handle and followed him. He didn't glance back as he opened the apartment door and walked in. Biting my lower lip, I followed him.


It took a moment for my mind to appreciate the luxury around me. Everything was either white or black—at least the things that weren't kids' toys. It looked both expensive and sterile.

“I'll be gone for the rest of the day,” he said.

My gaze snapped to him, and I watched him slide on a wristwatch and clip it in place.

“Your room's upstairs, the first door on the left. Food's in the kitchen.” He pointed in the general direction of what I assumed was the kitchen. “Kids are in the living room. You can settle in. Just keep an ear out for them.”

I nodded quickly and stayed close so I missed nothing.

We drifted into the house as he gave more instructions, and I found myself nodding before his directions even sunk in. His voice was that commanding—he left no room for questions to be asked. Once I caught myself, I shook off the fog and really listened.

But he'd stopped talking and was observing me carefully. "Do you understand?"

“Yes.” Did I, though?