Page 49 of Alena's Revenge

Alena goes to her, holding her hands out as she crouches before the sobbing woman. “We won’t hurt you. We are here to help. Can you walk?”

The woman nods, swallowing hard as I restrain the screaming man. “Good, go and get the others and wait there. We’ll come back. I promise.”

With one last look at me, the woman rushes to her feet and then leaves the room. Alena turns and glares at the bleeding man. “Make it hurt,” she demands before leaning back against the wall, her eyes narrowed in fury.

So I do. Grabbing the hot stones on the side, I force one into his mouth and one into his ass, and then I pour the hot wax across his cock while she observes. We watch it sizzle as he chokes and tries to scream. I wait until he passes out, and then I kill him.

I tear his throat out and leave him there with the stone in his ass, his tiny burnt cock hanging out. We head towards the women, finding the one we saved in the dressing room with three others who look scared.

“Where are the others?” I ask.

“Downstairs.” They point at a tiny staircase in the back corner, and I nod.


They swallow and point out of the room. “Out front, past the rooms.”

“Stay here,” I tell Alena, and for once, she listens as I move back down the hallway, following it around to a set of double doors. Through it is a waiting room with three men reading newspapers or scrolling on their phones. I shoot the ceiling.

“Out, unless you want to die, you sick bastards. If I see you again, you’re dead,” I threaten, and then turn to a man grabbing a shotgun from behind the desk. Firing, I knock him back to his swivel seat and then move past him to the manager’s office where the door is opening. A heavyset, balding man covered in way too much gold jewellery stands in the doorframe.

I shoot him too, not bothering with small talk. He won’t know enough to help me. In his office, I find a safe, which I open with his fingerprint and eye. There are thousands inside. I pack it into two bags, grab his keys, and return to Alena where she helped the girls get dressed.

“Here.” I toss one of the bags at their feet. “Share this between you.” Keeping hold of the other bag, I head downstairs. The door at the bottom is made of metal with a sliding hatch. Unlocking and opening it, I step in and recoil at the living conditions.

Alena steps up to my side and gasps. “Fuckers,” she snarls.

They live side by side in cots with barely any blankets and zero privacy. They’re all sleeping in cheap lingerie, their makeup and hair ready so they don’t get hurt. There’s a toilet and a sink in the corner, nothing else. There are even bars on the windows. It’s disgusting, and they all look scared until Alena explains the situation. We leave them to make their escape, giving them the money we found upstairs. I know Donald will send in clean-up and get all the client lists to hunt them down. He may even use some of it as leverage—who knows? But that’s their job. We are nearing the end of ours.

All the guards, partners, enticers, and runners are dead. That only leaves one man.

It’s Nikolic’s turn.