Page 34 of Alena's Revenge

“She saw it happen.” He sighs. “Thank fuck I can tell her you’re okay. We thought you died. We found someone who bought you—”

She laughs. “Did he tell you he killed me? Please,” she hisses. “I almost killed him. He was just annoyed a little girl overpowered him.”

He laughs slightly, his eyes icy. “Either way, she will be relieved. When you have…” He glances over at me. “Finished whatever this is, you should meet her. I know she would be really happy.”

She nods mutely, and he looks at me, taking the hint. “Hard drive?”

I hand it over, holding it firmly when he goes to grab it. “If you put her in danger, I’ll kill you.”

His eyebrow arches, and he glances at her—she’s watching us intently—then back to me. “Understood.” I let go, and he turns away, heading to set up and decode it and find out what he can.

Then, the hunt will begin.