Page 30 of Alena's Revenge

Chapter Eighteen


I’m not even winded, and my heart rate is slow and normal, but when I turn at her interrupted voice, adrenaline pumps through me. I watch her fall, her eyes closing as the man standing behind her grins at me. He holds a baton in his hand, which he used to club her over the head. She’s lying motionless on the floor.

Dead or knocked out?

I’m not sure, but for some reason, rage fills me. The bored apathy I felt when I was killing these men disappears in an instant. My body heats, and my vision blurs with anger and the need to rip him apart. To kill him with my bare hands.

I don’t remember moving.

I’m before him in an instant. He raises the baton towards me, but I catch it mid-air, watching as he strains, fighting against my grasp. I arch an eyebrow as he pants. His face turns red and sweat beads on his brow, but then I show him I was only playing with him. I snatch it from his hold and smash it across his face repeatedly.

He falls at some point, but I follow him down, caving in his skull and busting his eyeballs, smashing over and over until nothing but gore and shattered skull fragments remain. Chest heaving, I sit back and drop the baton to the floor with an audible bang. I’m just standing to check on her when I hear them coming up the stairs. Three sets of footsteps, in formation no doubt. I dive for the closest gun, and when they round the corner, I fire. I hit one before it clicks empty. Snarling, I get to my feet, ejecting the mag and grabbing another from a body and reloading before firing again. They manage to squeeze a shot off, but it goes wide, whereas mine do not.

All three are down.

I scan the room for any I may have missed and find one man groaning, trying to crawl to his gun. Rolling my eyes, I march over and slam my foot down on his arm. He screams and flips over, snot running from his nose. One of his eyes is sealed shut, and his lip is busted. Without warning, he spits, hitting my leg.

Kneeling over him, I shove my gun into his mouth, forcing it open as he groans and jerks beneath me. I narrow my eyes. “You shouldn’t spit on people,” I growl, and then I pull the trigger.

I leave the gun in the mess that was his head and walk over to the unconscious woman. I could kill her right now and tie up another loose end. Leave her body here so it looks like a breakout gone bad. Burn it all so no one finds her…

But I can’t.

She fought, and she killed the guard who was trying to sneak up on me. I owe her my life. I hate that, but it’s true. She’s a warrior, she’s more than a victim. She’s a fighter, and she deserves her chance at revenge. Sighing, I lean down, grab her, and cradle her in my arms softly as I step over the bodies.

Leaving the room, I head downstairs, effortlessly carrying her. Down in the hallway, I find one more guard. He’s hiding around a corner, and I stab him on the way past without waking her. I still have to get the other women, so I find the keys while I prop her against the wall in the corridor where they are located. Once I open the doors, they are terrified of me—screaming, crying, and begging. They are doing everything but fighting like my little bitch.

I nod, urging them to go, but when they don’t, I snarl at them and they begin to run. They’ll be fine. Picking her back up, I make sure they are all out before grabbing a hard drive I find. Another door draws my eye, and when I open it, I find myself in an auditorium of some sort with a pit below, the floor coated in blood. The seats are all empty, but it’s clear something horrible happened here. This place needs to be destroyed.

Throwing her over my shoulder, I discover a small kitchen and turn the gas on before checking each and every room carefully for any survivors. I even pull the alarm to alert them, but no one else comes. The front door is unlocked, and as I’m heading through it, she begins to wake up. She’s confused and begins to struggle on my shoulder, but I smack her ass to still her.

Once we’re far enough away, I throw a lighter back inside. I place her on her feet on the cold, wet concrete in the parking lot as she blinks, keeping her hand in mine to steady her as we watch the building go up in flames.

“The women?” she asks, disoriented.


She nods and looks at me. “How do we find them now?”

I flash her the drive, and she smiles before looking back at the burning structure. “You’re free, you can go,” I tell her.

She scoffs, keeping her gaze on the flames. “Not a chance, Boogeyman.” She glances at me. “I want my revenge, like I said.” She turns back to the fire as it roars. “I’m sticking with you for now.”

A part of me likes that and wants her with me as I take these bastards down… I just don’t know why. I don’t trust easily, but for some strange reason, I trust this woman somewhat. Maybe because I see the same demons in her eyes that lurk in mine, or because her motives are the same. Either way, it has me breaking all my rules and doing something I’ve never done before.

“Idris,” I growl over the sound of the flames and the distant sirens.

“Huh?” she asks, looking up at me. Her hand is still in mine, covered in blood, her once white shirt is now stained black and red, and her skin is coated in dirt and blood, her hair too. She’s a beautiful wreck.

“My name is Idris,” I tell her.

Her smile is slow, the fire reflecting in the deep depths of her gaze and crawling lovingly over her face. “Alena. Nice to meet you.”

The building explodes.