Page 7 of Alena's Revenge

Chapter Four


Iknow what they are going to do. I would rather not know or feel it though, so I yank myself forward, choking on the restraints. I stopped caring about their names weeks or maybe even months ago. I call these two Small Dick One and Small Dick Two. They like to work together. One likes to watch while the other plays—it’s what gets them off. Unlike some of the others, they don’t just want my body, they don’t just want to satiate their lust and let their cum drip from my lifeless, ruined form.

No, they want my pain.

They want my screams, and they usually get them. I may be strong, stronger than I ever thought possible, but I always break. They find new ways to rip the agony from my throat in animalistic howls. They laugh, stroking themselves as they hurt me, and only when I’ve passed out and been revived after hours of torture do they finally give in.

They take my body at the same time, leaving me bloodied, scarred, and dripping with their release. Those are the days and nights in which I would kill for the drugs the other girls get to numb the sensations. Fuck, just a shower to remove the feel of their hands.

I get none of that.

If they are here now, though, it means they have pleased the boss. He doesn’t let them loose on me often, hell, on any of the girls. Their tastes are too violent, and it usually kills them… all except me.

Their favourite fucking pet.

“She’s so messed up.” Small Dick One laughs as I choke, my vision blackening as my lungs scream for air.

Please let me pass out, please let me avoid even some of the pain and humiliation to come. I always think I can’t sink lower, that I can’t become more of an animal than I already am.

When you strip away the fancy clothes, makeup, hair, and jewels, that’s all we are.

We are animals just trying to survive, and they have taken me down to rock bottom.

I stretch harder, determined. They want my screams? Fine, but tonight, they will have to work harder for them. I’ll hurt, choke, and kill myself before they leave my throat tonight. I smile at him as I finally pass out, my last thought being,Thank God I don’t have to be awake for this.

* * *

I didn’t passout long enough. I’m just rousing when they toss a bottle of piss over my head. The stench makes me gag as it runs down my face and body, soaking my hair so the wet tendrils dangle over my shoulders. When I open my eyes, they water, and I have to blink through it to see them both smirking at me.

“There’s our favourite pet. Hope you don’t mind that we got started without you,” Small Dick Two taunts with a laugh.

Panting, heart racing, I look down at my body, even as dread fills me at what they could have done while I was out. A small part of me is almost laughing at the fact they did it while I was unconscious so I couldn’t scream, knowing I deprived them of that.

My heart stops in my chest and triples in speed when I observe the damage, which, of course, only makes my blood pump harder. I’m surprised I even have enough left in my body to, but shit. They cut long, clean slices down my legs. There is an inch between each slice, from ankle to hips. How the fuck did I not feel that?

Is my body dying? Am I finally so used to pain that I can ignore it now?

Or is my entire body an aching, rotting wound, so one more drop of pain is insignificant?

My hands are still chained, and I can’t feel them anymore, like two dead weights. My toes scrape across the floor as I jerk my legs to see if I can feel them. They are cold to the bone, even as my bright red blood trails down them. I watch in rapt fascination as it slithers through the dirt like a snake to reveal pale, pink tender skin underneath, then it slides across my foot and toe to eventually drip to the floor.

I hear the buzz of their voices, but I concentrate on that steady stream of blood until a fist grabs my hair and yanks my head back painfully, ripping strands free. Small Dick Two gets in my face with an evil twist of his lips as Small Dick One sneers behind him. “Wakey, wakey, pet. Don’t go dying on us yet, we haven’t even had our fun.”

My mouth is dry, so dry, yet I swirl it around and manage to form enough saliva to spit right in his face. He recoils with a snarl, and I laugh, my head falling forward from exhaustion and malnourishment, yet I still laugh, the sound high-pitched and crazy.

“Small dicks, small dicks, couldn’t get it up without the pain. Small dicks, small dicks, gotta rape to get pussy!” I carry on singing until they get angry.

Good one, Alena, piss off the men torturing you.

But I can’t stop, even as they take their fury out on my body. I laugh through it, each bead of pain bringing me closer to death, to the darkness I will never give in to. Before I die, I will get revenge, and each touch, each scar, each stab of agony moving through me is simply another reason for me to fight.

For me to stay.

For me to get my revenge.

My eye is swelling from their fists, my lip is busted, and my cheeks are split open when they step back. I lick my lip and taste my blood, which is undoubtedly coating my teeth, and I grin, almost snarling like a wild animal. “That all you got?” I croak out. “Pussy.”