With each thrust onto my body, his dick bounced. The black lines drew my eyes. The perfection of his length made me almost jealous, but his ass was just so good. Hot, tight, slick with lube and doing things to me that I couldn't have imagined. He gripped, milking me. He shifted his weight, lining me up where he wanted. Then, when I was clawing at his thighs, trying not to come undone, he rode me even harder.

One hand was gripping his thigh so hard, I could feel his muscles pushing against me each time he lifted up. The other hand caught his waist, and I pulled, driving him back down just as hard as he was willing to take - and it was hard. Fuck, I'd never felt anything like this. I could barely remember to breathe. My skin felt like it was made of shooting stars. My balls were demanding to let go, and I was struggling to hold off, to enjoy this for just one more minute.

But I couldn't. The sound that broke from my lips wasn't something so gentle as a groan. It was a growl of passion, and I wasn't sure I could make it stop. Pleasure washed over me. My entire body throbbed with my release, and nothing else mattered. Time slowed. Ela kept going, kept taking, and I was sure that the euphoria of this was never going to end.

Until his mouth dropped open and his breath caught. Then, for a single heartbeat, our eyes met as his release shot out, marking me as his, staining the harsh black shapes of my bastardized lace. Then I could finally breathe again, but I couldn't remember how to move.

"Fuck me," I mumbled.

He leaned forward to kiss me sweetly while lifting off my body. Free, Ela dropped onto the bed beside me, but he didn't pull his lips away. No, he tugged me to the side so we were once again lying there, facing each other. It didn't matter that we both were a mess. I just wanted to keep touching him, to make sure that this was real and I wasn't about to wake up.

"So you know," he whispered when he finally broke the kiss, "I love you even more for convincing Anver to take her."

"Did you feel his reaction?" I asked.

"Mhm," he agreed. "And that's why I said I love you more." His eyes jumped between mine. "I love him too, you know."

"I know," I promised. "You never stopped. None of you did, not even Wraythe. That's why we work, Ela."

"No, we work because we trust each other," he corrected. "Because we tried not trusting, and it only hurt us. This? It's so much better."

Chapter 36


Iwas meddling. I should probably feel guilty about that, and yet I didn't. A little nudge was all it took to tempt Talin, and that finally gave my dearest friend the chance to take his next step. Oh, and what a step it was. Growth wasn't always about making a scene. Sometimes it was about simply accepting what was right before our eyes.

And once Anver took that step, he nudged Nari. She had finally done something that was just for herself, and I was proud of her too. The furniture she'd picked was beautiful, feminine, and functional. The colors were soft, which was at odds with everything else in her life. The fabrics were sensual, and the cushions felt plush. And because of her choices, she'd even picked out a few completely frivolous things.

Naturally, I made sure that Anver's pouch of lost coins was full enough to cover those little luxuries. It made him feel both useful and a little bit chivalrous to pay. Shalsa handled the arrangements of it all, showing Nari just how easy it was to take charge, and Irila played the part of the quiet, elegant protector, showing Anver how it was done.

I peeked. I shouldn't have - I'd told Nari that I would respect her privacy, and yet I couldn't help myself. As I moved between the needs of my new faithful, I kept turning my attention on my Chosen, finding myself smiling more often than not. As the weekend wore on, the five of them made me see just how important those little things in life could be.

But they weren't the only thing I had to pay attention to. Charisma was in a panic. No matter how loud she screamed, her priests couldn't even sense her. Nudging them was almost beyond her power now. She was convinced that she would fade away this year if a miracle didn't happen, and she couldn't even keep up with how her own temple was being run.

Will was in the same position, but he used his invisibility to his advantage. Reclining in the corner of High Priest Haylea's office, my brother listened to the debates about how his High Priestess should take advantage of the shifting balance between the temples and the barons. Bode said that his High Priest, Arion, had received a letter from Haylea, but the man had crumpled it up and thrown it into the garbage, and all it had taken was a subtle little push.

And while I couldn't talk to Kinen, two of my sisters didn't have that problem with their own leadership. Savi stormed into Rebexa's private rooms and demanded to know what was going on. Merci waited until Viyan was alone in his office to ask him. I couldn't follow into their temples, but they both returned to the mists of our world with nothing but bad news.

What had started with nothing more complicated than Nari refusing to back down had escalated into a situation that was now out of our control. Kinen had no money. The Baron of Temptation was avoiding all contact. The covenant that had always existed between the priesthood and the citizenry was cracking, leaving a space for the power balance to shift.

Naturally, Ambition wanted to fill that gap. Inspiration cared about nothing but the next creation, but Perception could see a complete restructuring of society. Compassion was convinced that this situation was going to get out of hand and had encouraged a meeting of all six High Priests to sort it out. Ambition was annoyed with that, Temptation lashed out, telling the other temples to back off, and Intuition refused to be drawn in.

"What am I supposed to do?" Charisma begged the rest of us. "Julyen is so focused on his latest work that he isn't even managing the normal temple business, let alone all of this!"

Bode murmured in understanding. "Arion went straight to his bookshelf. He keeps thinking that the answers will be found through research, not his own ability to follow his gut."

Will just let out a heavy sigh. "I can't fault Haylea. She's doing everything she should - except believing in me."

"Can you nudge her at all?" Merci asked.

Will shook his head. "I don't think so. I'm willing to try, but I'm just spending what divinity I have left."

And then all eyes turned to me. "You have the Five," Savi pointed out.

"I have pushed them too hard already," I tried to explain. "They're still young, barely adults. They have - "

"Saved you!" Charisma shrieked. "You are the only one of us who is safe, Zeal. Why can't you ask them to help us?"