Maela's entire body relaxed as if she'd been braced for the worst. "She's dancing with just about every eligible man that your mother can throw her at. Thankfully, having Haryth with me means that I have an easy excuse to decline. So, I've been trying to meet all of Nari's family that I can instead."

"Jeerad and Cesyr are around here somewhere," Kynsana explained. "They said the group of you had been delayed by the High Priest needing to talk to you, though. Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine," Nari assured her. "I actually really like your High Priest. Viyan seems like a very kind and considerate man."

"Oh, he's amazing," Kynsana admitted. "Granted, we are the Temple of Compassion. We tend to choose our leaders for kindness along with all their other traits. He's only been in the position for a few years, though. I think I was in my fourth year when he was voted in."

"Which is more than a few years ago," Maela teased. "It was before I was married. In truth, before I'd even met Tath." Then she looked over at Talin. "Not that I would change becoming a Ranndor for anything."

Talin's entire body seemed to relax. I knew what had happened that morning at the baron's residence. While Zeal's description had been short, it had also been rather graphic. Tath Ranndor had tried to force himself on Nari, and she had been more than willing to fight back. What Tath hadn't expected was for all of her guardians to step in as well.

Talin had prevented anyone from stopping them, but Wraythe, Ela, and Nari had given the man everything he wanted - and then some. The problem was that they hadn't given him any privacy while they did it. Tath had intended to rape a priestess in his own home, so Ela had made sure that he would never do it again. The scene had been intense, painful, and a shock to the entire noble household who had witnessed it.

And now, it seemed that things had been left unsaid. Talin and Maela were testing each other with polite words, all too aware of the many ears around us. Nari was fine. I could tell she was because I could actually feel it. As far as I cared, that was all that mattered. Then again, I didn't exactly have a lot of experience with the nobility. I could, however, give them a little nudge to work it out.

"Ela, why don't you ask Kynsana for a dance?" I suggested.

"And what if I wanted to dance with Nari?" he teased.

I just lifted my hand, offering it to our girl. "Then I think you have to wait your turn, because I'm stealing her first."

Wraythe chuckled. "And I saw where the drinks are. I'll make sure to get refreshments for the four of you, so spin her a few extra times, Ela."

Nari took my hand and let me lead her towards the dance floor. As we walked, both of us looked back to make sure that Talin and Maela were actually going to talk about this. The last thing we needed were words left unsaid. The last time that had happened, it had taken me three years to get my friends back.

Chapter 4


As everyone else began to wander away, I turned Maela just enough to keep our conversation private from those who might be watching. On her hip, Haryth was chewing on his hand, the boy's big blue eyes watching me suspiciously. I thought about asking to hold him, but I wasn't sure that would be a good idea. Not yet.

"I just..." I tried, not quite sure how to start this conversation. "Maela, this morning..."

She sighed and shook her head, the gesture feeling like it was more about her husband than anything we had done. The problem was that what we'd done had crossed lines. What Tath had done was wrong. What Ela had done had been deserved, but I wasn't sure my family would agree. And Maela? That was herhusbandwe had abused!

"They got Tath to his room," she said, her eyes locked on her son. "He didn't come out before I left the residence to come here. He knows he was wrong, Talin."

"Yeah, but what we did..."

"He deserved," she hissed, struggling to keep her voice down with the intensity ripping through it. "That man tried to rape my closest friend! He brought a priestess into our home for his pleasure. Not because Nari is now our family. Not because he wanted to show his respect to the temple. He wanted to put me in my place. Don't you get that? Even worse, he was willing to hurt how many others in order to do it? Me, you, Nari, Ela, Wraythe, and even his own mother! I hope he's too ashamed to show his face again!"

I lifted my hands in a silent request for Haryth. "So you don't blame Nari?"

She passed over my nephew. "Not at all," she assured me. "I am so..." Maela pulled in a strong breath through her nose, then pushed it out as she caressed Haryth's head. "Once, Tath was exciting, handsome, and alluring. I fell in love with how confident he was. I just never realized it was all a lie. He has spent his entire life living alie."

My head twitched at that. "What do you mean?"

"I heard what he begged for," she admitted. "I was right there. I saw almost all of that. Well, at least from when Ela got his pants off. I heard my husband beg for a man's attention. Beg, Talin. The very same thing he lords over Thiemo's head, he was willing to grovel to get, and now he's so ashamed - but about the wrong things! Not what he did. Not how he treated me, his sister, his brothers, or his guests! He's only ashamed that others know!" She paused, aware her voice was getting too loud because Haryth looked like he was thinking about crying. "Hush, my sweet boy," she told him.

So I bounced him a few times. "Your momma's allowed to rage, kiddo. She's the Baroness of Temptation. I am starting to think it's part of the job."

Maela chuckled, but the sound was dry. "Well, I have no intention of stopping. Tath picked me because I was quiet and demure. He thought that would make me easy to control, but Zeal said something." She stopped to lick her lips, then glanced over her shoulder. "He said that he picked Tath because of me. He wanted me to do this, and Merci said that she approves of me stepping up to be a part of Temptation."

"Because they're all siblings," I agreed.

"Butme!" Maela said again. "I was born into Compassion, Talin. I was supposed to be a dutiful wife, produce heirs for some man's fortune, and never draw too much attention. Zeal offered me more, and there's a price for that. This is mine." Her hand dropped to smooth down her dress over her belly, pausing for a moment over her womb. "An heir and a spare. Ranndor children to continue Zeal's chosen line."

"And a woman strong enough to teach them how to properly worship their god," I reminded her. "Maela, you are so much more than a baby-maker."