I made my way to the kitchen to boil the water. "It's about Nari and Maela."

"It's trash," he countered. "I told Maela not to worry about it." Then he paused as Talin made his way into the living area through the dressing room door. "The only reason people care is because it makes the temple leadership and the barony leadership both look like fools while the 'lowly' priestess looks like the hero of this story. Well, heroine."

"Which means there's more tension in Calseth than we realized," I grumbled.

Talin waved me off. "Go get a shirt, Ela. Nari's in the shower. I think Wraythe is stirring, but I could be wrong."

"Let them sleep," Thiemo told me. "I honestly just wanted to sit and talk about men, women, pastries, and bad gossip. I just want..."

"A friend," I realized, seeing a hint of something in his eyes.

But if Talin wanted to make my tea, I'd let him, and I really did need a shirt. Not necessarily a nice one, but something to cover my bare chest. The temple wasn't kept warm enough to dress like this in the middle of winter. Yet while I rummaged for clean clothes, my mind went right back to that look on Thiemo's face.

The man knew how to smile when it was expected, how to keep his face schooled when he should, and how to hide his reactions. Talin did as well. Tath had tried until he was pushed too far. All of the Ranndor men had been trained to play a part, and I wasn't sure they'd ever learned any other option.

That was why Tath was still hiding in his room. He couldn't face the reality of not being "good enough" because he wasn't merely a facade of a man. Talin had been making an effort lately, but I wasn't sure he realized just how much his place in society limited him. Thiemo, however, acted like his rank was a burden that he'd love to shuck off. He knew he wasn't a "proper" man, which was why he was so willing to cause scandals.

That didn't mean it was easy to be accepted for who he really was, though.

Which was why he was here. I quickly got dressed, peeking my head into the bedroom to tell Wraythe it was just Thiemo and to let Anver sleep, and then headed back. If Talin's brother was willing to put in this much effort to be accepted, then I was going to make sure he knew we accepted him. Who knew, we might actually become friends, but that all depended on him.

When I made it back to the main room, Talin and his brother were both sitting at the table, discussing Nari's last session. "The man looked like he wanted to tear her head off," Talin was saying. "I didn't recognize him, but our instructor said he's related to the Ambition nobility."

"Yeah, and there's a lot of people refusing to pay taxes in that barony," Thiemo admitted. "I mean, it isAmbition'sbarony! Makes sense that they'd want to keep their money, pride, or whatever else."

Talin lifted his head, his eyes landing on me, and then he smiled. "Your tea is on the counter, Ela. The pastries really are worth trying."

I grabbed the cup on my way to the table, then dropped into a chair. "If high society is blaming Nari for the troubles they're having, how bad is her next session going to be? Should I tell Saval to make it a partnership?"

"I wouldn't be opposed," Talin admitted.

Thiemo murmured like he had his own opinions. "Well, I was actually thinking I should make a request for that one."

"Nothing says you can't..." I taunted, making it clear that was an offer.

But Thiemo jerked his chin at Talin. "You missed the part where he almost killed a man for touching her."

"Slapping," Talin corrected.

"And Tath?" Thiemo asked. "Tell me, Tal. Just how thrilled were you about watching your brother cram his dick in your woman?"

Talin's lip twitched in something that really wanted to be a snarl, but what he said was, "She's a Priestess of the Body. At least as her main Path."

"Mhm," Thiemo teased. "But it's different watching some hot guy fuck her than it is watching your brother do it. I mean, no offense or anything, but I'm not into incest."

I leaned forward to grab one of the pastries. "Why do you do that, Talin?"

"Do what?" he asked.

"Your brother knows you love Nari. So why do you try to be the perfect little guardian in front of him?" I took a bite, pausing to appreciate how well lemon worked with this flakey crust. "Mm..." I said, looking at Thiemo to show I approved of his breakfast choice. Then I swallowed and my attention was back on Talin. "The moment you get around your family, you slap on this..."

"Mask," Talin finished before I could find the right word. "I know. I'm trying to stop."

"It's hard," Thiemo said. "Manners were so ingrained into us, and at such a young age. You remember what Dad would do if we fidgeted, Tal?"

"Clasp the back of my neck hard enough to make me think he was going to snap it," Talin admitted.

"He used to slap the back of my head," Thiemo admitted. "Hard enough to ring my bell, mind you. Yeah. I learned how to be a polite little statue, and fast." But he leaned back and looked at me. "It's the only way we know how to play the game, Ela. I'm trying to figure out this other world you live in, but I feel like a fish trying to fly with the sparrows."