Maela's body finally relaxed. "That's actually not a bad idea. I would like to invite all of you." She turned to look at Anver. "Including you. I'll leave it up to you as to whether your ward comes or not."

"Not," Anver said without hesitation. "Tishlie's partner, Ciella, is helping Kinen. The last thing you need is to bring either one into your home. Besides, it would horrify her if I got an invite into any society function without her."

"Then I will make sure it's clearly for you and you alone," Maela promised.

I lifted a finger, catching their attention. "Does anything change for her at the age of eighteen? Isn't this when she's seen as a legal adult?"

"Taxes," Maela admitted. "Although, while she lives in the baron's household, she's exempt. Otherwise, women do not get the same privileges as men."

"And that is a law that has always been read wrong," Zeal grumbled. "It states citizens. I was clear that all of those who live in my barony are either citizens or priests."

"Well, regardless of what the law states," Maela told him, "no business would sell property to a woman. No one would lend money to a woman. So, the reality is very different from the legality." Then she turned to look at all of us in turn. "But I know she would want all of you there. She keeps asking to come with me to these lunches, but Pia strictly forbids it. She says that innocent girls should not be exposed to the casual conversations we have so easily. So, at least say you'll come to her party?"

"I will," I promised. "That means the five of us will."

Amerlee looked over at Shalsa. "I think we should. We can even go as someone else's dates."

"Oh, now that is an idea," Shalsa agreed. "I know that a few of the barons would love to have us on their arms."

"Faylie?" Maela pressed.

The woman looked over at Ela. "Would that ruin your night?"

"Not at all," he promised. "Besides, I think Quin has earned the right to be your date, not simply your shadow."

"Then yes," Faylie promised. "Because I would love to attend a function where I don't have to ignore my own guardian."

"Thank you," Quin mouthed at Ela, and for the first time, he looked like he didn't hate my partner.

Ela just tipped his head in response, but I'd also noticed something else. Maela had just mentioned her relationship with Yamina, and no one had batted an eye. She was having an affair, cheating on the baron who was tied to our temple, but the loyalty of this group was firmly with Maela, not her husband.

While the conversation went on around me, I looked down the table at Zeal. He casually sipped at his tea, but the corner of his lip curled. That meant he knew what I was thinking - or at least could guess. He'd said that his power was stronger, so was he doing this? Had he tempted all of us to -

"No," Zeal said softly, turning to look at me.

But his words came out of nowhere, interrupting the rest. "No to what?" Ela asked.

"Nari was wondering if I had tempted all of you to be loyal to Maela over her husband. I did not. I never needed to," Zeal explained. "I would have, but there is no point in wasting my power for something that Maela has done so well on her own. She was true to the Priests of Temptation, so those of you who know her naturally find yourself respecting her."

"Me?" Maela asked.

Zeal simply canted his head in acknowledgement. "I did say that you could do this. You have. You should also announce the child soon. I promise that it will stay."

Faylie gasped, looking up at Maela with a smile growing on her face. "You're pregnant?"

"I am," Maela agreed. "Barely. Just eight weeks, and it hasn't quickened."

"Did you want to know the gender?" Zeal asked as he reached for a pastry in the middle of the table.

"You can do that?" Quin asked.

"The soul knows," Zeal assured him. "So, yes."

Maela's hand dipped under the table. "Please?"

"A girl," Zeal said, sounding rather proud. "A very healthy girl."

A rush of air fell from Maela's lips, and she closed her eyes for a moment. Then, she suddenly laughed. "I suppose I don't have to pray to you if you're here. Thank you, Zeal. I wanted at least one of each. I'd hoped for more, but I'm not sure it'll ever happen, so at least I get a son and a daughter."