"You ok?" I asked, unable to place the way she was feeling.

"This whole thing seems weird to me," Nari admitted. "Shouldn't someone's first time be..." She pushed out a breath. "Special?"

"Was yours?" I asked. "Assuming you hadn't seen me afterwards."

"It was," she admitted. "I found passion. I learned about lust. I met a sweet and kind man who made me feel like I was the center of his world for a moment. Maybe it wasn't forever, and we certainly weren't in love, but youwerespecial, Talin."

Yeah, I liked that. A lot, if I was honest. Struggling to keep from smiling like an idiot, I nodded at her words. "How is that really different from what you're offering this young man?"

She paused mid-step and looked at me with her lips parted in surprise. "Huh?"

"Someone to make him feel like the center of her world. A beautiful woman to make sure he's special. How is that different from you finding me?"

"Because his father arranged it," she admitted. "It makes me feel like he's being pressured, no different from Yamina. That's why I'm not excited about this."

"He's nineteen," I reminded her.

"Anver's even older," she countered, proving her point a little too well.

But before I could answer, there was a knock at the door. Lifting a brow, I waited until Nari nodded, then turned to answer. Behind me, I could hear her moving to the tray of finger foods. Next, I heard the clink of glass and realized she'd found wine just as I turned the knob and checked to see who was on the other side.

My eyes landed on a young man first. He was tall and a little overweight, but his nose was the most obvious feature on his face. Right behind him was a scowling older man who was clearly related. They both had the same profile and similar height. The moment they saw me, the older man thrust out his arm, trying to force the door open. My foot was there, preventing it from flying out of my hand, so I caught the edge, making it clear that I was the one in charge here.

"This is a session for one, not two," I told them, glancing over at the younger man. "I'm assuming you're the patron?"

"He's my son," the older guy said just as the younger man's mouth tried to move.

"The session is still for one," I said as calmly as I could. "We are not prepared to host two tonight. That means only one of you may come in. I will leave it for you both to decide who."

"Dad," the younger man finally managed to get out. "I'm pretty sure I can handle this on my own."

"I just want to see the woman," the father insisted. "I need to make sure that she's adequate for my oldest son."

I felt the pressure of Nari's fingers on my back, making it clear that she was willing to be shown off. The problem was that I didn't agree. They wanted a session, not to rank her beauty like she was some pig being judged for slaughter! The way this man was demanding, as if Nari was here to do his bidding, made me understand all the darkness and rage Ela wanted to turn on these people.

And yet I opened the door a little wider. "Allow me to introduce my ward, Priestess Nariana."

"Good evening, gentlemen," Nari said.

"It's her," the father breathed, his face contorting with disgust.

I glanced back to see what he was talking about, since that did not sound like a compliment. Nari was wearing a pretty dress that shouldn't be a problem. It was cut low enough in front to show off not only her cleavage, but also the lace above, yet wasn't tasteless. Her sleeves were short enough to show almost all of the lace on her arms, and her legs peeked from the bottom just enough to show the swirls at her ankles. If anything, the outfit was more sedate than most priestesses would be wearing tonight.

But the man pushed forward again, this time against my arm. "She's the one they say talks to gods. The reason my crop haulers are demanding more money!"

"What?" Nari gasped. I could feel her confusion, but my eyes were locked on the anger on this man's face.

"You're the bitch that is making the ruckus," the old man said, loud enough this time that his voice was verging on a yell. "We've all heard about you and your foolish ideas. Gods - bah! What would gods want from whores? And you aren't even marked right, proving just how useless these fucking temples really are."

The moment he started ranting, I braced up, because there was no way I'd let him in now. Normally, a hand on someone's chest was enough, but this man sounded like he'd confused Nari with some story he'd read. And worse, with each word he spit in her direction, his face was getting more and more red, making it clear that this was a big deal to him.

"That's enough," I snapped as soon as he took a breath. "You need to step back, sir. My duty is to protect my priestess, and you clearly are not interested in a session with her. Now, if your son would like to come in - "

Which was when the man shoved both hands into my shoulders. I tried to rock with it, absorbing the motion, but he was big enough, strong enough, and heavy enough to push me back. My fingers slipped off the edge of the door. I had to move my foot to keep my balance. The door flew against the wall with a loud crack, and complete rage took over my body.

"Out!" I roared, dropping my shoulder as I slammed forward, into this man.

That lowered my hand, so the moment I had him back in the hallway, I yanked my dagger from its sheath. That boy was back there somewhere, too close to my desire, and I would die before I let anyone hurt her. I didn't know what their problem was, and the truth was that I didn't really care. This fool was strong enough to move me, so I needed to make sure he was far enough back that he could never reach Nari.