"And someone?" Talin asked again.

Migard glanced away. "Well, the handwriting... I mean, it could be, but..."

"What?" Jamik asked. "They're not angry with you, priest. Just confused."

"I don't think I wrote that number," Migard blurted out. "It was written over the correct room, altering the first number by going over it. The last number was scratched out the way I do when I make a mistake, and the new one was written beside it. It looked like a normal correction, I thought, but then I realized that the way we assigned the halls… I just don't know how someone would have the chance to alter my paperwork! It had to be me. Maybe I was tired?"

Jamik stepped closer and clasped the man's shoulder. "Is there any way I can get that paper when you're done with it?"

"Why?" Migard asked, completely confused.

"Because I just happen to be Nari's mentor on the Path of Protection, and for the last two years, someone has been trying to cause problems for her. It's very likely that itwasaltered."

Migard looked over at me. "I will be sure to keep all of your records locked up from now on. Eladehl's too." He lifted the key I had originally. "This room is assigned to a pain session, Priestess. One where the patron wants to tie and abuse his priestess. Blood play." He quickly licked his lips. "That's why I ran. I would never assign you to something like that. I... I'm so sorry. I almost made a horrible mistake, and I hope you can forgive me."

"You're fine, Migard," I said, catching his hand in mine. "You fixed it. That's what matters, right?"

The little man's lips curled into a smile. "I certainly hope so. My obsessive nature has never been seen as a good thing before, but I'm starting to think it may have saved the day."

"I like your obsessive nature," I assured him. "Now, make sure the right priest or priestess has their key. Thank you."

He jiggled his head, then looked up at Jamik. "Tomorrow, I won't need those papers anymore. Where would you like me to deliver them?"

"Amerlee's office," Jamik told him.

Migard nodded. "Then I will, becauseno onefucks with my priests. Especially not the Chosen of Zeal." Then he turned and did his best to storm back up the hall, inadvertently looking a little adorable as he did so.

"Now he," Jamik pointed out, "is infatuated with you, Nari." And he stepped back. "But that does explain why you're on this ring. You should be on the first. That's where the Entertainment and Sensuality specialists are tonight."

"And the second?" I asked, thinking of Ela's room.

"This end is Control's overflow. The lighter sessions. The other side is for Exotics."

"Ela's there," I told Jamik. "If anything goes wrong..."

"I'll pay attention," he promised as Talin turned me back to the main hall.

"Sorry about the dagger," he said softly. "I just felt someone pull you away from me."

Biting my lower lip, I looked up at him. "I promise I am not complaining at all. In fact, it was a little hot to see my guardian get all dangerous like that."

He leaned in towards my ear and dropped his voice. "How hot? Because that might convince me to lose my manners a little more often."

"If I said my panties are now wet, is that enough?" I asked.

Catching my chin, he turned my face enough to meet my eyes. "And if I said I like that too much? This is just us, Nari. No Ela. No Wraythe or Anver. Just you, me, and your patron, and I want to watch you show that boy the best time of his life." He smiled, and it was the kind of look that would've fit perfectly on Ela's face. "And if you get me hard by just watching, then I'll make that bed in front of the fire and spend all night reminding you that my ring doesn't work at all."

I hooked my finger in his ascot and pulled him closer. "Now that is a dare that I can't ignore. But not tonight. No, if I'm getting a night with you, I want all night withjust you."

"And now, this is going to be a very good session," he said, moving me forward again.

Chapter 26


We reached the room and I stole the key from Nari's hand. Unlocking the door, I gestured for her to enter first. As I closed it behind us, I remembered Saval saying that we should leave them unlocked if we could. I had a funny feeling that tonight's patron wouldn't know if that was normal or not, so it shouldn't even raise an eyebrow.

Across the room, Nari was looking at the flowers and candies that had been laid out. Instead of an entire assortment of chocolates, however, this room had a selection of finger foods, and only half were sweet. It was more common fare, but the sort of thing that could keep a couple's energy up for a long night, and tonight could last until the early hours of morning - at the patron's discretion.