Chapter 23


Drandir took my message over to Peyron. Peyron sent a reply back that evening letting me know he was busy the next day, but would love to see me in the middle of the week. His letter said that he'd been thinking about me a lot lately - well, us - and that he would love a visit. It didn't matter if that was one person, five people, for a few hours, or for all night. As far as he cared, we were always welcome in the Temple of Perception.

At some point during the next day, I started getting excited about this. Nari kept pestering me about how I had to remember everything so I could tell her all about it. She asked if I knew what I was wearing, and fantasized about Peyron showing me off as he led me to his room. In truth, I loved her more for it.

There was something amazing about the way she could make me feel like this was the best thing for us. Nari didn't know how to be jealous - not anymore. Instead, she lost herself in her excitement for my own success. It was the moments like this when I realized just how important her friendship was to me. Not simply her love, but also her companionship, support, and trust.

So, when the day finally came, she was the one who asked to help when choosing what to wear. I didn't want to dress too nice and intimidate the guy. I also didn't want to dress too casually and make it look like I wasn't trying to impress him - because I was. Peyron was a beautiful man. He was intelligent, considerate, and had a body that I could lose myself in.

Nari pulled out a boring white shirt and had me roll up the sleeves to show off my arms. That went with a pair of pants that hugged my ass but were loose in the legs. At Wraythe's suggestion, I left the buttons open at my collar, making the outfit look casual, yet everything had been picked to show off my best assets. Then I threw a long coat over all of it, kissed my three lovers, and headed out with Wraythe on my heels.

It was a long, cold walk from the Temple of Temptation to the Temple of Perception. Snow had just started falling again, and the frozen grass crunched under my feet. Beside me, Wraythe's breath fogged before his face and my guardian's gaze kept looking over to me.

"What?" I finally asked.

"This looks good on you," he said. "You should also know that I like Peyron."

I gasped, making a production of it. "You mean you finally found a man who gets you interested?"

A laugh burst from his throat. "No. Wrong kind of like. All I'm saying is that he's a good side piece for you two. He knows his place, isn't going to pull you and Nari apart, and Talin seems okay with him. In truth, I wouldn't have a problem with Talin going to visit him either."

Which was something I honestly hadn't considered. Sure, Nari had brought it up, but that had been theoretical. Still, Zeal had put all five of us on the Path of Temptation. That meant that we wereallPriests of the Body. For me, that was accepted, but for our guardians? I was so used to the idea of them being ours and only ours that I'd never considered Wraythe or Talin being with anyone else like that. Anver wouldn't be interested in a fuck date, but what would I do if Wraythe or Talin wanted to?

"Would you do it?" I asked Wraythe.

His brow furrowed in confusion. "Do what?"

"Have a fling with someone outside of us?"

He quickly shook his head. "I promise that if I'm gonna kiss anyone else, it will be you. Sex? That's just for Nari. Believe it or not, I actually understand how Anver feels about this. The thought of sticking my dick in anyone else? It's just not that appealing. I want the emotional connection, and I have that with all of you. I might look, but that's as much as I want from anyone else."

I nodded, somehow not surprised by his answer. Wraythe had always been Nari's in a way that was so pure and perfect for him. Talin was different. He'd had lovers before we met him. No, he hadn't necessarily had sex with them, but that had been the temple rules and not his own.

"I feel that," Wraythe pointed out. "Sounds like that jealousy has come full circle, huh?"

I could only chuckle, because he was right. "It's not fair and I know it. I just don't like the idea of Talin being with someone else without us. With us? That seems fine. I don't even care if it's him and Nari with someone else. No, that's a lie. It's him and Nari. The thought of me and him screwing someone else without her? It feels wrong."

Wraythe jogged up the steps to the back door of the Temple of Perception, but paused before he reached for the handle. "So the great and powerful Eladehl does have a few limits. I mean, you know that Nari would be fine with it. That means it'syourlimit, Ela. Just something to think about."

Then he pulled the door open, gesturing for me to go first. I stepped inside and was assaulted with green. It wasn't that there was so much, just that it was vastly different from what I was used to seeing. A group of priestesses in green robes were walking away from us. A priest in a green shirt had paused to look out the window. Subtle aspects of the temple's trim, and just about every piece of cloth used as decoration were all in some shade of green.

"Can I help you?" a young woman asked, walking up to me when I'd been distracted by the verdant color.

I looked over at her and smiled. "I'm supposed to meet Priest Peyron. I'm just too lazy to walk all the way around to the front."

"I actually know where he is," the woman told me. "I just passed by him in the nave a moment ago. If you'd like to follow me, I can show you there."

"We'd appreciate that," I told her.

So I got a miniature tour. The woman gestured to various landmarks as we passed them, showing me how to find my way for the next time I came. She also didn't bat an eye at the weapons or black clothing Wraythe was wearing. Clearly, she knew I was a Priest of Temptation, but she didn't seem to care.

"Priest Peyron?" she asked as we rounded the corner and stepped into the nave. Then she gestured in his direction. "If you need help finding your way out, priest, then anyone will be happy to help you," she assured me before turning away.

Peyron stood against the far wall, letting the pale marble hold him up. There was a smirk twisting his lips and he had a beautiful woman standing beside him. Yes, I noticed Savi, but she couldn't distract from Peyron's sensuality. The man was alluring in a way I couldn't get enough of.

"Goddess," Wraythe greeted her.