"And here I was hoping we were his favorite priests," I joked.

Ela pressed his back against the wall and guided me toward his chest. "There's nothing saying that's not still true," he pointed out. "And if you turn slightly to your left, you will notice that Anver looks about as excited to be here as Wraythe does."

Naturally, I turned my head, stealing a glimpse. Sure enough, Tishlie was leaning over one of the desks, stabbing her finger at the paperwork before her. The priestess who appeared to be her scheduler looked like she wanted to scream in frustration. Anver was simply rubbing his brow as if he had a headache starting.

Wraythe murmured thoughtfully. "I'm thinking we might order dinner in the room tonight," he suggested. "I'll add a bottle of something to help him deal with the pain he's suffering right now."

"Actually," Ela said, "there is something I wanted us all to talk about. Not a big deal, it's just something Saval mentioned earlier that I want to run past all of you. I also really need to know what our assignment is going to be before I can figure out what the hell I'm going to do about it."

"Sounds ominous," Talin teased.

"It's really not," Ela promised. "It has more to do with finishing my certifications. As of right now, I'm only allowed to do pain sessions when Nari is around. There's going to be a lot of times when Nari isn't around. I honestly think I have control of this thing, but it's not something I should decide on my own."

I nodded, because that was basically what he'd told me earlier. He was also right. It wasn't really anything to worry about, but it was something that we all needed to be on the same page about. Ela was dangerous at times. At least he could be. Unfortunately, it was unlikely that every session we had after we graduated would be one where we could work together. The temple simply didn't operate that way.

Thankfully, it didn't take long before Migard finished up with the priest he'd been talking to. Although, rather than waving us over, he grabbed a stack of papers and came to see us. In all honesty, I got the impression that it was simply an issue of how much space he had at his desk and the number of students trying to crowd the priests on either side of him.

"Nari. Ela," the man said as he reached us. "My two favorite students."

"Do you say that to all of us?" I teased, making sure my tone didn't sound like a reprimand. "Because if you loved us, you would have been waiting for us instead of serving someone else."

He laughed. "If only that were an option. Sadly, each scheduler runs between ten and twenty priests. The fact that I have both of you actually makes it easier, because I can run you two mostly together."

"So that means we're sharing this session?" Ela asked.

Migard's face fell. "I said mostly. It seems that with this batch of sessions, there's been an unexpected level of interest. We have members from all areas of society asking for a wide range of things. Anything that counts as a new experimentation got placed with the student assignments." He glanced over at Ela. "We also have a shortage of Control specialists. So, that means we have options."

"What kind of options?" I asked.

"For you, Nariana," Migard said, "I have a very shy, attractive, and nervous young man. He is nineteen years old, a virgin, and his father is pressuring him to make sure he knows what he's doing in bed before he tries to find himself a wife. The man was very adamant that he was only interested in a pretty woman. Naturally, I thought of you."

"Where's the option?" Ela asked.

"Well, that depends on you, actually," Migard told him. "I know that you are not a dominant. I also get the impression that you can fake it very well. We have two options for you to choose from. The first is a man who wants to be flogged. His request is for someone to leave red welts on his skin, and teach him the seduction in being shamed. The second option is a young woman who was hoping to understand the sensuality of submission to her husband. She is interested in being tied up, directed as to how to please a man, but doesn't want any physical pain."

"Not really a lot of good choices," Wraythe pointed out.

"Well, I could always get you a display session, except they all seem to want a woman to be tied up, abused, and then allowed to fuck her. That sounds like you, Ela, but it comes awfully close to quite a few of Nari's limits, so I passed. I assumed that the two of you would rather have separate sessions than do something that pushes your boundaries."

"If you're in the room…" I tried.

Ela just waved me down. "No, I have no problem with taking the woman. I want to say I could take the man, but I can't yet guarantee that I wouldn't cross the line with that one, and it comes too close to a pain session, which I'm not cleared for yet."

"Your instructor assured me that if you thought you could handle it, then she would approve it for you," Migard said.

"The woman's fine," Ela promised. "It sounds to me as if she might be looking for something a little more sensual and a lot less submissive."

"I was thinking the same thing," Migard admitted. "And Nari, the guy you'll be with wants nothing more than a good first time."

"It's actually a common thing in wealthier families," Talin explained. "The concept of a man who's never had sex is embarrassing to the family. If he doesn't know what to do with his wife, then she might tell her friends, and that would reflect poorly on all the men with that last name. I know my father had priestesses sent to the house for all of my brothers. Same idea, but it sounds like this man has a little less power."

"Which is something I can easily handle," I assured them. "Sadly, this isn't a session I'm overly excited for, because virginity isn't really my kink."

"It'll be more sensuality than anything," Migard admitted. "Unfortunately, even Zeal's Chosen will end up with a few tedious sessions. Although I can't help but wonder if this young man will ever realize just how lucky he's gotten. There will be many people who will pay a lot of money for just a chance to look at your lace, let alone touch you. Keep that in mind, Nariana. And Eladehl, if you have any reservations, or change your mind, just let me know. I understand this is not your usual assignment, so I'm willing to shuffle things around if I can."

"I will," Ela said. "As always, you've done a good job for us, Migard."

So Migard passed us the associated paperwork that came with these requests. Talin took them both, and the four of us turned back for the door. Still more priests were coming in. One of them happened to be Ciella, who sneered at me, but I ignored her. Still, I could only imagine how insane the area under the dome was going to be at the end of the week. Every room would be occupied.