"No," Thiemo agreed. "I saw that for myself. I'm just curious if you're always cruel, Ela, or if you can be gentle at all?"

"I can be gentle," Ela assured him. "My rules are simple. Set your limits beforehand. Do not try to hurt the woman I love. That's it."

"I," Thiemo told him, "am smart enough to know that I should stay far away from my brother's desire. You, however..." And his smile held a very obvious offer.

"Your brother throws me down in bed and has his way with my ass," Ela countered. "He will let me grab him by the throat and hold him against the wall as I have my way with him. Nari may be my desire, but Talin is definitely my lover." Then he tilted his head towards Anver. "And so is he. I'll gladly let that man tell me what to do, and that includes doing your brother. Still think flirting with me is a good idea?"

Instead, Thiemo looked at me. "And you're not jealous about him having other partners?"

"Doesn't work like that," Wraythe told him. "Ela and Nari are following the Path of the Body. They have sexual sessions. We watch. We keep them safe."

"Which is very different from fucking yourbrother," Thiemo countered, refusing to look away from me. "I'm honestly curious, because your boyfriend is gorgeous, and Shalsa said that I should request him for one of these student sessions you do as initiates."

"I don't care if you fuck him," I promised. "I know that he'll come home to me. He'll also never love you."

"Don't want him to love me," Thiemo assured me. "I just want him to show me how to not be an idiot the next time I get to be with Zayr. I would like my instructor to be sexy enough to turn me on. That'swhyI'm asking, Tal. I'm not Tath. I'm not trying to pretend to be something I'm not. I have no interest in being a respectable gentleman in society, and fuck my brother if he has a problem with that."

"Ela already did," I said, the words coming out flatter than I'd hoped.

Thiemo ducked his head and laughed once. "Yeah, good point. Look, I'm into some perverse stuff, ok? I like men. I like to be tied up. I get off on it when things get a little rough, but Shalsa says people get hurt when they try to figure that shit out on their own. She's the one who suggested I get some experience with a guy who's into the pain stuff."

"Ela's good at it," I assured him.

"And you aren't making me feel like this is a good idea," my brother countered. "If you're not ok with it, just say that. What, I'm going to go home and tell our mother? Fuck, Talin. She already thinks I'm a disgrace. She wouldn't believe me if I tried. Never mind that she's so worried about what her precious golden child is doing in his room!"

Lifting both hands, I gave in. "Are you ok with this idea, Ela?"

"Your brother's hot," Ela admitted. "Fuck, your whole family is. I'll also treat him exactly the way he treats us."

"But are you ok with this?" I asked again, making it clear that I didn't mean if he would, but if he wanted to.

It took a little too long for him to reply. Then, "I'm not going to answer that, Talin. He's your brother. This is on you. Doyoucare if I fuck him? I know what Nari will say."

I did too. I could feel her approval. She liked the idea of Ela getting a request, especially one from a Ranndor. I had a feeling that was because it would take a little heat off her. Some of it was probably because Ciella made such a big deal out of this, although I was only guessing at that. Still, her approval was almost tangible in the back of my mind.

And the reality was that I honestly didn't care who Ela slept with, as long as he approved. Tath had already made Nari have sex with him, and I certainly didn't love her any less for that. I wasn't disgusted by the idea of being with her after him. I hated that my brother had tried to pressure her, but that would be true for anyone.

Which meant that I really didn't care. So, I nodded slowly. "I'm ok with this. I don't like feeling as if my family is trying to use either of you, but I don't care who you fuck. I never will." I looked at Ela first, then Nari, making sure she knew I was including her in that. "Although if anyone thinks about screwing Anver, that's a different story."

Which made Nari, Wraythe, and Anver all huff out a laugh. "Thanks," Anver told me. "How about I stay on the sidelines?"

"You're good there," I assured him.

So Ela leaned back, kicking one leg over the armrest on his chair. "That, Thiemo, is called approval. Ask for your session. Come over more often and just hang out. I promise that we have no problem talking about all this sex stuff. It's pretty much what we do."

Thiemo just pointed around the room, indicating all of us. "So, it's one big relationship, right? All five of you are together?"

"I don't do guys," Wraythe said.

"But you like watching anyone fuck," Anver countered. "Wraythe will fuck Nari. I fuck my hand at best. But otherwise, yeah."

"I'm not talking about orgies," Thiemo said. "I'm talking about the other parts. The caring, and the listening, and the things that make it matter. This is all just one big relationship?"

"Yes," I said, realizing that I did want Anver included in that, "it is. We're the Five. It works for us."

"I want to know how to make that work," Thiemo told us. "One day, I'm going to have to get married. I'd prefer to have a wife who doesn't have a problem with me having a guy on the side."

"And when she wants someone else as well?" Nari asked, lifting a brow.