Chapter 15


Ispent a lot of time thinking about what Nari and the guys had told me. Probably too much time, if I was honest. After lunch, we all headed to our afternoon classes, and their words kept replaying in the back of my mind. Not once did anyone blame me for the things that had happened to Nari. They didn't see the attacks against her as a failure to be protected, but rather as simply the unfairness of the world.

But they also understood why it mattered so much to me.

It was hard to explain how that made me feel. All my life, I'd been the extra. When I was born, I was already destined to be given away to the Temple of Temptation - only to learn that I should've been Bode's priest and not Zeal's. I'd been bound to Nari as her guardian, but only because Anver had made a mistake. None of those things were a big deal on their own, but combined, they added up.

I'd spent my entire life thinking that the only thing I had going for me was my last name. The same last name I'd given up when I became a priest. That was why I was so adamant that I was nothing more than Priest Talin, not Talin Ranndor, the brother of the Baron of Temptation. Then to hear the four people I care about say that they understood me? And the fact that they'd done it so easily? I felt like my eyes were finally open.

I hadn't failed Nari. The High Priest had, her first initiate instructors had, and even my own family had, but never me. Maybe I hadn't acted fast enough, or hadn't been decisive enough, but those things weren't failures. They were also easy to correct. Zeal had given me a ward to watch over who I was actually in love with. It wasn't simply because her soul was buried under my skin or because she was the most beautiful woman in the temple.

I loved Nari because of who she was. This woman always thought of others first, always tried harder, and refused to accept defeat as an option. How could I do anything else but push myself to be as good as her? So, as we all got back into the routine of our classes in a regular week of our initiate lessons, I pushed myself to do all the things I wanted.

I flirted with Eladehl. I made a point of spending time with Wraythe, even if that was just drinking ale and telling stupid jokes. I helped Anver carry his clothes and belongings from his old room into the new one we were all sharing. The most obvious thing, however, was that I stopped keeping my hands off Nari.

Because if she didn't have a problem with everyone knowing that I was completely devoted to her, then I certainly had no issues showing it. I snuck in kisses against her neck when we walked between classes. I held her hand over the table when we ate dinner. I wrapped her - or someone else - up in my arms when I fell asleep every night, and in only a handful of days I had become happier than I'd ever been in my entire life, and I knew I still had a long way to go.

So when someone knocked at the door to our suite on the next-to-last day of the week, I slipped a dagger into my belt before I answered it. I was done with being the trusting and polite man everyone expected. This temple was out to destroy us, and if I wanted to keep this happiness, then I needed to be ready at all times. And yet, even with that, I was not prepared for what I found when I opened the door.

The first thing I saw was Ela's mentor and Nari's other mother: Shalsa. The woman was dressed to impress and looked more seductive than I'd ever seen before. Considering that Shalsa was a beautiful woman, that said a lot. It was only after I smiled at her in greeting that I realized she wasn't alone. Standing behind her was my brother, Thiemo.

"Uh…" I muttered as my eyes jumped between them. "Can I help you, Shalsa?"

She subtly pointed inside my suite. "I was actually hoping we could come in and do this inside," she explained. "One of my preferred clients has an interest in something, and I'm not sure he wants it to be public knowledge."

"You didn't tell me we were coming to see my brother," Thiemo muttered, trying to keep his words down so they wouldn't make it all the way to me.

I decided to pretend like I didn't hear that and simply opened the door wider. "Then come on in." As they stepped inside, I tilted my head back and raised my voice. "Guys, we've got company."

I heard movement in the other rooms, because we'd just gotten home and were getting comfortable with the intention of spending the evening doing our homework. I knew it would take a moment before they were ready to be seen. Deciding to take advantage of the time, I turned to face my brother.

"Why are you here, Thiemo?" I asked.

It was Shalsa who answered. "He's looking for a slightly different experience from what I can offer. One that's a little more masculine. Naturally, the best punisher to come to mind is…"

"Eladehl," I realized.

"Shit," Thiemo grumbled, turning halfway back for the door before he paused. "I can't do this, Shalsa."

"And why not?" she demanded. "You were very clear about what you wanted to try. Also, if you think that Talin doesn't know what happens in our sessions, then I've got some very bad news for you. I have a rather specific specialty. I only take male patrons for one reason and one reason only."

"Because it means she's been spanking you," I told him, "and most likely, the things you do are a lot more exciting than that."

"See?" Shalsa said.

"There's just one problem," I told her. "After what happened during the winter holidays, I'm not sure my brother's brave enough to take on Ela. I am, however, pretty sure that Ranndor men's tastes all lean in the same direction."

"You mean to men?" Thiemo asked. "I mean, after all the shit Tath gave me for messing around with a guy, I really did not expect to hear him beg like that."

I was trying to figure out a good way to change the subject, when the man in question walked out of the dressing room. "Of course he did," Ela said. "That was his punishment. I needed to make sure he never forgets what happens to those who don't do what I tell them to."

His pants hung low on his hips and his shirt was in his hand, showing off all the lace across his arms, chest, and hips. His hair was wet, looking like he'd just rubbed a towel over it. I couldn't help but let my eyes run over him, appreciating the view, because that man was beautiful in a way that should be impossible while appearing so masculine.

Thiemo looked over at Shalsa with a wry little smile on his lips. "You should've seen it. Ela held my brother over the table in the library, carved the snake of Zeal into his back, and fucked him up the ass while the entire household - both family and staff - got to listen to the 'oh so perfect' baron beg for more."

"Yeah, that about sums it up," Ela agreed. Then he jerked his chin at Thiemo in greeting. "To what do we owe this pleasure? I get the impression that you only slum it here in the temple. You don't come for friendly visits."