"Then stop wanting to fuck her," Wraythe said.

We all turned around and looked at him like he was an idiot. "No," I said. "I don't like that idea at all."

"It's what he wants to hear," Wraythe insisted. "He wants someone to judge him for doing the exact same thing the rest of us are. He wants some excuse that he can latch on to and say that if he just fixes that one thing, then all of the rest of this is going to work out just fine."

"But it won't," Ela insisted. "The problem is that Nari has all five Paths on her body. Yeah, we do too, but the High Priest doesn't seem to know about that. He knows aboutNari'smarks. He knows that she is officially recorded as a Priestess of Temptation - not one on a single Path. So long as she holds that title, he thinks she's a threat, and so he's going to keep trying to find some way to get rid of her. I mean, look at how easily he confronted Nari in public on the Fresh Start. Never mind what we heard on our way to the Temple of Compassion before that? When Kinen was yelling at Ciella? That makes me think that half of the bullshit those two idiots throw at us might be coming from a little bit of a higher place."

"Mhm," Wraythe agreed. "Zeal gave his Chosen four guardians for a reason. In case you haven't figured it out, Talin, that reason is because he expected a lot of threats. More threats than one man could handle on his own."

"Which is great," Anver pointed out, "but knowing that isn't going to make him feel any less guilty. His problem is that he loves her, so it makes sense that he doesn't want to see her get hurt. When she does, he's going to feel like he should have done more. I mean, I do. Don't you?"

"Usually," Ela agreed.

"Always," Wraythe admitted. "It's kinda why I haven't been giving him shit about it."

I just looked over at my guardian. "So what are you going to do about it, Talin? You want something to latch on to, so let's find something. What are you going to change to make yourself stop feeling like you're failing anytime someone wants to make me go away?"

"I don't know," Talin admitted. "That's part of the problem. I can't figure out what I should be doing differently, and you keep getting hurt on my watch. Shit, onanywatch."

"I always go with the theory that if I hurt them first, then they can't hurt me," Ela said. "Think you should try that? I mean, if nothing else, it'll be sexy as hell to watch you get up in someone's face."

I murmured an agreement, but it was Wraythe who spoke up next. "Yeah, it would definitely be kinda hot. You get all tense and angry, then Nari's panties would get wet, and we'd all end up fucking in the living room. I approve of this idea."

Anver just laughed, shaking his head at us. "I think I got you figured out, Wraythe," he said. "You encourage those two to get horny and start fucking just so you can watch the show."

"And?" Wraythe asked. "I didn't think you'd have any complaints about that."

"None," Anver promised as he began to stack our plates. "Well, except that I have more classes before I can enjoy the show."

"I'm actually ok with that part," I told them. "Supposedly, my First Aid course is going to get our schedule for hands-on stuff today."

"Which means Talin gets to learn all about the infirmary too," Ela teased.

"Actually, no," Talin said. "I will, however, be waiting for her when she's done. Gives me a chance to shower before picking up my girl after her last class."

"And maybe impress a few of the priests in my class?" I teased. "Make it clear just how devoted you are to me?"

"Or you to me," Talin countered. Then a hint of a smile flickered across his lips. "Besides, if you learn enough in that class, then maybe you can patch me together when I get all big and imposing with your next threat."

"No," Wraythe said. "Big and imposing is my job. You need to be more like Ela. More subtle threats, but with a dagger to back it up."

Talin's eyes jumped over to me. "A blade."

"TheBlade," I corrected. "It worked well enough when Ela needed to stop Ciella. And I promise that if you go too far, I'll hold them together long enough to make sure you aren't tried for murder."

"So long as they deserve to live," Wraythe reminded me. "Some of them won't."

"Those aren't the ones I'm worried about," I assured them. "I've seen Talin in fighting practice. I know exactly how good he is." Then I lifted my chin, making sure he heard my next words. "And if you don't think you're good enough to be my guardian, Talin, then no one is."

"You just have to stop holding back," Wraythe told him.

He laughed once, but the sound was a mix of embarrassment and relief. "Then make sure you learn how to deal with lacerations and stab wounds, Nari. If you all really think I should do this..."

"No," Anver said. "You're the one who thinks you should. We're just making it clear that we trust you."

"Completely," I told him. "Zeal gave me the guardian I need, and that man is you. I believe it without a doubt, so you should too."

"I'm trying," he promised. "I'm just scared of what will happen if I let you down."