"I don't want it," Thiemo said.

"Or me," Talin pointed out.

"Nor me," Kanten said, but his voice wasn't as loud as the others.

"And this is what Zeal asked me to do," Yamina told her. "This is what I will do, and Maela's staying. The house is mine, Mother, not yours.Iam the baron now, and my brother's widow is as welcome in Sandrest as you are." She took a step closer. "Maybe more."

"This is why women shouldn't be allowed to have control," Kinen growled as he waved people out of his way. "This girl somehow ruined the book, or did you do this, Nariana? The two of you! I know you're working together, and we will get it out of you." People hurried to get out of his path, because Kinen's face was filled with anger. "Is this your next trick, Lady Ranndor? Or should I simply call you Maela, since you're no longer the Primary Patron? With your husband dead, all your attempts to ruin my temple - "

"I name Maela Ranndor as Primary Patron," Yamina called out, cutting Kinen off. And lifting her chin, she faced Kinen down. "Until I learn what is necessary, since she has the experience and is a part of my family, Maela Ranndor will continue to handle the ties between the Temple of Temptation and the Temptation Barony. Am I clear, High Priest?"

"You little..." He charged towards us, but Thiemo shoved into his way. "Do not think about touching the baron," he snapped, pushing Kinen back. "I will make sure her rights are respected. I'll use my fucking fist if I have to."

"They should be detained!" Kinen bellowed, pointing around Thiemo's shoulder. "They have destroyed the artifact, found a way to subvert our laws, and - "

"Oh, shut up," Arion groaned. "You're making a fool of yourself, old man." Then he gestured.

Four priests from different temples all moved forward. Green, blue, and yellow robes were on each, and they were all big enough to make an impression. I glanced back for Zeal, but instead my eyes landed on Bode. He was waiting, and simply shrugged impishly.

"What?" he asked, his words too soft to hear, but I could read the words on his lips. "I had a feeling."

But with three High Priests against him and the other two saying nothing, Kinen had no choice but to turn and let the priests escort him out. All around us, the room was awash with murmurs of confusion, and it was the last person I would've expected who stepped up to deal with it.

"Ok, everyone," Thiemo said, lifting his voice so it would carry. "You've heard the new baron's name. You can all pass by the book to check for yourselves, and you know you'll read about all of this tomorrow in the papers. For those who haven't figured it out yet, the next Baron of Temptation is Yamina Ranndor, and the entire Ranndor family stands behind her. Please excuse my mother for her outbursts. She's overcome with grief and confusion. Losing her eldest son has been hard. Thank you, and our family appreciates the support and respect during this hard time."

Confused, the crowd actually decided to obey. A jumbled line began to move past the glass case, but the Ranndor sons took the chance to finally make their way over, while the Ranndor daughters hovered around their mother, escorting Pia towards the exit. From the look on Lina's face, I had a feeling that Talin's mother had been warned not to say anything else.

But as he reached our side, Talin let out the biggest sigh of relief. "Congratulations, Yamina," he said before smothering her in a hug.

"He didn't tell me," she admitted. "I thought it was you, and I was so scared, but I can do this."

"I know you can," Talin assured her just as Kanten and Thiemo reached their side. "Hey, can you both make sure she makes it home in one piece?"

"And Maela," Yamina insisted.

Thiemo reached over to wrap Maela in a side hug. "She's my sister-in-law no matter how I look at it." But he paused. "Talin, are you all ok to get back?"

"We'll make sure of it," Anver answered for him, pressing a hand to turn Talin away.

Wraythe guided me after them, but we weren't heading to the exit. Instead, we were walking the wrong way, up a hall that had only a few doors on it. The courtrooms, I was pretty sure, and yet each step took us further from the insanity back there, and it didn't take long before the sound of voices grew faint.

That was when Anver finally stopped, turning to face Talin. "Talk to us?"

"To me." Between one breath and the next, Zeal slipped into existence, stopping three paces away from us.

"You tempted him?" Talin asked.

"He had to," Anver said. "Talin, you know that."

"This is on me," Zeal insisted, making his way closer. "Talin..."

"No," Talin said, taking a step back. "Zeal, I can't. Right now, I'm just trying to keep it together. I don't... I can't..."

"Talin," I begged, stepping closer to clasp his hand. "Just talk to him? Or me? You haven't said anything about all of this, and I'm getting scared."

So, pressing his lips together, Talin jiggled his head in a nod. Then he looked over at Zeal. Our god took another step closer, but this time Talin didn't retreat. Instead, the pair just watched each other, and the tension between them was growing thick. And at the same time, they both began to talk.

"I didn't want - " Zeal tried.