"I got it," Zayr promised, pointing out front. "Go. Danis will get your coat and take it home." Then he looked at Ela. "We can make this work, right?"

"Talin has a note waiting at the temple," Ela told him.

Zayr just nodded. "And I have good horses." Then he turned for the closest butler. "I need our coats. My date and I no longer feel welcome here. Add Lord Ranndor's as well, for the man who's waiting."

I just looked over at Ela, finding those dark, dangerous eyes waiting. "I don't know what..." Pausing to lick my lips, I tried again. "I need help."

"And I'm a guardian too," Ela assured me. "Wraythe, take him out front. Nari, with me." He clasped my shoulder. "Go, Talin. The cold air will help. I swear to you that I've got her."

That was all I needed to hear.

Chapter 69


The bedroom was clean. The dressing room was spotless. I'd cleaned up the formal living room and had started picking up the sitting room when someone tapped on the main door. Confused, I picked up one of Wraythe's socks, tossed it towards the bedroom, and headed that way.

The knocking came again, louder this time. I walked a little faster, then pulled the door open just as the guy on the other side lifted his arm to bang again. For a moment, we both looked at each other in surprise, because it was Drandir. The man looked like he'd run all the way here from the basement. His hair was a mess, his shirt was slightly twisted, and he was gasping for air as if he hadn't slowed the whole way.

"Talin," he managed to get out as he shoved a sealed letter at me.

I took it but I was confused. "He's not here tonight," I said. "Drandir, he's at a session with Nari."

"Shit," Drandir said, nodding his head as he stared at the blank wall. "Know when he'll be back, or where he is?"

"A gentleman's club," I explained. "That's all I know. Why? What's going on?"

"There's a man from Sandrest in the foyer," he explained. "Looks like he's frantic, said this needs to get to Priest Talin immediately, and he's waiting for a reply."

"Did you get his name?" I asked.

"Branstand?" Drandir guessed.

"Branstan," I corrected, lifting a finger. "Let me..."

Grabbing one of the cards on the table beside the door, I scribbled out an explanation to the man. I told him that Talin was with his desire, attending a session, and that I would give him the letter the moment he arrived, but that it would likely be late. Then I passed it to Drandir.

"Give that to him. If he has a problem, feel free to bring him back. He and Talin are close, and Nari likes the man."

Drandir nodded. "Just... don't forget, ok? That looks important. Anver, it has the baron's seal on it."

I nodded and he took off. Closing the door almost absentmindedly, I turned over the letter and realized Drandir was right. That wasn't the normal wax seal they used on letters from Sandrest. Nari and Ela had gotten enough for me to be sure of it. This one had the stylized snake of Temptation before the outline of what I could assume was supposed to be Sandrest.

For a moment, I debated opening it. That would make it easier to get the news to Talin, but it was personal. I just wished I knew how to get word to Talin. There had to be a way to reach him in case of an emergency, wasn't there? Thankfully, I was pretty sure I knew who would know.

So, leaving the letter in the middle of the kitchen counter, I headed up the hall to knock on Amerlee's door. It was late, but not horribly so, and most Priestesses of the Body kept later hours. Just as my knuckles met the wood, I heard muffled voices on the other side.

"I don't care if you can!" That was Irila. "Shalsa, you both know this is abuse. You have limits, and this is so fuck far beyond it."

"And men?" Jamik asked.

"If we refuse," Amerlee shot back, "how long do you think Shalsa will be kept here? I don't want her assigned to some altar hours away from us!"

"We're trained for this!" Shalsa added. "I know you two want to protect us, but will you just fucking trust us for once?"

"No!" Jamik roared. "I am supposed to fucking protect you, and this shit Kinen is pulling… Men, Amerlee! Your fucking limit? It's men!"

His words sounded like they were coming closer. For a moment, I debated leaving, knowing this was not the sort of fight I wanted to interrupt. At the same time, I had a letter sitting in our suite that I was pretty sure couldn't wait. I knew they'd want to know about it.