"Oh, does no one want to go on a date with you, Nari?" she taunted. "I heard your entire session is a complete fuck-up."

Tishlie giggled in a voice one octave too high to be comfortable. "If you just relax your limits a little, one of our patrons might consider you. Then you wouldn't have to stand at the side of the room like a lamp."

Was that even supposed to be an insult? "I happen to make a very good lamp," I pointed out. "Or did you miss that I'm still shining brightly, Tish?"

Complete confusion crossed her face as the metaphor went right over her head, but Ciella got it. As soon as my words registered, Ciella shoved right into my face, holding her hands up to make it clear she wasn't touching me. I still felt Talin's rage. I had a feeling he was already holding a blade. I also loved him more for it, and yet I lifted a hand, begging him to wait.

"If no one can get near you, then you will never succeed onourPath," Ciella hissed. "Choose a lower one, Nari. Give up already. Go play with your friends in Obligation or something."

"Is that what this is about?" I asked. "Have you told Kinen that this..." And I gestured to my entire body, meaning my lace. "...Isn't my only option? If I choose Obligation, the next step is the Temple of All Gods. The temple I would become the High Priestess of."

Ciella immediately leaned back. "What?"

"Tell Kinen that. Tell him that if he tries to come after me again, I will find the person who did his tattoos. Make it clear that I know all about how his lace matches yours." Then I grabbed her chin and pulled her face right up to mine. "Make it clear that I'm not going away, and so long as I have my lace, I still have a claim to my faith. I also know enough now to demand a public viewing if he tries to reimmerse me again."

"Then take the date with the merchant," she snapped. "It's your fault the temple is broken. If you want Kinen off your back, then accept the man so the rest of us won't starve."

"I already gave Ati the paperwork to buy her supplies," I shot back. "Kinen's problem isn't taking care of us. It's about taking care of himself, and if you think he intends to carry you along, you're even dumber than I thought."

With that, I spun, marching up the hall. Ela fell in beside me, and our guardians followed. Most of them, at least. Anver stayed back there, chained by his ties to Tishlie and forced to pretend like he wasn't one of mine. Then, just as we made it past the cluster of students waiting for the Sensuality classroom to open, someone crashed into my shoulder. I turned, intending to apologize, but of all the people in the world, it was Ryshie, Ciella's guardian.

"Hey, bitch!" he snarled, lunging in towards me.

This time, Talin was there, his blade meeting Ryshie's throat, and yet Ciella's guardian just smiled. "Hold that for a second, because Nari, you need to avoid that session. Kinen told Ciella to push you so you'd be desperate enough to accept him. He's trying to break you. I don't know how, but I know that they want you dead." Then he leaned back and lifted his hands. "Fucking jumpy-ass guardian. What, scared no one likes your ward?"

"Desire," Talin corrected, his voice a low growl.

And yet he let Ryshie leave. The moment the guy was far enough away, my group started walking again, but none of us said a thing. What was there to say? Ryshie was trying to help me? Or was that more likely to be part of Ciella's plan to confuse me? Why would the guy give me a warning in good faith? He'd never liked me!

In fact, he'd been one of the many people who'd made my youth so miserable. Granted, it had been at Ciella's bidding even then. I was pretty sure he'd also been one of the people picking on Wraythe when I stepped up to kiss him. Ryshie wasn't my friend. He'd never gotten along with Ela or Wraythe. He didn't know Talin.

And I was completely confused.

Chapter 63


Idressed well for my First Aid class. I hoped the black coat I wore over my clothes would be enough to protect it. I also touched up my face and made sure I looked exactly like a Priestess of the Body, knowing that impressions mattered. Amerlee had taught me that. The moment I was released from the practical, Talin and I hurried back to our room.

Saval was already there, holding my formal robe in her hands. Ela and Wraythe were moving around the room, clearly looking for something, and Anver was talking to Saval. From what little I heard, it sounded like she was filling him in.

"Migard is standing by his refusal. He says that these have been her limits since - "

"Got it!" Ela called out, jogging back to Saval. "I knew we had our first list of limits written down somewhere. This was before our final in first year, when Nari and I were trying to find a way to make our bondage display work."

Saval's eyes tracked down the page and then she let out a heavy sigh. "Perfect." Then she thrust the paper at me. "You are to testify at Migard's disciplinary hearing. They will refer to him as a Priestess. Please do not do the same. They will ask about your limits, and you can show them that page. Do you remember writing it, Nari?"

"Ela wrote it," I explained, "but I was telling him my limits. We were sitting at the table, so I remember it clearly. It was when we figured out how to make a bondage scenario showy enough to make sure I passed."

Saval turned me toward the door. "Good." Then she called back, "No weapons, Talin."

So Talin turned to follow us, throwing his hands up in clear frustration. All of this was tense. None of it made sense yet. I was dying for some answers, but I had a feeling that Saval knew as little as I did.

I still tried. "Why is Migard being disciplined?" I asked.

"He refused the highest bidder for your contract," Saval explained. "The head of scheduling said that the man saw your limits and bid knowing them, so that counts as an agreement to abide by them."

"But?" I pressed.