Which was when Zeal leaned back. "It's not. Match marks are your desire's soul in your body." He released me and straightened. "I am a god. I do not have that kind of soul. Mine slides inside the spaces left open and fills them. It is also too heavy for all but the strongest to carry." Then he smiled at me, making sure I'd heard that, and headed to the front of the class. "Now, let's see what percentage of priests believe, and put together a list of the Paths whose rules have suddenly changed to restrict women. I need information, and you - all of you - are the ones I trust to get it for me."

Everyone turned to their paperwork and immediately started tallying up the ones who could see Zeal against those who couldn't. With my pages given to the others, all I could do was reach up to touch my lips, aware of the amazing bruised feeling my god had left behind, knowing it had been his way of making his claim on me very public.

Chapter 62


My weekend consisted of anxiety. For our lunch date, Maela was late, saying that Pia had started in on Yamina again, insisting that she find an appropriate suitor or her allowance would be restricted. Not that Pia had any ability to do that, but the woman was frantic for some way to get her family back into good standing with the rest of the nobility. But that wasn't the shocking part.

Evidently Tath had overheard the women yelling in the hall. The man had wrenched open his door and told his mother to shut up. Yamina shouldn't be forced to be something she wasn't ready for, like a wife. If she wanted to wait, then he would let her wait, and this was still his house! Maela had tried to follow him back into his room, but he'd locked the door again. Still, it was enough to send Pia into a frenzy of a different kind, and now the pressure was off Yamina for a bit.

Talin hoped that this was a sign that Tath had been honestly thinking about the mistakes he'd made. I couldn't help but remember that one moment on the Darkest Night when he'd let me stop and appreciate the people arriving. It was something I wouldn't have seen otherwise. So deep down, there had to be a decent man buried inside his facade of being exactly what society expected of men.

Yet when we returned home for the night, I wasn't the only one who was desperate to hear about the auction. It should've been over by now. Migard should know who had won the bid for our services, and if we'd even been bid on. But, just to be safe, we whittled away the evening by discussing what types of displays we'd do.

The next day, Thiemo didn't stop by. He did, however, send a Priest of Obligation with a box of pastries and a note saying that he felt the need to have one more business meeting. In other words, he was with Shalsa, getting the shit beat out of him - in more ways than one. Ela was a little amused by that, and decided that he would need to ask Shalsa about the man's preferences.

And then the new week was on us and classes resumed. Walking into our Advanced Sexuality course, the feeling of nervousness was so thick it was palpable. Conversations were muted and it seemed like everyone was fidgeting. The girl in front of me was bouncing her leg so hard that her chair was squeaking as it shook. Someone else was tapping a pencil on their desk, the rhythm fast and irregular. So when Saval finally walked in carrying a bound set of envelopes, it felt like the entire class held our breaths.

"Ok," Saval said. "Each of you will receive an envelope. Inside is the form your scheduler posted, along with the winning bidder and the price paid. There is also a note from your date that outlines what they expect. It could be anything from clothing colors to the behavior they hope to have in a partner."

Then she started calling out names. They were in alphabetical order, which meant I had a while to wait. When it was Ela's turn, he shuffled past me and Talin, then walked down for his envelope. He didn't open it until he got back. When he said he'd wait until I got mine, I begged him to open it now and hopefully mine would match.

So, pushing out a nervous breath, Ela did. "Migard made me look good," he said as he scanned the document that had described him. And then he got to the bottom, leaned his head back and sighed in relief. "For a thousand gold, I have been bought and paid for by one Thiemo Ranndor." And then he passed the page across me to Talin.

"I knew my brother would come through," Talin said, but he sounded just as relieved about it as Ela.

But what did that mean for me? If Ela was Thiemo's date, then who could possibly be brave enough to be seen with me? Ela, however, was reading through the personal message and an adorable smile kept flickering across his lips. I almost asked what, but realized that Saval had reached the names that started with an M.

Soon, she called out the first N name. Then the second. By the fifth, she was into the names that started with N-U, and I was looking around in confusion. She'd skipped right over me! I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, terrified that it meant I was one of those who hadn't been bid on. Ela had a date, so we wouldn't be able to do a display together. All the other priests I trusted had graduated last year. So what was I supposed to do?

Ela showed me Thiemo's note, but I read it in a daze and nothing sank in. I felt numb, trying to decide if I would refuse this session or not. My mind spun around the ways Kinen could use this to fuck me over and get me kicked out of the temple. If only I'd just fucked the stupid virgin, letting his father rant at me first! Now, I was backed into a corner and I had no way to get out of it.

So when Saval dismissed the class, I didn't even hear it. I was staring at the blank page before me where I hadn't managed to take any notes.

"Nari?" Saval called out as the rest of our class began making their way out of the room.

"She probably held yours back for a reason," Talin whispered in my ear, proving he'd also noticed my lack of envelope. "Go. We'll be in the hall."

Pushing out a heavy breath, I made my way down to the front of the room. Saval wasn't holding an envelope, though. She leaned against her desk with her arms crossed. When I reached her, she turned, putting both of our backs to the room to keep this conversation more private.

"When is your last class over?"

"It's my First Aid practical today," I explained. "So, about an hour and a half later."

She licked her lips and slowly nodded her head. "I need you to dress well. I will collect you immediately after your class."

"Is this about my bid?" I asked. "Saval, should I just refuse this session?"

"I can't tell you to do that," she admitted. "Nari, I really can't. I'm already far past what should've been tolerated. However, Amerlee has called in a few favors. Wait until this evening before you make your decision, because I think Migard needs you on his side. Now get to class. I'll tell you more when I know more."

"Ok," I agreed, turning to wander towards the hall.

Because nothing about that made me any less worried. Saval didn't even know what was going on? Migard needed my help? It always went the other way around! But, all of this ultimately came down to one thing. If I had to refuse this session, then how could I do it without making bigger problems for myself?

When I told the guys, their faces were much too calm and their jaws too tense. Anver said he'd listen to see what he could learn. Wraythe said that he'd keep an eye on me at this event too, and even suggested finding a way to get Anver in. Not that it would happen, but it made me feel a little better to know I wasn't the only one worried.

I should've known better, though. Just as I decided that we'd find a way for this to work out, Ciella sauntered her ass up, dragging Tishlie behind her. The sneer on her lips made it clear that she was enjoying herself.