"Because we're women," she grumbled.

"Mm," Talin hummed, thinking about that. "Because you both are women who don't have a man to keep you in line. Because you're willing to push against the traditions they're used to."

"But tradition is a good thing," I countered. "Talin, it's the only thing keeping the High Priests from re-writing the laws of our nation."

"And like any tool," Anver said, "it can be abused. That means we need to go to this party prepared for a fight."

"While making sure we don't ruin Yamina's birthday," Nari reminded us. "She's my friend. My sister-in-law. She's also had everyone else shitting on her lately, so how about we make sure we're not adding to that."

Yeah, that sounded good, but I knew exactly how those spoiled pricks thought. "So what happens when they come after you?" I asked. "Do you really want all of us to ignore it? Do you honestly think we could, Nari?"

She looked over, her golden eyes completely serious. "I expect all four of you to play the game, because this is why Zeal chose us. We're not meek because we have to be. We're meek because it allows us to change the subject to something we can win. You taught me that, Ela, and I think this weekend is going to be the perfect time to try it out."

I nodded my agreement, but only because she wanted me too. If anyone came after her, I would make sure they paid. Maybe not then, but eventually. After all, I was Nari's best weapon. I was the one that no one ever saw coming.

Chapter 53


Talin, Anver, and Ela all pulled me aside before the week was done to talk about the potential issues at Yamina's party. I promised that I knew them. I'd also learned how to play my part a lot better than they realized, and I owed that to Yamina. The youngest of the Ranndor children had been using me as a buffer at most of the social functions we'd attended this year. And, while I wasn't at every one she went to, I quickly figured out that being half a foot taller than most men made them a little hesitant to puff up around me.

That weekend, our usual lunch date with Maela had been cancelled because it was the same time as the party. Talin hired a carriage to get us there. Jamik went with him to hire one for Amerlee and Shalsa. That gave our ladies a little extra time to make sure they looked stunning, and then we all headed to the front together.

Both carriages pulled up, the hired footmen looking just as regal and impressive as those of the Ranndor household. Even better, the carriages and horses were black, which sent exactly the impression we wanted. Talin handed Nari into the back first. I offered Ela a hand in - and he took it. Then Anver offered me one. That had the five of us laughing on the drive over, which felt a lot longer this time than it had over the winter.

When we pulled up, the driveway to Sandrest was filled with carriages. Red ones, blue ones, and more colors, including brown and grey for those who had no affiliation with the gods. Our driver kept going past them until he reached the house. There, once the carriage stopped moving, Talin opened the door himself and stepped out to offer Nari a hand. I was next.

Beside us, Jamik was helping Amerlee out, with Irila waiting for Shalsa. I assisted Ela, who immediately moved to Nari's side. Then, on impulse, I walked over to offer Irila my arm. Laughing as he realized what I was doing, Anver followed to do the same for Shalsa.

"You know I'm a guardian too, right?" Irila asked before accepting my offer and clasping my arm.

I just smiled down at her. "Mhm. And I know that all eyes will be on us, you look lovely in that suit, and I'm not ashamed to walk with you. Ela can escort Nari, and that leaves Talin to deal with his family."

Irila smiled at me proudly. "And to think, I once said that you'd never be able to handle formal functions. I was so wrong, Wraythe, and I am sorry for that."

"I had to be hit over the head a few times," I admitted as we followed the rest of our party in, bringing up the rear. "And tell Jamik that we all need to intervene if Tath tries to get Nari alone."

"Shalsa might be a good option for that," Irila told me. "Either way, I'll watch your desires and you can help watch mine. Deal?"

"All three of them?" I teased.

"Hey, you're getting the better deal here," she countered. "You have four."

"That I do."

Talin didn't even make it all the way to the front steps before the door was thrown open and a friendly face welcomed us in. The man's name was Branstan, and he had been with the family for decades. He'd also helped us make a quiet and hasty retreat on our last visit, so I liked the man. As I led Irila inside, Bran dipped his head and smiled a greeting at me.

Then there was Danis to take our coats. After that, it was a young woman from the kitchen who offered us all drinks. I had just picked up a flute of what might be either champagne or wine when something hit me hard from behind, but the arms wrapped around my waist told me who it was.

"You made it!" Yamina beamed.

I turned to face her, lifting my glass so nothing would spill. "Happy birthday, Miss Ranndor," I said.

She rolled her eyes. "Fail. Try it again, Wraythe."

So I leaned in. "Happy birthday, little sister-in-law."

That brought the biggest smile to her face. "Yeah, that'll do. Dance with me, Wraythe?"