And after stealing one last peck from my lips, she spun and ran up the stairs. I just stood there and watched her until Talin turned me back the right way, laughing softly under his breath.

"I do believe that my desire has a new crush," he teased.

"Yeah," I agreed, "and this one hit me hard. We need to make her believe, Talin, but I won't let Will use her like some slave."

He leaned in toward my ear. "And now I'm starting to get jealous, but that smile on your face? It looks so good on you. Make me jealous, Nari. Chase this. You deserve nothing less."

Chapter 52


Ihad always suspected that my partner would be attracted to women. Nari was simply too willing to try it, and being open-minded wasn't quite the same. As kids, when I'd asked, she'd always made a point of saying she didn't like the girls in our class, which made me think she liked the ones in her books, or maybe she'd seen a few priestesses who'd been attractive to her. But this?

She'd told us how she'd been blindsided when she saw Xenia. How she'd never felt like that before, not even with us. Yes, she'd thought we were sexy, but she'd also known that she liked boys. With Xenia, she said it felt like she imagined us seeing the gods had been like - and I could understand that. Things had always been one way, and then suddenly they weren't.

The best part was that she liked more than just how the girl looked. No, she didn't know Xenia very well, but she'd talked to her long enough to realize that Xenia was honest, smart, and a little bit shy, even though she pushed through it. Nari was the same in many ways, but I noticed one thing that Nari didn't.

Xenia wasn't timid. She wasn't submissive at all. The girl was confident in a way that Maela and Yamina weren't, simply because Xenia had been raised to be a priestess. She wasn't commanding like Amerlee or brazen like Shalsa. Instead, she was driven, secure in the knowledge of what she knew and what she didn't. If I thought about it, I could see the same traits in me, Wraythe, Anver, and Talin.

The best part was hearing Nari giggle, though. When it came to talking about her new girl crush, she was a complete mess, asking every single question that popped into her head, and then reminding us about how Xenia had done something. How she smiled, how she'd tried to talk to Will, or even how she'd run down the steps. It didn't matter what; Nari was simply replaying that short meeting over and over, and loving every second of it.

The strange thing was that Xenia wasn't exactly stunning. Oh, she had a nice enough figure - but not much in the way of curves, her nose was just a bit too big, and her cheeks weren't the high-set type. She was pretty, but not at all beautiful. Nari didn't seem to care at all. The attraction was there, it was real, and it was so very honest. It also looked amazing on my woman, so I encouraged her to giggle all she wanted.

The only "problem" we had were our guardians. Wraythe made it clear that he should watch over Nari for that session. He even delivered it with a completely straight face - but Anver ruined it by doubling over in laughter. Talin said that he was sure he could handle watching Nari seduce the priestess. Anver pointed out that he should step in for that, since he was the only man in this room who wouldn't get distracted by the sight of our woman with another. I kinda had to admit that he had a point.

For two days, Xenia kept coming up. The next to last day of the week, I thought the rush may have faded, but that night, Nari lay sprawled on her new couch, trying to read, and simply dropped her book onto the floor. The sigh that followed was the girly kind, and it made all of us smile at her.

"Oh, my partner is swooning," I teased.

She just turned her head up so she could see me. "Ela, how do you always find the clit so easily?"

"Hard knot," Wraythe answered. "I mean, if she's turned on."

"What if she’s not?" Nari asked. "I mean, what if I do it wrong? It's not like I went down on Tishlie or anything!"

"You know what you're doing," I assured her. "Even Oryll passed you on your cunnilingus exam. You'll be fine. I also don't think she wants to see you for mind-blowing sex, Nari. The girl likes you. You, not sex, not some random beautiful woman who can get her off. She wouldn't have run down the stairs to kiss you like that if she just wanted a fuck."

"Women also don't seem to think that way," Anver pointed out. "I mean, they can, but most don't. They want contact and conversation as much as orgasms. Don't you?"

"Yeah," Nari admitted. "Don't get me wrong, I like the sex too, but maybe that's why I'm so picky about women? It's like I can see that they're beautiful, but I'm not daydreaming about rolling in bed with a woman the way I am with all of you."

"Me too?" Anver asked.

"I've thought about it," Nari admitted before sticking her tongue out at him.

Anver just nodded. "I'm so ok with that. I mean, if I'm ever going there, it'll be one of you two."

"Ouch," Talin groaned, clutching at his heart. "I see how it is. I'd also like you to know that I can suck dick at least half as good as Ela, and about a quarter as good as Wraythe."

"Do I want to know?" Anver asked, looking over at Wraythe.

"The dildos from first year," he explained. "Seems I have no gag reflex."

"Of course he doesn't," I grumbled. "I mean, the times I've tried to imagine my fist as his mouth? Well, or his ass. Just, well, pretty much any part of him."

"If I ever fuck a guy," Wraythe told me, "I promise it'll be you. Not even Zeal, but you."

It was dumb, but I liked that. I loved that big lug more than I should. I could've spent my entire life with just him and have been perfectly happy, but this was better. I couldn't say I loved Nari more than Wraythe, but I could admit that it was different. Wraythe was my other half in a way that only a man could be. He could laugh with me about embarrassing hard-ons and farting at the wrong time.