Her eyes flicked down my body so fast I almost missed it. "I think so. I mean, you don't seem to be insane. I just assumed that you were using this as some kind of ploy to get noticed, but I'm no longer as sure of that."

"And honest," I teased, but this time, I was the one biting my lip, trying to hold in that silly smile she put on my lips. This girl was amazing, smart, and I had a real weakness for honesty, so I decided to give her my best explanation. "It has to do with faith, realms, and the amount of belief in an area. It's a percentage thing, not a cumulative effect." Then I made a little noise, knowing I might be ruining my chances with her. "And Will is standing behind me, begging me to convince you to see him."

"Just do like you did for Bode?" Will begged. "He said that you not only fixed his High Priest, but also the man's assistant. Use whatever power this is that you have. I'll make you rich, Nariana. I will push the wealthiest patrons at you until you're satisfied."

"I do not want money," I snapped, spinning to face him. I also felt protective of this woman, and Will sounded more like he was in this for himself than her. "Xenia is not some tool to be activated when you need and forgotten when you don't. You can't bribe her to believe, Will. You have to - "

"Will!" Talin called, storming over. "Do I need to call my god?"

The God of Ambition lifted both of his hands and backed away. "I did not touch her. I have not nudged her. I just need one priest to believe in me so I'll stop fading. Just one!"

"What's..." Xenia sounded confused. "He's here?" She turned to where Talin was looking. "Will? If you're real, I'll try to believe in you the way I should, but I need something in exchange. If you're real, then you should know what."

Will made a noise that I couldn't describe. It was like he'd just won something, but also lost it at the same time. For a moment, I thought he was going to fall to his knees. "I can feel her," he explained. "Not much, but she's there. It's... She really is trying, and tell her that I'll make the deal with Zeal so the session is approved. If that's what she wants, then she is asking for far too little, but I'll gladly make it happen."

"He said he'll have Zeal get the session approved," I told her.

Xenia's eyes went wide. "What session?"

"He didn't say that," I admitted. "He's just so happy that you're willing to try. He said he can feel you now, which probably means that he'll be following you."

"Don't invade her privacy," Talin warned the god. "That's not a good way to gain true believers, Will."

"I would never!" Will snapped. "She is mine, and I want to protect her the same way you do with your desire. The bond between god and priest is no different!"

But Xenia caught my arm. "Priestess, would you approve the session?"

Will had distracted me, so her question completely caught me off guard. "With...me?"

"Yeah," she breathed. "I thought that maybe, I mean, if Will is real, that would be something to prove it, and if you even like women..."

"I'll approve it," I assured her, feeling my heart start racing again. "And, um, the trick seems to be to stop doubting. In order to see them, you have to completely believe they're real. You can doubt their intentions, their goals, and things like that, but you can't wonder if they're a trick someone is playing on you, or if they're just a person pretending to be a god. Besides, you'll know the moment you see their eyes. No one has eyes like that." Then I felt my cheeks warming up. "And it's Nari. I mean, that's what my friends call me, and I'd like you to be one."

"Nari," she agreed, smiling the same way I was. "I mean, I'll try to believe. It's not going to be easy, though. I've always thought they were some way of explaining the parts of human behavior, you know? This?"

"He's very real," I assured her. "To me, he looks as real as my guardian."

"Maybe he can push me to find some histories that can explain this," Xenia offered, raising her voice as she turned in Will's general direction. "I don't even know if that's possible. Never mind. I'll just look it up." Then she bent to grab the book she left on the stairs. "And I will ask for that session, if you're serious?"

"I am," I said, taking a step back because I could feel the conversation coming to an end. "I'll even be looking forward to it."

"Ok," she agreed. "Good evening, Priests of Temptation." Then she turned for the temple.

My smile grew even more as I turned to Talin. "Will, go follow her."

"I'm not a bad god," Will assured me.

And then I heard Xenia. "Wait!" she called before running back down the stairs toward me.

I turned and she caught the side of my face, and her mouth followed. Right there, on the streets of Calseth, in sight of not only my guys but every person who might possibly pass by, the Priestess of Ambition kissed me the way I had never known I wanted to be kissed. She wasn't soft and passive like Faylie. She wasn't cold and uncaring like Tishlie. Xenia kissed me so very sweetly, and I met her with each pass of our tongues.

My fingers found her hair, loving the silky strands. Her hand held my face. As our mouths passed over each other's, our bodies moved closer until my other arm wrapped around her back, and I never wanted to stop. She was smaller than I was used to, her shoulders half the width of my guys, and shorter. The strange thing was that she didn't feel soft. Xenia felt a little wild and oh so passionate. She felt like something I wanted to hold onto, curl up with, and definitely see again.

Then she leaned back to meet my eyes. "You should know that I like men too. I mean, just so that's out there."

"Me too," I agreed.

Another little smile flickered across her lips. "And you are so much more beautiful than they say. Stop tempting me."