"I love you," she breathed as she pulled back.

"Here's to a Fresh Start," I said. "This year, I promise that I will trust you the way you deserve, because I love you so much, Nariana."

And then I stepped her into the dance again. The purple gown swirled around her legs, and she moved with the kind of grace and poise that few women could manage. There, in my arms, this woman looked more like a goddess than merely god-touched. All around us, men stole glances with lust written on their faces. Women looked with either envy or desire.

They weren't the only ones. I saw the gods as well. When we turned, I spotted Will leaning against the wall, allowing his eyes to track her movements. Over there was Bode, smiling at us as if he was proud. Savi and Merci stood near the large fireplace, talking with their heads bent together and their gazes following our movements. Charisma was reclined on one of the large windowsills, smiling like she was actually having fun.

The only one I didn't see was Zeal. Not at first. We made almost another complete lap of the dance floor before I spotted him leaning in towards a woman. Another step let me see who, and I wasn't surprised at all to spot the brilliant crimson hair of Amerlee. Jamik stood just behind and beside our god, making it appear as if Amerlee was talking to him if anyone looked over.

Then Nari gasped in a way that sounded happy. I looked back at her, then turned to follow her gaze. Over by the refreshments, Anver and Kynsana were talking to another young priest wearing the blue robes of Compassion. From the smile on Nari's face, she recognized the boy.

"I didn't think an acolyte would be allowed to attend," she said, looking back at me.

"Another brother?" I asked, tilting my head that way in a sign that we could go if she wanted.

"It's Xakiri," she said. "He's a tenth-year."

And she turned, easily stepping out of the flow of bodies on the dance floor to head that way. What she didn't do was let go of my hand. I laced my fingers between hers and followed like our contact was a leash. There was something about the ease with which she held my hand that I liked so much. One more piece of proof that she wanted everyone to know that I was hers.

When we reached the rest, she tugged me up beside her. "Xak, let me introduce my partner, Eladehl. I'm hoping Kyns introduced Anver already?"

"Mhm," Xak agreed, looking me over. "So you're the guy she sleeps with, huh?"

"One of them," I admitted. "Or am I supposed to pretend like that doesn't happen?"

Xak just grinned. "Well, I figure I already met the brooding guy she calls a guardian. Anver seems friendly. I'm trying to figure out which guy I'm supposed to threaten."

"Wraythe," Anver said, a devious smirk on his lips.

"Which one's he?" Xak asked.

"That's Ela's guardian," Nari said, turning to point out at the dance floor. "The big one."

"Oh, fuck," Xak breathed. "Yeah, bad news, Nari. If he wants to treat you like crap, there's not a lot I'll be able to do about it."

"But she will," I assured him. "Trust me, Nari has that monster of a man wrapped around her little finger. He's also more hers than mine, unfortunately."

Xak's brow creased and he looked at Kynsana, who simply laughed. "They're from the Temple of Temptation, Xak. Most of the priests there go both ways."

"Or no way," I added, aware of Anver standing beside us. "Temptation tends to be the home for those who push the boundaries of our sexuality. Some of us love too much, others of us fuck too much."

"Nice," Anver said. "I like the way you phrased that."

Xakiri just pointed at him. "So, I'm guessing you're one that loves too much?"

"Asexual," Anver told him. "For me, romance is a mental thing, not a physical one. Nari and her guys accept that."

Nari just smiled at him. "Don't know how to break it to you, Anver, but you're one of my guys too." She tapped the five-headed snake visible in the god-lace on her chest. "That's why Zeal put you here."

"Nari and herotherguys accept that," Anver corrected, but now his smile had turned to something adorably sweet.

Chapter 6


Iloved the look in Anver's eyes as he smiled at me. It felt like he'd finally accepted that we wanted him back as much as he wanted to be back with us. There was no reason to draw lines between us anymore. Tishlie had lied to him, and that was the only reason why he'd left, so I would never hold that against him. Not anymore.

And the fact that my siblings approved of my guys? It was nice.