"Bode did," I explained, taking the god's arm again. "Just because you can't see him doesn't mean that we can't. That's the whole reason we're here."

She nodded again, then started walking, but it was a little faster this time. Beside me, Bode chuckled softly, but I could still feel Talin's rage boiling inside him - until Anver took his hand. The contact was subtle and quick, but it was enough. I couldn't see what happened after that, but the irritation in my lace was already gone.

And when we reached the High Priest's office, Soira didn't slow down. The woman tapped at the wooden door and then walked right in, gesturing for us to follow. Bode and I entered first. Talin and Anver came next, flanking us. Behind them was Wraythe and Ela.

High Priest Arion rose to his feet with a smile on his lips and his hand stretched over his desk. He was much younger than I expected, probably in his early thirties. He was also attractive in a rather collected sort of way. The best part, however, was the way his lips looked as if curling up was their natural state.

"Priestess Nariana, I presume," he said. "Would you like to introduce me to your..." He paused as his eyes jumped across the men. "I'm sorry, I thought you only had four guardians, not five." And he looked right at Bode.

I just ducked my head and chuckled. "Well, that was a lot easier than I expected. High Priest Arion, may I introduce you to the God of Intuition, Bode?"

And then I stepped back. Bode reached out and took the man's hand. "I knew you were close. Thank you for listening to me in the meeting, even if you couldn't truly hear."

Arion's mouth was hanging open. "Your eyes..."

"Who's he talking to?" Soira asked. "I... There's no one there."

I gestured for her to move to my side as I backed away just enough to let Arion and Bode get to know each other. "You can see that he's talking to someone, right?"

"I can," she admitted, "but I can't hear anything or see it. He looked like he shook hands with air."

"That's how it starts," Ela admitted. "And you hope it's real, but in the back of your mind, you're waiting for the trick. Here's the thing. There isn't a trick. Our gods are amazing. All six of them are beautiful."

"And strong in different ways," Wraythe added. "Personal strength, not physical. They're patient and kind, but also terrifying in their fury."

"They're flawed," Anver added. "And they're lonely."

"They're also too proud to say that easily," Talin told her. "You see, we know how much we need them. What they don't like to admit is how much they need us back. These gods love us, even the broken ones like that man in the hall back there. They claim us, and they will fight for us because they need us the same way we need air."

"Because they're real," I told her. "Divine, different from us, but also the same - and yet still real." Then I reached up to clasp the back of her neck. "You seem to be Priest Arion's right hand. I'm going to guess he leans on you, so would he honestly try to play a prank like this?"

"No," she breathed.

But Arion and Bode had heard us, and both paused to listen, so I kept going. "Close your eyes, Priestess. Bode is a very handsome man. He looks nothing like I would've expected, but I didn't grow up staring at his statues. You did. You already know him, and you can feel him in those yellow marks on your body. Just close your eyes, breathe slowly, and stop trying to explain this away. We are priests, and if we can't believe in divine miracles, then who can?"

"It's just a leap of faith," she mumbled to herself.

"And a terrifying one, but so worth it," I agreed. "Let your intuition guide you. Believe for just a moment that he is real, and none of your doubts matter. Push them aside and then open your eyes."

She stood there with her lids closed for just a little bit longer. I watched as her lashes fluttered, and then she finally opened her eyes. For a little too long, she just stared. The woman didn't even breathe, but when she did, her first reaction was to try to drop to her knees.

"My god!" she gasped, the words sounding like a prayer.

I caught her arm before she could hit the ground, and Bode crossed the distance to cup her face between his palms. "I'm not that kind of god, Soira." Then he leaned in and kissed her brow. "But you finally did it. Both of you!" And then he turned to me. "Nari..."

"Does it help?" I asked him.

"More than you know," he said. "I knew Arion was ready. He just needed a little push so I asked Zeal to tempt his shadow. But Soira? She was close, but I didn't think she was close enough. How did you do this?"

I clasped his shoulder. "It's easier when they see someone else do it first, Bode. That's why Zeal says I'm important. Someone has to see you first, and I was born with the ability." Then I looked over at Arion. "I assume this means our meeting is done, hm?"

The High Priest simply laughed. "Did you need anything else from me? Priestess, I owe you more than I can explain."

I just shook my head. "No. This is my Path, Priest Arion. This is what the Chosen does: acts as a liaison between the gods and their priests."

"But this isn't your temple," Bode reminded me.

I shrugged. "No, but it's the deal I made. My family for Zeal's. Your brother loves you, Bode. He probably won't say it, but he does, and he's worried about all of you."