"Have been tempted," Saval finished for me.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"Where are you going?" Roek asked. "Anver, I can't help if I don't know."

I glanced back at Nari and the guys to see them all watching me intently. "I think I need to speak to the High Priest of Intuition," I admitted, hoping they wouldn't be upset with me for not saying anything before.

But Talin nodded. "Then I need to go with him," he said. "Unless you already have a meeting approved?"

"No, that's kinda what I'm hoping to get."

Talin just nodded again. "Then I know how to get in." And he pushed his sleeve up, showing his lace. "Pretty sure he'd want to know about this, and probably why I was told I have it."

"That sounds like a good excuse," Roek agreed. "Go. Do what you need."

"And Wraythe?" Talin asked.

"I'll watch both of them," Wraythe promised. "You two watch each other."

And just like that, we were excused. Ela and Nari headed to their class, Wraythe went to his, and Talin walked with me towards the back exit of the temple. Thankfully, he didn't ask any questions, but that was probably because we both kept eying the people around us, aware that they were just close enough to hear something if they tried.

Once we were outside, Talin didn't have that problem. "Is this from Zeal?" he asked.

"It's actually Will's fault," I admitted. "Not that he sent me, but he said something yesterday. Then, with what happened to Nari, well, I've realized that the problem is that a nation founded on six gods can't run with just one. Not even three. Somehow, we have to get priests to see their god, and Arion seems to believe. I mean, he's voting with Perception and Compassion, so that means something, right?"

"Intuition and Perception usually vote together," Talin pointed out. "So what is your big plan?"

Yeah, and there was the problem. "I don't really have one," I admitted.

He huffed out a laugh. "Kinda what I thought. Well, High Priests can't be that different from nobility, right? And since I know how to deal with nobility..."

"All you," I agreed.

While it would've been easy to enter the Temple of Intuition from the back, Talin pointed out that we were here to make a good impression, so we walked all the way around to the front. Both of us were wearing black, simply because it was easy to make sure we matched for classes in this color, but when we walked in, it made us stand out.

A young woman hurried up to us from one of the alcoves. "Can I help you, priests?" she asked.

"We were hoping to make an appointment with the High Priest," Talin told her.

She just nodded and gestured for us to follow. "The High Priest is a very busy man, and he doesn't have time to meet with everyone, but I have a feeling you two know that," she said. "However, if there's something I can help you with, I'd be happy to try."

"Unfortunately," I told her, "this is something the High Priest needs to know about."

"Well, then let me escort you to his office," she said.

We were walking through the halls, making a straight line under the dome - which surprised me. Then again, a session with Intuition was nothing like one with Temptation. The people walking through the area were mostly dressed like businessmen. There were a few women, but nothing stood out until someone recognized us.

"Talin?" The voice was deep, rich, and a little more than human.

Both of us turned to see Bode walking up the hall. He was dressed casually, wearing a white shirt with yellow geometric shapes on the collar and sleeves. His pants were a buckskin color, and his boots were only a half shade darker. Among all of the well-dressed people in this temple, he stood out for his casual clothes as much as his strangely hypnotic eyes.

"Um, priests?" the priestess asked.

"She can't see me," Bode explained. "So, let us walk. It will keep her from thinking too hard about this."

"Right," I said, smiling my apology at the priestess. "Just heard something," I assured her.

"Well, this is where many of our patrons have their sessions, and some of them may raise their voices," she told us. "I'm sure you have much more exciting issues in your own temple, though."