"Actually..." Anver said. "The other gods will be marking their Chosen. Each one will have a priest marked like you are." He glanced back at the others. "That's what Zeal said, right?"

"That's what he was going to suggest," Ela agreed. "I don't know why they wouldn't."

"Right." Then Anver looked back to Peyron. "Nari can't go ask about them. She can't push her boundaries or Kinen will find a reason to demote her, kick her out, or something else."

"If he does?" Peyron asked.

"High Priestess of the Temple of All Gods," I told him. "I'm one of the few who qualifies, and the marks on my skin prove it. Since that spot is approved by all of the High Priests, then it means I have a chance of making a difference, but Zeal would rather I focus here."

"Ok," Peyron said. "So, I'll talk to my High Priestess again. Can I tell her about this?"

"About Nari," Talin decided. "We're just her guardians and Ela's her partner. Zeal calls us his disciples, and you can use that, but leave our lace out of this."

"Can do," Peyron assured him. "If my High Priestess approves, I'll go to the other temples, letting them know what to look for, and spreading the word that our gods are trying to come back. That is part of my official duties, and while I haven't graduated yet, I think it'll be allowed."

Ela walked over, holding out a piece of paper. "This is us. You can get us messages with that address, or if you come into the temple and ask any Priest of Obligation for her, they will help."

"Any?" Peyron asked.

"Close enough," Ela assured him. "Obligation loves her. She's their hero, it sounds like. If you want to be careful, there's a priest named Drandir who's taken special interest in her. We can trust him."

"He can see Zeal," Wraythe explained.

Peyron turned to rummage in his folded pants, pulling out something from one of the back pockets. "This is me. Um, both for mail and if you decide to visit. Our temple isn't quite as strict on allowing patrons to wander the halls. Nothing so exciting to see, you understand."

"Saying I can come visit?" I teased.

His eyes met mine, then dropped immediately to my lips. "Yeah. With them, with Talin, alone... Dressed or not. I spent a lot of time imagining a night with the two of you, but I didn't expect to find people I could actually talk to," he admitted. "I'd actually like to call the five of you friends, even if Anver's still trying to decide what he thinks about me."

Anver chuckled. "Close. I think you're a good priest. I think you're an attractive man. I'm not sure how you fit with them yet."

"A friend," Ela said. "I could even give him the title of 'lover,' but he's not family."

"Which says a lot," Wraythe told Peyron. "You might not realize this, but Ela's list of friends?" He gestured around the room. "This is it."

"Pretty much," Ela agreed. "I'd add Osas and Grath to the list, but that's about it. I don't make friends, Pey. I use people. I break others. I love these four. So, friend is a very strong title from me."

"I'll take it," Peyron said. "Now, I need to get dressed and get back home so I can act like a priest again, not a foolish boy living a fantasy."

"Mm..." And I caught his chin, pulling him toward me. "Kiss first."

"Pants first," Talin joked.

But Peyron obeyed me, leaning in to taste my lips one last time. "You have become the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Your partner is just as attractive. Please don't ever make me choose which I prefer more?"

"No," I promised. "We're a matched set, Pey. Ask for one and you get five."

His eyes flared. "One day, I intend to see those guardians' chests, at least."

"Talin's still a guardian," Anver pointed out.

"I mean you and Wraythe," Peyron admitted.

"Means you have to come back," Wraythe teased. "I mean, next time, Talin might even let you fuck him."

Talin ducked his head and chuckled. "And now, I truly feel like a Priest of the Body. Thanks, Wraythe."

"What?" he asked. "You're sexy too. The dark hair and blue eyes make knees get weak, and your lips are kissable."