But he called after us, "I'll have the key for your assignment room sent to your suite tomorrow, along with the exact time. Your session approval will be sent out tonight."

"It's happening," Ela said. "Finally, we will be able to act like true priests. Not students, not disappointments to the temple, but real Priests of the Body."

"Of Temptation," I corrected, looping my arm through his as we headed back home. "And it's Peyron."

"Mm," he agreed. "The things we will do to that boy. Make sure someone has tea in that room, because we'll be up all night long."

* * *

Sure enough, Wraythe requested tea to be available in our session room. Talin made sure the bed would be large enough for three. Anver received a notice from Roek that he should attend us to make sure that Talin's first assignment after his injury didn't cause any issues. That made Talin a little grumpy until Anver explained that it was just the excuse he'd offered. One Saval could push back in Kinen's face, since Nyrren's attack had been such an embarrassment to the temple.

When the day finally came, our assigned meeting time was early, just after lunch on the first day of the weekend. I'd already told Amerlee that we'd be busy, but she and Shalsa were still going to have lunch with Maela. That meant we had nothing else to worry about but our first outside patron, and I was a little excited about this - both nervous and anticipating it.

The session room was given to us until dinner on the following day. In other words, plenty of time to do all we needed to. A paper filled with instructions was included with the key, explaining to our guardians how they could order meals, request any necessary supplies or assistance, and how to check out of the room when we were done.

Ela and I had both done this before, in theory. It was different with someone who wasn't from our temple, though. We'd all been trained in what to wear, how to act, and which steps to follow. Peyron hadn't. He was nothing more than a priest looking for some attention. The problem was that he'd never said sex. He hadn't laid out exactly what he hoped would happen tonight. I was pretty sure he wouldn't know how.

So we fell back on habits. The two of us chose matching outfits. Ela's suit was elegant, yet simple. His shirt and accessories were all in a brilliant red that matched my dress. I painted my eyes as dark and sultry as possible, then stained my lips the same bright shade as my dress. My hair was styled to look formal, but in a way that would allow it to tumble down sensually.

Every last detail was accounted for, and both Ela and I put in just a bit of extra effort. Seeing how far we were taking this, Talin and Wraythe did the same. With half an hour until our appointment time, all four of us looked amazing. Everything about us was black, except for the red Ela and I wore. The choker at my throat was the one Zeal had given me. The earrings in my ears were from Anver. As a group, we looked perfect. There was just one thing missing.

I'd barely thought it before I heard the door to our suite open. Talin, being the closest to the bedroom door, glanced over and smiled. A moment later, Anver stepped in and held up a key. Clearly, it was one that matched our room.

"So you got it?" Talin asked.

"Yep," Anver said. "And I was sent with gifts from Zeal."

One by one, he moved to Talin, Wraythe, and then Ela. When he stopped before each of them, he removed the traditional pin in their cravats or ties and replaced it with one that matched the jewel on my choker. Small things, completely black, and shaped like the five-headed snake. All of them sparkled just enough to draw the eye.

"Nice," I breathed, reaching over to check Ela's a little closer.

"Zeal wants Savi's Chosen to know that he's invested in all of us, he said. And, um, there was something about being gentle with the guy. Sounds like he is nervous, has already tried on five suits this morning, and still doesn't know what he's wearing."

Wraythe chuckled, struggling to hold it in. "Well, sounds like this should be easy. I mean, I know what it's like to be that nervous."

"Yeah..." Anver drawled. "I was also told that we are not just guardians. Zeal put us on this Path for a reason, Nari has laid it out for us, and he expects us to do more than fall into shallow and easy habits."

"Which means this priest is important," Talin realized.

Anver nodded. "Peyron is close to seeing Savi, it sounds like. His belief is true, but he's just not sure what he's missing. And..." He turned back to Ela and me. "I'm supposed to deliver a message."

"Uh oh," Ela muttered.

Anver cleared his throat. "Temptation isn't just about the bad things. Sometimes, it can be about fulfilling dreams. Both for the patron and my priests." Anver paused. "He made me memorize the exact words, so that's from Zeal. He wants this to be fun. Said something about making up for last year."

That, more than anything else, made me feel a lot less worried about this. No, it didn't remove all of the anxiety, but some of that was the good kind. I wanted this guy to be everything I'd hoped. I wanted him to like us. Still, knowing that Zeal had clearly done a little pushing of his own to make this happen?

"Tonight is going to be a good night," I decided, turning for the door. "And if Peyron is still trying to pick clothes, then let's make sure he has a comfortable reception in the assigned room."

"And overwhelm him?" Ela asked.

I just glanced over to where our three guardians stood in a row. "There are five heads to this snake, Ela. We have to figure out how to make this work. I'm sure Peyron won't be the last priest who's a little intimidated by our group, but I have a funny feeling that he's one who'll help us figure out how to do it better."

"I like that," Talin said, turning for his sword, then pausing. "Weapons?"

Ela just reached over to pick up his cane. "Yes. We don't know Peyron that well, and we shouldn't be fooled by a pretty face. You all know just how dangerous I can be."

So Talin belted on his sword. Anver already wore his. Wraythe just checked his arm, making it clear he'd planned to go armed regardless. Then, fifteen minutes before we were expected, the five of us headed to our first official session.
