Chapter 28


For the rest of the week, Saval spent our class time discussing the things we were and were not expected to tolerate in a session with patrons. Half of her remarks were directed at the guardians in the room, too. At one point, Roek took over, explaining that while we'd all been told that guardians should lurk quietly at the edge of the room, that wasn't always the case.

Some patrons would be anxious because of their presence. If greeting that person and explaining their purpose helped, then they should do that. If sitting made the patron feel like they were less conspicuous, then that was the best plan. Guardians were trained to read the room as much as the Priests of the Body, so they were finally being allowed to use that.

As for us, the ones who'd be doing the fucking? Saval stressed the importance of setting limits. She made it clear that even if there were no plans for pain play, we should still have a safe word set up. She discussed how multiples would work, how individual priests would have other options, and how much we were allowed to "wing it" to leave the patron satisfied.

Then, at the end of the week, we got to meet our scheduler. Ela and I were currently assigned to a Priest of the Word named Migard. He was a short guy with brown skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. His smile was a little crooked and his voice was soft. I liked him immediately.

"Do you two prefer to work together or alone?" he asked, looking between me and Ela.

"Together," we said in tandem.

He chuckled. "Preference on males or females?"

I glanced at Ela who looked at me as if I should know this. "Men," he assured the priest. "It seems my partner is a bit picky about the women she'll be with."

"Ah..." Migard nodded sagely. "So, you're basically straight, Nariana?"

"Close enough," I agreed. "I'm not repulsed by women, but I haven't found any that make me desire them yet."

"Then I will be sure to run any potential women past the two of you before committing," he promised. "As for limits..." The man moved to a notebook and picked up a pen. "What will the pair of you refuse without question?"

"Tying Nari up," Ela said. "They can tie me, we can do light bondage with her, but she cannot be fully restrained by anyone but me. If they want to watch me bind her, that's fine, but I willnotallow them to touch her like that."

Migard glanced up at Ela, smiled, and then made a note. Neither of us missed that Ela was protecting my weakness, and Migard didn't call him on it. That made it easier for me to feel ok about this. I didn't need to push through the anxiety that caused me. I wouldn't have to force myself to pretend like I was ok. Best of all, Migard didn't seem to think less of either one of us for it.

"And?" Migard pressed.

"What do you mean?" Ela asked. "What else is there?"

"So, you will allow yourself to be bound. What about abusing either of you without restraints? Battery, cutting, whips, spankings, anal sex, oral sex..." He shrugged. "There's a lot 'else,' Priest Eladehl."

"I'm not sure how I'd feel about someone cutting her," Ela admitted. "Let's keep the abuse of my partner to a minimum for now. The last thing I need is to lose control in a session." His brow furrowed, and that was when I realized he was serious. "Abusing me is fine. We also work on the softer side."

That got Migard's attention. "Really? That's unusual. Typically, a punisher doesn't have a taste for anything sensual."

"I'm not a typical punisher," Ela assured him. "Nari is sensual."

"I'm also not his submissive," I clarified. "Most assume that because he's a punisher, I must be one, but I'm not. In many cases, I'm the dominant and he's the sadist."

"So do you prefer directing, or are the pair of you more interested in more equal roles?"

"Equal," I said without hesitation. "We're aware that we'll be requested as a domme and punisher set, though."

"I'll do my best to find you more appropriate pairings," Migard assured us. "It appears that your first session has already been booked and accepted, though. A Priest of Perception, also a second-year initiate..." His eyes narrowed. "Priestess Saval has marked on here that you already approved this?"

"And are excited about it," Ela assured him. "We met the guy already. He's pretty."

"Let me know afterwards if he should be on the approved list. If so, I'll be sure to push aside less favorable options." The guy leaned back as if to stretch his back. "So, in approving his application, it seems that the pair of you might be interested in those curious about multiples. Often, they will be first exposures. Would that be something you would want to do often?"

"Yes," Ela said before I could answer. "I know that quite a few men will want to use her as their excuse for being with me. Let them. If they want to say it's a display while having the chance to join in, that's fine. Nari doesn't yet have experience with penetrating a man, though."

"Noted," Migard said, writing that down. "You two are making this easy on me. If I have anything that concerns me, I'll ask before approving it, but I think I have an idea of your strengths. If, at any time, I assign you someone you feel uncomfortable with, please let me know the issues and I will make sure it doesn't happen again. If you refuse the session, that's assumed to be a mistake on my part, and it will not affect your grade. Saval hopes that I will be able to work with the pair of you so you won't need to rotate schedulers like the other students." He glanced down. "But, if you find it's not working, let her know and she'll find you someone else."

"Thank you, Migard," I said, promising nothing as we backed away from the counter so the next set of students could take their turn with him.