"They are amazing," I agreed. "Her dark, his light. His darkness, her brightness."

"Perfect complements," Wraythe said. "It's the kind of temptation that will draw a lot of people. Don't judge Peyron for wanting what you have, Talin."

"I don't," I promised, snagging the weight from his hands so I could finish. "I just want to protect them without screwing up. I feel like, over and over, things just get past me. I shoved into their flirtation and kissed the guy, don't you see? His first kiss with a man, and I stole it like I had a right!"

"Pretty sure there's lace on your dick," Anver reminded me. "Zeal did that for a reason."

"And what about letting her fall down the stairs?" I tried next.

"She was onmyarm," Anver pointed out. "That failure is mine. I didn't think she'd step back. I assumed Nari knew the stairs were there. If she'd pressed in like she usually does, getting up in Ciella's face..."

"It's not that," Wraythe realized, watching me a little too intently. "It's that session. Are you scared of dying, Talin?"

"Well, yeah," I admitted, "but that's not my problem. Fear of death is a constant. We all have it and we all ignore it. I'm scared ofherdeath. I'm scared of letting her down again, and I feel like I'm so blinded by my worry about Ela - "

"I'll be there," Anver said, reaching over to clasp my knee. "Our bigger issue is going to be how we make this poor priest feel like he's not being judged."

"Or smothered," Wraythe agreed. "I can't imagine having a small army watching my first time. I was so fucking nervous!"

That made me chuckle. "You didn't seem to mind when we all joined in."

Which made Wraythe's lips curl. "You know this session is behind closed doors, right? You know Peyron's been chosen. You also know he likes you, Talin."

"Shit," I breathed.

"No," Wraythe said, clasping my arm, which left me pinned between him and Anver. "Stop thinking about losing Ela and start thinking about sharing with him. Ela wants to do this with you. Nari wants to do this with you. They get excited about the things theyshareand they want you to be a part of that. So, why can't you be?"

I just blew out a breath. "The Path of Temptation, right?"

"Uh huh," Wraythe agreed.

"So, how about we play this by ear," I said. "I'm not a performer."

"No..." Anver mumbled, his eyes dropping to the ground. "But I bet a guy would feel a bit less intimidated if he got to watch some fun first. Especially some guy-on-guy stuff. I mean, that's not exactly something we see a lot of outside our temple."

"You think I should be a display?" I looked between both of them, waiting for the joke.

Wraythe just bobbed his head. "I think the rules don't apply to us like others. Anver and I like to watch. You're jealous because you feel like you're pushed out. So, what happens if you push your way in?"

"I'll fuck up their session?" I offered.

Wraythe just rubbed my shoulder gently. "It's Peyron. There will be five guardians in that room and one Chosen Priest of Perception. I think he's outnumbered, I'm pretty sure he'll know it, and he's still willing to take the risk because he's not looking for perfection. Fuck up the session, Talin."

Anver just smiled, the look a little devious. "Stop trying to be perfect."

Dropping my head, I groaned, because that shot landed just like he'd intended. "You win. Both of you. I can't promise I won't be jealous, but I can't blame Ela for something I'm just as guilty of."

"Good," Wraythe said. "And then remind yourself that you're the one they're taking home. When you worry about it again, I'll tell you that again. Sorry, Talin. You're not getting rid of any of us."

"Not even me," Anver swore, gripping my knee softly. "I just want to see if this guy is half as pretty as you are."

"Not even close," Wraythe said. "He's cute. Talin's gorgeous. Besides, they both like blue eyes better."

"You could've led with that," I grumbled.

Wraythe just pushed to his feet and headed for another set of weights. "But it wouldn't have solved the real problem. You're fine, Talin. We'll make sure of it."

"Always," Anver promised me.

"Thank you," I breathed. "I think I need you around as much as they do."

The look that put on his face? Yeah. Clearly, I wasn't the only one who needed a little reassurance. Seeing the way Anver's eyes lit up like that? I was going to make a point of telling him just how important he was. If it could make me feel this much better, then I could only imagine how desperately Anver needed to hear it.