"I'm good with that," I agreed. "So, how about we don't fuck."

"Sounds like a plan," Anver laughed. "Talin's different. He tries to be subtle, but the world won't let him, so he pretends like he doesn't care. Instead, he does - a lot. He sees the things he can fix and just handles it, never asking for credit. A good example..." He looked over at Talin. "...Is talking to me. You bridged the gap because you knew it meant something to them."

"All of them," Talin agreed just as Nari cried out in passion.

Ela blew out a breath. "Here's hoping that's a good sign. I mean, how do we know if she can't handle him?"

"He wouldn't try if she couldn't," Anver promised. "Zeal is crazy about her. Not just because she can save him, either. I think he's gotten so far past that. For like a week after Will kissed her, he was pissed about it - "

"We were surprised when we heard Zeal punched him!" Talin asked.

Anver nodded, making a production of it. "Oh, yeah. How dare his brother kiss his girl, and it's different with you guys, and on and on. But that was when I realized that he's not chasing Nari because of what she can do for him. He's fallen for her completely, and he'll destroy his entire family to keep her safe. He just wants to see her smile, and hehatesthat he's made her life so hard."

"Right now it's him that's hard," Ela joked.

"Jealous?" Talin teased.

Ela just canted his head. "A bit. I definitely want to hear all about how a god fucks, that's for sure. I also want to make sure that she knows it's ok." He paused, made a face, and then groaned at himself. "Ok, don't laugh at me, but there's nothing I love more than when she gets giddy about something. Like when she finally slept with Wraythe and she'd just smile at nothing, but we all knew what she was thinking?"

"He did that too," Talin pointed out.

"Shit," I shot back, "so did both of you. Talin, I bet your feet didn't touch the ground after you got that girl in bed."

"Not once," Talin promised. "This knock-out girl picks me up at the inn, lets me go all the way, and then tells me I'm her first? Yeah, I was feeling on top of the world, and I didn't even know her!"

Anver huffed out a little noise that almost sounded like a laugh. It made all of us look at him, which was when he realized he'd done it.

"What?" he asked.

"I want to know that thought," Ela said, reaching over for his hand to lace their fingers together.

Anver smiled down at the connection. "I just realized that I did the same. Not that I've slept with her, but when she talks to me, when she kissed me, when she took my arm to walk down to the front entrance. All those little things make me do that smile stupidly thing."

"And Zeal?" I asked. "You guys think he'll be any better?"

"Nope," Talin said. "In fact, I half expect flowers to start blooming in the halls or something."

"What about Nari?" I asked, watching him carefully.

Talin just smiled. "She feels complete. She feels like things are right. C'mon, you all know that's why we're so calm about this. She's having sex out of sight and not a single one of us is pacing? It's the bonds. We know she's ok, and we know she's thrilled that this has finally happened."

"Let's just hope it happens a lot more," Ela said. "And next time, I'm definitely getting in on that."

"Yeah," I agreed, "but how long do we give a god for his afterglow?"

Anver pointed to the book in my lap. "How about two chapters? Then I'll head home, you three can go cuddle with your girl - "

"Our girl," I corrected.

And that made Anver glance at me with one of those silly smiles we'd just been talking about. "Yeah, cuddle with our girl since there isn't room for all of us. I'll cuddle with Zeal. Sound fair?"

"Sounds kinda perfect actually," I agreed. "And kiss Ela again. He's getting that vibrating feeling that means he's turned on."

Anver just pulled Ela into his lap. "I don't even care if you kiss me in front of Tish. The fact that it'll piss her off is a bonus." Then he bent and kissed my ward gently.

Thank you, Zeal,I prayed silently.It feels like we're all finally back together, and this is where Anver belongs. Make sure he knows that? Make sure you tell Nari you love her. Most of all, hold her for a bit, because she will snuggle up next to you in the best way. I think you two deserve that after waiting so long.

And then I opened my book and started reading.