The world around me faded from perception, and all that mattered was Zeal. Everywhere he touched me, from my cheek to my core, radiated with pleasure. The feel of his shoulders under my hands was like a tether, keeping reality from spinning away, so I clung to him, wanting all of this. Every wild, divine sensation.

My lace knew him, reacting to his body inside mine. My soul expanded, wrapping around his. This wasn't just an act of physical passion. It was more - somuchmore than I'd ever imagined. Every sense was heightened. My skin was screaming in pleasure. My mind couldn't even comprehend all the miracles of his touch, but I knew it was good. I also knew I would need more of this.

"Open your eyes, my love," he begged.

I did, but this was nothing I knew. Swirls of white and pastel colors sparkled around us. Mist, or something like it, made this private, blocking the view of everything beyond our reach, but it didn't matter. I knew this place. I could feel this place, and yet I could also feel the mattress against my back, the covers shifting each time he pumped into me.

When I turned to see his face, pale grey eyes met mine. The other colors were still there, but the grey was most obvious. His gaze dropped to my lips a moment before he kissed me, and my eyes closed again. The sight was beautiful, but it didn't hold a candle to the sensual way he loved me.

Every movement was calculated, each stroke was slow, allowing me to feel everything happening. His breath, his hand moving to my thigh, and his fingers on the other hand sliding into my hair. Every beat of his heart crashed against my skin. All of the lace he was pressing into my body simmered with the kind of pleasure I hadn't known was possible.

Zeal didn't need to ram himself into me to make it feel powerful. All he had to do was give, and I was taking. For this moment, the two of us were one, and I wanted to make it last forever. Slow, sensual movements slid our skin against each other. I reached for the back of his neck, feeling the short curls there against the pads of my fingers. The muscles of his thighs flexed each time he pressed back in, and I knew about all of it, simultaneously, as if I'd become something more.

"Take it," he breathed. "Everything I have is yours, Nari. My home, my power, and even my own soul. That's what it means to love a god..." He rocked into my body again. "Or to be loved by one."

His words were in a voice so rich I couldn't fathom all the tones, so I didn't try. I just hugged him closer, aware that I couldn't take much more of this. I was close. The overwhelming amount of sensation was more than my human mind could comprehend, so I didn't try. I just focused on his body against mine, inside mine, pressing against the parts that felt so good. I latched onto the way he panted against my neck, pausing to kiss my pulse as he slid out, and the tiny little sounds he made when he pressed back in.

This wasn't fucking. This wasn't even just sex. I didn't have a word for it, but my body understood. It was pleasure, utopia, and divinity all offered freely. It was so good, and I could feel my body responding. Zeal dipped lower, his mouth finding my breast even as his thumb caressed the side of my face. His other hand slid down to my knee, shifting my leg so he could bend enough to tease my nipple.

A rush of pleasure came with that and I bucked into him, driving him deeper. He gasped, clearly liking that as much as I did. I could feel him swelling or my walls clenching, but I couldn't be sure which. The nuances of which body was mine felt blurred, as if that no longer mattered. We were we, and this was us. It felt good. It didn't hurt, and I could take more.

So Zeal gave it. His hand left my leg to play with the other breast, and he rolled his hips, pressing his pelvis right against my clit with the movement. My breath caught, but I held him, making it clear that was good, so he did it again, then again. I didn't try to think. I couldn't keep up with it all, but I felt my legs begin to tremble.

"I want you with me," I begged.

"So close," he murmured, driving into me a little harder. "So very beautiful."

"And yours," I promised.

This time, it was Zeal whose breath caught, but I still felt it. Another thrust and I knew I was done. I couldn't hold off, but I wanted this to be good for him. I needed him to do this again, often, and to let me have this taste of the impossible.

"Always," Zeal breathed, and then pressed into me again, rolling his hips a little harder against me.

That was all it took, and I lost control. The pleasure took over, and this time I cried out, grasping at him as my body arched, trying to get us as close as possible. He continued to rock, moving with me even as he shoved an arm under my back to hold me. It was so protective, so sensual, and so perfect. My god loved me, and it felt better than I'd ever imagined.

Then he groaned deeply, trying to keep going, but I felt his body shudder against mine. He let out a short breath, then just gave in, sheathing himself deep inside me as the last of my climax let go. For a moment, we both lay there. Sometime in all of that, my eyes had closed again, and I was almost scared to open them.

"It's ok," he whispered. "I was careful. I brought you back, Nari." I felt his lips on my cheek and opened my eyes to find him watching me. "I just needed your first time to be gentle."

"Mm," I mumbled, pressing my face into his shoulder. "I liked that."

So he kissed the side of my head and withdrew, rolling both of us onto our sides when I refused to let go. "Let me spoil you, Nari?"

"You already do," I promised, looking up to find his eyes again.

That made him smile. "I mean the shallow things. Let me bring you flowers and jewelry? Let me steal you away for no reason at all? Let me convince you that being a god doesn't make me out of your reach."

"Mm, or maybe you should realize that the best way to spoil me is to realize that those guys are a part of me. Love them as much as me, Zeal. That's what will win my heart. I don't need jewels and plants that will barely live a week. I need people to care, people I can trust, and to do that, it means I need to know you."

"But - " he tried.

"Not your secrets," I clarified, cutting him off. "You. The things you miss from the past. The jokes you find funny. The colors you like most - and black doesn't count. I want to know you, Zeal. I want to hear the things your siblings have long grown tired of hearing. I want to be not just your Chosen, or your priestess, or your lover. I also want to be your friend."

"I've been practicing," he admitted. "Anver is teaching me how to let someone in, so I'll try. I can't promise to get it right, but I will give you anything you ask for. I just need you to ask."

"Ok," I murmured, snuggling a little closer. "Then what is your favorite color?"

"Red and gold," he said. "It used to just be red, until you looked at me with those eyes."

"Then I'm going to need more red dresses." I kissed the side of his neck. "I have a new man to impress."

He chuckled. "And I used to hate when people called me that."

"A man?"

He nodded. "Mhm. I'm not a man - I'm a god - but I want to beyourman, Nari."

"You already are."