Chapter 22


Shalsa eventually made it to our bed, and she fell asleep almost instantly. The rest of us talked for a bit, but what was there to say? Ciella was staying. Oddly, I wasn't surprised. Anyone who made problems in my life seemed to end up on Kinen's side. The worst part of that was that he felt there had to be sides!

Because we were on lockdown, Wraythe went to order both breakfast and lunch for us. In between the meals, we got ahead on our homework, tried to figure out what Kinen could be planning - which none of us could think of - and made plans for how to keep an eye on each other for the rest of the semester.

While this might be nothing, and it could simply be Kinen trying to annoy me for some reason, I didn't think so. First, because I was nothing in the scheme of things. As far as Kinen was concerned, I was merely a second-year initiate with fucked-up lace. He, however, was the leader of the entire temple, voted in by the Priests of Temptation, and supposedly sanctified by our god. Compared to that, I was little more than a fly to him.

And yet we were used to things going bad. Last year had taught us to watch our backs, especially mine. I just couldn't figure out how embracing a priestess who'd lost her marks would have anything to do with me, or getting rid of me. Not unless Kinen planned to use that as a way of explaining his own lack of lace. Except it wouldn't work! Too many people could see Zeal now. Too many understood what our god was trying to do.

But Kinen didn't believe.

Oh, he wasn't the only one, but the factions were starting to split. Zeal had once told me that there were four types of people: those who believed blindly, those who believed but had doubts, those whose doubts were stronger than their belief, and those who adamantly refused to believe no matter what. Kinen and Ciella were the last kind. I was pretty sure Tishlie was the third. I also knew that they weren't alone.

I just didn't have time for their stupid games. I had to finish my education and become an acknowledged priestess of this temple. Savi had made it clear that the other gods were fading faster than we'd expected. Somehow, I had to get them a little faith, but I had no clue how to make that happen. It was Ela who did.

"They just need one, Nari," he told me. "One priest or priestess who can see them. From there, it's no longer your problem. Sure, you can help, but once they have someone, then that person can do exactly what you did."

But what had I done? I'd believed. I'd talked to our god. I'd allowed him to influence me, and I'd used his knowledge to help others. The more of them who'd believed, the more they'd told, and now it was growing exponentially. There was no reason that couldn't work in the other temples the way it had here, right?

Eventually, Irila came by to get Shalsa. We woke her up and sent the pair of them home with promises to help if they needed it. They both assured us that this wasn't our problem. Irila went so far as to point out that getting involved would only make things worse. Still, there was one thing I could help with.

I needed to call Zeal. I knew that. Someone had to tell him, and he wouldn't take his anger out on us. He might rant, but considering that I also wanted to, I couldn't exactly blame him. But before that happened, there was one thing I needed to address with the guys - all the guys.

"So," I said, dropping into my chair and gesturing for them to join me. "I have to tell all of you something."

"Thought you were going to call Zeal," Wraythe said. "Shouldn't he be here for this?"

"No." I bit my lips together, hoping they'd take this well. "This is about us. You see, when he caught me yesterday, he said something." I had to swallow because I was a little nervous that they wouldn't be ok with this. "He said he's in love with me."

"And?" Ela asked.

Talin was watching me like he was waiting for the rest. Wraythe's brow was creased as if he was confused. It was Anver who understood. Letting out a chuckle, he leaned forward and gestured for me to relax.

"And she's worried that it might bother one or all of you," he said.

"Us," Ela corrected, "because she called you in here as well."

That made Anver look up at me. "Nari, I've known how he feels about you for almost a year. I think we all have."

"But he said it," I tried to explain. "It's out there now."

Talin reached over to catch my hand. "Are you in love with him?"

"No," I admitted. "I could be, though. I like him - a lot. I'm just not quite at love yet."

"Nari." Wraythe came over to sit on my other side. "We know he loves you. We know that we love you - even Anver. The five of us are, and have always been, yours. Not a secret, and we're all ok with it. Just like you're ok with Ela and Talin."

"And Ela and Anver," Talin added, "because I've seen them trading looks."

"You are completely ruining my chances of picking him up," Ela pointed out. "Since I know his ring doesn't work, that means I can at least try."

"Still not going to fuck you," Anver pointed out.

Ela shrugged that off. "I was working up to a kiss. Maybe some cuddling. Definitely a little exhibition for your amusement. Anver, we all know that you're not into sex, and we're allstillok with it."

"Oh, that? Yeah, I'm cool with that," Anver joked, flashing Ela a smile.