"Zeal?" she asked.

"He's real," I told her. "If you believe in him, you can see him. He's beautiful, the statues do not do him justice, and his eyes are the most amazing thing you will ever have the chance to see. You just have to stop doubting that he's real and accept that someone put the lace on us. Someone writes in the Book of Rules. That means there has to be a god running this show. Believe that and you'll see him."

"She's close," Zeal said. "She's also young and has had a lot thrown at her very fast." Then he turned to Vernie. "I didn't mean to interrupt you, though. You were trying very hard to make my Chosen feel as if this was a normal introduction."

"Our Path doesn't have nearly as many students on it to get to know as Body," the first man said.

"Konas," Zeal said. "That's his name."

"Sorry," the first man said, turning to smile at me. "Formerly a Priest of Protection. Delran was my desire."

"Still is," Zeal mumbled a little too loudly.

The class chuckled, but poor Livia was missing it all. I felt a little bad for her, and yet it made me realize something. "Are you picking Priests of Word for their faith or their ability, Zeal?"

"Both," he said, pushing from his chair. "Vernie, do you mind?"

"Not at all," she assured him. "After all, this class is on your words, is it not?"

So Zeal moved over to lean against the desk. "Zevon? Can you relay most of this to Livia for me?"

"Yes, uh, sir?"

"My name's fine," Zeal assured him. "I've never asked for groveling from my priests. I don't actually want it, since temptation is more likely to push you all to yell at me. As for how I choose? Each Path has a purpose. The Path of the Word is the section of our faith that deals with knowing the rules, and making sure things work within them. Doesn't matter if that's a holiday service, a secular function, or assigning a priest a session in the temple. The Path of the Word focuses on the rules of this faith."

"And the Path of Temptation?" asked the woman whose name I hadn't learned yet.

"Priestess Orilee," Zeal said, "that is not for me to answer. You see, the first rule of temptation is one that not even gods can ignore. There's always a price. To get Nariana's help, I had to pay one, and putting her on that Path was what Nari charged me."

So the woman whose name seemed to be Orilee turned to me. "Then what's the purpose of your Path in the temple, Nariana? I don't mean that to sound like a challenge. I'm honestly curious."

I lifted my voice just enough so they could all hear me. "The Path of Temptation is meant to use all the aspects of Zeal's faith in a way to bring belief back. I'm also here to guard his faith from those who would like to twist it to givethempower instead of our god."

"In other words," Vernie said, "you're the link between the priests, the faith, and the god of this temple, hm?"

"I think that's a very good way to put it," Zeal agreed. "I should also mention that she's no longer alone on that Path."

"Zeal!" I hissed.

"What?" he asked. "Do you honestly think that no one will figure it out? I put the lace on them to be seen, Nari. Just like I put it on you. Everyone in here was chosen for the Path of the Word after I had decided that it was time to restore our temple. These priests believe, or want to very badly. They are not your enemies."

"Then who is?" Konas asked.

"Those who intend to get fat on the work of others," Zeal said. "The ones who are so terrified of change that they would rather destroy everything. Priests and priestesses who cheat the system that has served us for hundreds of years." He looked over at Vernie. "I know you've seen what I'm talking about."

"I have," she admitted. "When I was a girl, this class would have been twice as big, and priests in it didn't all come from Protection and Body. They used to allow Priests of Action to reimmerse for this Path as well."

"And even Obligation," Zeal told her. "But it's easier to work those lowest priests to death, replacing them with anyone who is hard to control. Oddly, if you stop and think about that, you'll realize the flaw. The ones who are hard to control are often those tied the tightest to Temptation. They're as much mine as anyone else here."

"And they work hard," I had to add. "In my one course with them, I saw just how much. Not simply the tasks they're given, but to be invisible, to keep the rest of us happy, and more. One girl was put in Obligation because she couldn't read! She gets the letters confused."

"Dyslexia," Zeal said. "She needed more time. I couldn't put her on another Path because of it, and yet I know that every priest I mark for Obligation will feel like they've failed me. It was meant to be a chance to grow. A time to learn more than simply the flashiest aspects of our faith. Not everyone dreams of sex with strangers, nor of beating them to a pulp for hurting a priest. My own Chosen could've had the Path of the Word, but her fear of public speaking made her beg me for something else."

"He's right," I admitted.

"But you don't have a problem now," Orilee pointed out.

"This doesn't count," I assured her. "What, eight people? Nine if you count the god in the room. That's a group of friends. Talking to hundreds? No thank you."