"You have to do what she says," Ciella said a moment later. "You're the guardian, Anver. You wanted this!"

"No," he snapped at her. "I wanted whattheyhave. I expected respect from my ward. I assumed she'd care about me enough that I'd be able to call her my desire. She doesn't. I'm not her pet, and Ryshie isn't yours."

But Tishlie just straightened to push into his face. "Yeah, and when I tell the Protection instructor about this?"

"Then what?" Anver asked. "What exactly are you going to tell him, Tish?"

"That you're neglecting me," she hissed. "You don't protect me."

"From what?" Anver asked. "From your grades? From your own decisions? No, I keep your body safe - and that's all I'm required to do."

Tishlie tried to pull her arm free, so Ciella stepped forward, clearly intending to help. Talin and Wraythe just turned to face her, their posture making it clear they would step in. The smile on Talin's lips proved that he might even enjoy it.

"You can't just let him hurt her," Ciella grumbled.

"No?" Talin asked. "But she keeps asking for it. Consent of action, and all that."

"That's not what I'm doing!" Tishlie whimpered as she pulled against Anver's grip again. "You're hurting me."

"And how do you think those slaps feel to me?" Anver asked. "You think I enjoy that? Tell me, what convinced you I was into pain? Was it when I walked away from Ela in primary? Was it when I held you each time you cried? Which thing sounds like I'm dying to have my ward abuse me, Tish?"

"But you're my guardian," she said. "Priestesses of the Body are supposed to be treasured!"

"So are their protectors," I told her. "Are you so brainless that you can't figure that out? He's not a fucking slave!"

"I'm going to tell the instructor!" Tishlie huffed. "I'll tell him all about this, and then you four will be dropped down to Action."

"Oh, fuck off already," Ela groaned.

"She doesn't know," I realized. "She has no clue who's teaching Protection this year."

"Then I think it's time you meet him," Anver said. "He still in the room?"

"Yep," Wraythe said. "They had a long line to get textbooks."

Still holding Tishlie's wrist, Anver pulled her toward the classroom door. The rest of us moved out of his way, but Tishlie tried to resist. She dug in her heels, pulled back, and made it clear her threat had been an empty one. Anver didn't seem to care at all. He just pulled harder, dragging her along beside him.

"You can't do that!" Ciella gasped, lunging for Tishlie's other arm.

But Wraythe was too fast. He shoved at her shoulder, pushing her back before she could help Tishlie. "Don't you have a class?" he asked.

Ciella huffed at him. "Asshole."

"Spoiled twit," he shot back. "Oh, doesn't that sting?"

Talin snorted out a laugh. "I think you've spent too much time with Ela, Wraythe."

"Nah. I just hate Ciella." Then he leaned toward her. "Run away now, little girl. Nari might have a moment and burn off the rest of your hair."

I leaned against the wall and smiled when she looked at me. "That could be fun. Wanna try, Ciella? Or is it easier to just go the fuck away?"

"And stay there," Ela added. "See, what you don't realize is that this? Your little attitude? It gets me going." He licked his lips almost seductively. "It makes me think about how you'd moan when your skin parts under a knife, or how your breath would gurgle as I strangled the life out of you."

"Fucking freak," Ciella snapped at him.

Then she spun and marched back toward her classroom. She probably meant to look pissed off, but she didn't. It was obvious that she was retreating. It also felt good. Ciella might not scare me anymore, but she annoyed the hell out of me.

And behind us, Anver kept going, clearly intending to call Tishlie's bluff. When he got her through the doorway, the four of us shared a look, then started walking. We needed to get to our next class, and none of us were worried about him. Roek would make all of this right. He had to.

Anver deserved at least that from our instructors.