"Fuck you," Tath said, marching toward me like a predator. "I take what I want. That's how this house stays in power."

He meant me. This man intended to have his way with me, whether I approved or not. Well, fuck him. Spinning, I headed in the other direction, but I didn't know this room as well as he did. Ducking around a centrally placed sofa, I hoped to double back for the door. Tath merely leapt over the furniture, grabbed me by the waist, and then threw me onto the cushions.

I kicked, hitting him hard in the diaphragm. The air rushed from his lungs, so he swung, hitting me on the cheek with his closed fist. In my mind, I was trying to remember all the things I'd seen in this room without taking my eyes off my enemy. Above my head was a table. On it was a statue. I wasn't sure what it was made of, but it would do for now. I crawled backwards, ready to kick out again, because my legs were stronger than my arms.

A presence began to swell in my mind. Zeal, ready to help me. I just had to let him in - but not this time.I've got this,I assured him.

I will kill him.Zeal thought to me.I will not let him hurt my Chosen!

And then he'll always think I'm weak without your protection.I shot back.I've got this, Zeal. Stop distracting me.

I felt the god's rage, but he didn't take over my body. I hadn't given him consent, and he could respect that. Tath couldn't. I just needed another inch, but the man grabbed my leg, trying to drag me back towards him. My skirts slid up as my body was pulled down, so I kicked again, this time hitting his face.

That gave me just enough room to roll onto my stomach and dive forward. I could feel my guys across the bond, three different flavors of anger and fear humming in the back of my mind, but I couldn't let that distract me. I needed to be right here, right now, so I could teach this fucking idiot a lesson.

My hand closed on the statue of a rearing horse just as Tath threw himself on my back. I bucked, lifting him up just enough so I could twist, but he already had a hand in my skirt. When I felt his fingers grab the fullness of my ass, I knew the kind of rage that I'd only ever seen in Ela before.

"No means no!" I roared, swinging the statue at whatever part of him I could hit.

That was his arm, but it was enough to make him jerk back. Four inches, six at the most, but the space was my salvation. I rolled to the floor, scrambling to get away, and then Tath was jerked back again - but this time I had nothing to do with it. Wraythe pushed Tath back even more, then Eladehl grabbed one of the man's arms from behind. Twisting it back and up, he used it to shove the man over so the couch was between us.

"I warned you," Ela said, his voice much too calm.

Tath tried to shove him off, but he forgot that Ela wasn't alone. The moment he pulled, Wraythe's hand grabbed the back of Tath's neck, shoving his face down onto the table, facing the bookshelves on the back wall. That put Ela behind him, bending his arm a little more to keep Tath restrained, but Ela's eyes were on me.

"Nari?" he asked, checking on me just as Talin slid in at my side.

"Shit," Talin breathed. "Baby, I knew I should've stayed with you." But his hands were busy getting his own shirt off. "The front of your dress is ruined."

My heart was still racing. My mind was still in fight mode, but those words were enough to make me look down. Sure enough, from my cleavage to my belly button, my dress gaped open. The buttons had all been pulled off and the fabric was ripped halfway down. My lingerie was on display for anyone passing by, but I honestly didn't care. I was too mad to worry about it.

Although Ela had this. Reaching between Tath's legs, he grabbed the man's dick, and it didn't look gentle. "Do you like to take things that aren't yours?" Ela asked. "Do you like it rough, big boy?"

"She's mine," Tath snapped. "I paid enough for the privilege!"

I saw the muscles in Ela's arm flex as he gripped even harder. "She. Is.Mine."

I was. Ela owned me as much as I owned him. So did Talin and Wraythe. They didn't need my consent because they already had it, but this idiot thought he could simply take what he wanted? He assumed that I wouldn't be able to stop him? He thought I washelpless? He was wrong. A god had given me weapons.

I ignored Talin's offer of a shirt. Instead, my hand slipped into his boot, finding the dagger he kept there. Pulling it out, I pushed myself to my feet and crossed the room. I wanted this man to hurt. I needed him to pay for what he'd tried to do to me, and had probably finished with countless other women who didn't know how to defend themselves. I needed to make it clear that we were not here for his amusement.

It went the other way around.

I reached Tath's side and slammed the dagger into the wood mere inches from his face. "So, you like it rough, huh? Was that good for you?" Looking at Ela, I dipped my head, making it clear he could take that blade. "Did you think I'd actually scream and cry for you? Or are you willing to do that for me?"

Beside me, Wraythe flicked his wrist, releasing the dagger from its hidden sheath. Then he pressed it into my hand. He didn't need to say a word. I understood. He didn't need a weapon to handle this man, and I could use it to make my point even more clear.

So I grabbed the back of Tath's head, lifting his face, forcing him to look at me. With my other hand, I pressed the point of the blade to the soft skin just under his chin.

"Beg for me, Tath," I whispered. "Beg good enough, and I might allow you to like this."