Chapter 73


I'd thought I was close friends with Maela before, but over the last few days, it was like we found one more level. In the evenings, I spent time with her and Haryth in the nursery, giggling about her feelings for Yamina. She had a crush, and kept trying to convince herself it was nothing, but only because she knew it couldn't be more.

Tath caught us laughing one night and demanded to know what was so funny. I quickly mentioned Wraythe's fear of falling through the ice because of his size. Maela started giggling all over again, recounting how hard he'd hit. Tath's eyes narrowed as if trying to figure out what we were hiding, but the whole thing had been hilarious enough that I began tittering again.

Giving in, Tath patted his son on the head awkwardly, then left us to "our feminine hobbies," whatever that was supposed to mean. Maela just rolled her eyes once the door was closed. I was simply glad the guys were still across the hall. If they'd been in here, I was sure Tath would've been enraged about something. It seemed to be the only way the man knew how to deal with anything. He'd never been allowed any emotion besides anger, because that was what "men" did, or something.

It almost made me feel bad for him.

But the next day was the one before the Fresh Start. That night, we'd all head to the Temple of Compassion to enjoy Merci's holiday when the clock hit midnight and the new year began. Last year, the Ranndors had celebrated in their own home, but since they'd visited the Temple of Temptation, Maela hoped it would be acceptable for her to celebrate with Merci as well.

We agreed to meet for a morning tea in the ladies' sitting room and explain to the other women what the night would hold. I promised to argue for Yamina going with us. It didn't really matter if the rest of the family joined us this time, though. If they wanted to freeze their hearts on the balconies of their bedrooms, that was their own choice. We were going to represent Zeal tonight, one way or another.

When the time finally came, Ela and Wraythe went down first while I finished putting on my dress. I had a feeling I wouldn't get the chance to change later, so I wanted to make sure my makeup and clothes were appropriate for tonight. I knew I'd need a touch-up, but if we had to hurry, then I wouldn't be the one to hold things up.

Ready, Talin and I headed down to the first floor. We barely made it off the stairs before Pia called his name. Talin paused, but the woman lifted a brow as if he should know better.

"I'm taking Nari to the sitting room," he told her. "I'll be right back."

"I just need a moment," she said. "Alone."

"I'm fine," I promised. "Wraythe and Ela are already there. Go talk to your mother, Talin."

With a sigh, he followed Pia around the corner, into one of the many rooms in this place. I kept going down the hall. My mind was on seeing my own siblings tonight, sharing a holiday together for the first time in years. I wondered if Zeal would be there, since I'd seen Merci on the Darkest Night. Then I heard someone call my name.

It broke me out of my thoughts enough to make my feet pause before I recognized the voice. Too late to pretend like I hadn't heard him, I turned to the open door to find Tath reclined in the library with a book open on his lap.

"Nariana," he said again, "come in. I have a question."

I stepped just far enough into the room to count as obeying, leaving the door open behind me. "Your wife is expecting me, Lord Ranndor."

"I just want to know what you were really talking about last night," he said, closing the book to set it on the table beside him. "I'm no fool, priestess. I know it had nothing to do with ice skating."

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

He eased himself to his feet. "Because no childish game is that amusing. You and my wife are conspiring about something. I don't know what it is, but there's no other excuse for why she'd be willing to talk to her husband's mistress."

"Maybe because I'm not your mistress," I reminded him. "I'm a priestess. We have no relationship other than the moments when I allow you to use my body. Your wife, however, is my friend. We share interests, trade stories - "

"About what?" he demanded, storming over to grab my wrist.

I pulled back, hoping he'd just let go, but I was wrong. "About our other friends, about Haryth, about ice skating. It's not all about you, Tath, but I find itcutethat you assume we can think of nothing else."

"Mocking me," He snarled, yanking me deeper into the room. "I know that's what the pair of you were doing last night. And in front of myson!"

"Please," I huffed, breaking his grip on my arm. "The moments away from you are what we look forward to. We're not laughing about you, Tath. We're trying to forget about you, because your attitude sucks the life from a room so badly, we feel like we're suffocating around you. Not just us, either. Your brothers, your sisters, and even your mother avoids you when possible."

"You ungrateful little bitch!" Tath snarled. "I invite you tomyhome, to give youmyattention, and you act like it's a burden? I am the Baron of Temptation! I deserve to have you in every way I want, whenever I want, and yourdutyis to shut up and please me." With each word, he stepped closer, forcing me to retreat deeper into the room ahead of him. "Do youknowhow many women would love to have a sliver of my attention? So fucking act like it!"

"No," I said, the word nearly a growl as my anger took over.

Tath didn't care. He grabbed me by the jaw, pulling my face to his so he could kiss me. I clenched my teeth, but he tried to force my mouth open. His other hand fumbled at the front of my dress, seeking the buttons. It took a second before I realized he was trying to undress me! Here, in the library, without my guardian present.

So I shoved, ducking away from him. Tath grabbed my neckline, trying to use my dress as a leash. Fabric tore. I felt buttons give way and the cool air on my chest, but I didn't care. I'd just bought myself some distance.

"Do not ever put your hands on me again," I snarled.