Chapter 72


Iliked Yamina. Not the same way I liked Nari, and yet I still felt this urge to make sure she was safe, even to keep her happy. I knew it was because she reminded me of my sister, but that stupid protective nature of mine was now blowing up in my face. When Maela invited us to go ice skating the next day, I made it clear that I was neither graceful enough to stand on little blades, nor light enough to risk getting on a sheet of ice.

Then Yamina had pouted. Oh, I knew it was fake, but she'd thrust out her lower lip and made those big puppy dog eyes, and my protective nature kicked right in. I didn't want her to be disappointed, and this girl had been let down too many times by her family. The least I could do was agree to go. The fact that Nari was almost bouncing with glee at the idea meant I hadn't stood a chance.

That was how I ended up at some frozen pond in the middle of the city, looking at a pair of skates that were supposed to strap onto the bottoms of my boots. They weren't big enough. Beside me, Ela was tying his on. Yamina was already done. Talin was helping Nari, and Maela was waiting for the rest of us.

"Just lift your foot," Maela said, grabbing one of the skates.

"They won't fit," I insisted. "And even if they do, there's no way the ice will hold me."

A pair of hands landed on my shoulders. Masculine hands, yet I could see Talin and Ela. The smile on Yamina's face as she looked up was the only hint I had before he leaned in, patted my shoulder, and let me hear his voice.

"The ice will hold, Wraythe," Zeal said. "You are going to have fun, and you're going to let the ladies look after you this time."

I lifted my foot. Maela immediately began putting the skate on, but what other choice did I have? When my god made it clear this was happening, I'd be a fool to go against him. Plus, he was right. The pride on Maela's face as she helped me made it clear that showing my own weaknesses helped her more than anything else I'd tried.

Then Zeal stepped around my bench, heading toward the frozen pond. "And I'm stealing a lady of my own. Yamina, would you care to skate with a strange man you barely know?"

She hopped up. "A god," she corrected. "I'd be honored, Zeal, and happy Darkest Night, even though it's late."

"I don't blame you for not coming," he assured her as the pair headed onto the ice. "Believe it or not, even gods are bound by the limitations of others. Now, tell me more about yourself, my dear. I've waited so long to have the chance to speak openly with you."

"I always wanted to be a priestess," she said, just as their voices faded with distance.

Maela chuckled even as she patted for me to change legs. "I think she's the most devout of the Ranndor family."

"Talin," I countered. "He's pretty devout."

"Which is my point," Maela said. "Yamina has never doubted Zeal's presence. She and Nari convinced me that he wasn't the lustful monster Tath had made him out to be, and since my own family didn't speak much about Temptation to children, well, I had nothing else to form my opinions."

Then she stood and offered her hand. I looked at her, the tiny blades on the bottoms of my feet, and knew this could never work. Shaking my head, I tried to warn her, but Maela just thrust out her hand again. With a sigh, I gave in. My hand almost swallowed hers, but she pulled, so I stood.

The blades sank into the soft dirt at the edge of the pond. That helped. Maela moving to my side to wrap her arm around my waist helped a little more. More than I'd expected, actually. Glancing over, I found Nari and Talin very interested in her skates - clearly avoiding eye contact with me - so I nodded for Maela to help me onto the ice.

I wobbled, but this little slip of a woman managed to keep me upright. When I got a skate onto the ice, it tried to slide out from under me, but Maela braced her own, proving her experience. Somehow, I stayed standing. Then she hugged herself against my side and gave the smallest push, sending us both forward.

"We're going to die," I warned her.

She laughed. "The ice is almost a foot thick, Wraythe. They check before we're allowed to skate on it. It's been cold enough for ten days. It's not going to crack, but if you stay this tense, you will fall down."

Right on cue, I wobbled, but the woman managed to get me stable again. I wasn't sure if I was mortified at my own ineptness at this game or impressed with her ability to juggle me so easily. A little of both, if I was honest. And yet, the further we made it around the ice, the more confident I began to feel. Enough that I could finally talk while trying to stay upright.

"Zeal is a lustful creature," I said, pretty sure that sounded like it came out of nowhere. "He's completely infatuated with Nari. The man loves her. I think he's turned on by Ela and Talin, but he definitely loves Nari."

Maela gasped. "Wait, does that mean..."

"God sex," I told her, "is amazing. I mean, even being connected to him through Nari, I can still feel it. All the pleasures of sex, and this feeling. It's like..." I had to pause, trying to find the right words. "It's like being wrapped up in a cloud while every part of my mind is stimulated. Physical, emotional, mental, and more. The lines between bodies fade, and we all become one."

"Lean," Maela said, easing me around a corner. "So, this might be rude to ask..."

"Ask," I assured her.

"The four of you, um, have sex at the same time?"

"Six, if we're lucky," I told her. "The four of us, our friend Anver, and Zeal. Well, Anver doesn't actually have sex, but he does. He's there. He's with us. He just doesn't stick his dick in anyone. Not his thing."