I staggered back, pulling in a breath. Yeah, that milking thing she did, it was a little too good. Before I could worry about what came next, Wraythe's hand was on my shoulder. Reaching around my body, he offered me a handkerchief. Thankfully, it wasn't a nice one. Just a boring white cloth from our stuff. I wiped my dick off, and Wraythe's hand was still there, holding a second. One for Nari.

Fuck, but I loved him. Thankfully, while I'd gotten myself cleaned up, she'd crawled off the man, and was now lying on the bed beside him. Making my way over, I grabbed my pants, then passed her the cloth.

"Tath," I said as I pushed one leg into my trousers, "if you ever want to do that again, let us know. Ask nicely, and it will happen. Demand to get fucked again, and it will not work well for you. Do you understand me?"

"Still my house," Tath reminded me.

I had both legs in now, and hiked my pants over my ass. Without closing them, I leaned right over his body, making him look at me. "The problem is thatwewill fuck you. One, both, it doesn't matter. We will fuck you, and we will break you. This is me showing you how good it can be when you give as much as you take. But if you think Nari is just a stupid little girl, then know that she's the one person in the temple I'm scared of."

"Your robe," Talin said, holding that up for Nari. "And let's get you back upstairs and showered, beautiful."

"I'm right behind you," I promised, looking for my shirt.

Wraythe pressed it into my hands without saying a word. Pulling that over my head, I didn't bother to tuck it in. I just finished closing my pants, wondering if Tath was going to say anything. The man waited just long enough for Nari to be away from the door.

"She's a whore," he reminded me.

I laughed. "No, Tath. She's a priestess. Maybe you think that makes her good for nothing but sticking your dick in, but you're wrong. That woman can seduce you if she wants to, make you fall in love, and then twist your heart just enough to make sure you'll never have anything as good as her again. She can also lift you up. She is a priestess, and even though you don't believe in Zeal, that doesn't limitherat all." I turned away, intending to leave it at that, but I just couldn't. "She'll break your mind, Tath. I'll break your body. Together, we're either the best thing you've ever experienced - or the worst. You decide."

"Yeah," Tath huffed. "Just close the door behind you." Which meant he hadn't learned a thing.