Chapter 70


That night, we went home and I did get to take Nari out of her dress. Slowly, I'd slipped it off her body, teasing her until she let out the softest moan. Then Wraythe had his way with her. My plan had been to just watch, enjoying the show, but Talin decided to drop to his knees. I stood there, at the edge of the bed, lost in my lover's mouth while watching the most beautiful sex I'd ever seen in my life.

It had been slow and loving. When we were done, I took Nari into the shower, washing her hair while she scrubbed my body. We'd talked softly about our nights while the guys cleaned up, and then the four of us had fallen asleep completely content. Somehow, I'd even ended up curled against Wraythe's chest.

For some reason, I'd assumed the next morning would start late. I'd been wrong. The light outside the windows was still the early kind when Branstan slipped into the room with a tray of morning tea for us. The clank woke me, but Wraythe managed to sleep through it. Nari, however, sucked in a breath.

"Good morning, priests," Branstan said softly as he headed over to stoke the fire. "It started snowing about an hour ago, so the residence might be a little cool while we get the fires going. I've brought up tea to help after your..." The man actually chuckled. "...Long night. Also, Priest Talin, there's a note from your brother on the tray."

"What the fuck does he want?" Talin asked.

Branstan cleared his throat. "I believe he would like to see the priestess again, sir. Priestess Nariana, would you like me to get a dressing gown or anything for you?"

"I'd still like you to start calling me Nari," she mumbled, pulling the blankets over her shoulders. "I'm also not getting out of bed while the floor feels like ice."

"I'll get the note," Wraythe said, getting out of bed completely naked to do so.

I was still watching Branstan. The man didn't look, but there was a little dimple on his wrinkled cheek. That was enough to make me like the guy. He might seem stiff and formal, but I had a feeling he was a lot more fun with a few beers in him and his feet kicked up. He also didn't seem to think our personal arrangement was all that odd - which was interesting.

Then Wraythe came back to bed, hurrying under the covers to get warm again. "Here, Talin," he said, passing it over.

But his foot touched mine. I yelped, shifting away from the cold. Wraythe just chuckled ominously and pulled me back, pressing both of his massive - and frigid - feet against my legs.

"You like it," he teased. "Admit it, Ela."

"I'd like it if you were getting hard," I joked.

Branstan just added another log to the fire. "Should I assume that the temple is kept warmer than the children's floor of the residence?"

"Much," Talin said. Then he sighed and sat up to read the letter. For a moment, his eyes just scanned the words. "Nari, Tath would like another session. This time, in his room. He says that his safe word is 'piggy' and that he would like to see what skills a Priestess of Temptation has that are so impressive."

"Least he's learning," she grumbled. "Ok. Where's his room?"

"The master suite," Branstan answered. "Your father's old room, Priest Talin."

"Bran..." Talin warned. "Not in the mood for stuffy. We've had about four hours of sleep."

Branstan just walked over, pulled Talin's dressing robe from the hook inside the closet door, then carried it back. "In my opinion, the Baron won't care what she's wearing. He's avoided the temple his entire life, since you'd be there, Talin. He never wanted your friends to gossip about what he does in bed. Your father pushed Tath too hard, and the lessons stuck. All that matters is what others see, not what he wants. This is the closest he's ever come to experimenting with women. Usually, he simply has affairs with girls too desperate to say no, often those in need of money for their families, hoping to be kept by a man with his wealth."

"Like the one who just had his child," Talin said, making it clear he knew. "Or is this to take the one thing that's mine? My desire?"

"A bit of both, most likely," Branstan admitted. "I think it started as a way to show you up. Now, it's become something of an obsession. His wife is spending time at the temple. She might learn things he doesn't know, so he needs to make sure she's not laughing at him."

"Always about him getting laughed at," Nari realized.

"And doing what's expected," I pointed out. "He can't risk failure."

"But he's failing now!" she insisted.

I turned my head on the pillow to see her. "Maybe, but he's losing by the rules. That means it's not his fault. Fault is very important for men like him."

"He's right," Branstan said. "Forgive me for being out of line, and if you mention this conversation, I will deny I had any part in it, but Lord Ranndor is not an ambitious man. He longs to be good enough, and to enjoy the benefits of his position. Nothing more. Make him feel like he's the impressive Baron he wants to be, and he will give all of you more space."

Talin waved him down. "I'm not about to cut off my only reliable source of information about my family, Bran. Thank you for the tea and the extra logs. If you'd like to tell Tath we'll respond to his summons in an hour? Let him know that Priestess Nariana has to clean herself up."

"Dress," Bran corrected. "You don't want him thinking he's being compared to you, Talin."