"Oh, I couldn't," she said, the reply almost reflexive.

So I hugged her a little tighter. "You can. You are the only lover you'll ever have that can read your own mind. You know what feels good, what doesn't, and when it might hurt. Once you know what you like, you'll be able to tell someone else - or show them how it feels."

Her body tensed, but this time she said nothing.

"We're friends," I reminded her. "I'd like to think we're the kind of friends who can talk about this. I can ask you what presents Nari might like, and you can ask me things you'd be terrified to say to anyone else. Blush while you do it. Stammer if you have to. I promise I'm not going to laugh at you, because that's not what friends do."

"Thank you," she breathed. "Maybe you can tell me about that big X you keep looking at?"

"That's my kink," I told her. "You see, I like being the one doing the hitting, watching the submissive get aroused. I mean, look at that guy's dick bounce with excitement."

"Is that why it does that?" She giggled. "Tath always has the lights out."

"Yeah, and Cayden has a very nice dick," I assured her. "Big and thick. That makes it feel better to a woman. Too big can be rough for a man. Some men," I clarified. "And see, you didn't even blush that time."

So she asked me about another pairing, then a group. Little by little, Maela was opening up. She'd learned how to be strong already; now she was tackling one of the hardest things for most people. Talking about sex wasn't easy. There was a hesitation when picking the right word for a body part or deciding whether the terms were too crass or too clinical. Still, as we leaned in that corner, allowing the people around us to assume I was having my way with her, she did ask - until the show was finally over.

Priests lay spent on the padded floor of the stage, trying to catch their breaths. Plenty of the viewers had done their fair share of groping, kissing, and grinding. In the corners was where the real fun happened, and I did not envy the Priests of Obligation who'd have to clean this up later.

I guided Maela from our alcove in time to see Tath zipping his pants. He wasn't naked, and neither Ciella nor Tishlie looked as if they'd been undressed - or had orgasms - but those two had tried. Well, evidently they were useful for something. The rest of the Ranndors, however, were flustered. Husbands had clearly been kissing wives. Lina had the look like she intended to have her way with her husband in the carriage. Even Pia's cheeks were flushed.

For a moment, there was a standoff as Tath tried to keep Ciella and Tishlie from hanging on him while struggling to see what I'd been doing with his wife. A cruel little smile touched my lips, letting him think whatever he wanted. Goose and gander, right? Maela just sighed and shook her head.

Thankfully, Nari chose that moment to step up, claiming Tath's arm to lead him back to the chairs. Anver, Wraythe and Talin moved in like it had been scripted. While our guardians blocked Ciella and Tishlie from following, Anver turned Tishlie away, pushing her to the back of the room as he gestured for someone else: Ryshie.

Ciella flung her arm up before Ryshie could take it, but she did leave. So were quite a few other patrons. I was working to get Maela back to her family when someone bumped my shoulder. That jostled me to the side, taking Maela with me. Surprised, she looked back, and then the Baroness stood a little straighter.

"Priest Kinen!" she said. "Just the man I was looking for."

"Excuse me, Baroness," he said, trying to slip past with the flow of traffic now leaving the viewing area.

But Maela caught his arm. "I need that paperwork."

"I'll talk to your husband about it."

She pulled, yanking him back when he tried to leave yet again. "Fine. Talk to him. He's right over here. Or you can simply deal with me. Your choice, Priest Kinen, but without those numbers, the tithes will be halted."

"I'm sure Tath wouldn't agree," Kinen told her. "You're overstepping your place, Lady Ranndor. You only married into this temple. You aren't the one chosen to lead it."

"She was," Zeal said. "I chose Maela. I tempted her to step up. Tath received the title of Baron only because I believed his wife would be able to manage my lands. I don't care about oldest sons, you fool."

Kinen didn't hear a word of that, but Maela did. She lifted her chin a little and smiled. "Married into or not, Priest Kinen, the law is still very clear. I'm going to assume that you don't have the numbers. I think that sounds better than the idea that you're intentionally ignoring the one thing you are required to do to get a fair tithe from the taxes of our province. Shirking your duties doesn't seem like something a man in your position would do, does it?"

"It's the Darkest Night," he said. "A holiday, Lady Ranndor. I'm afraid that reports weren't the only thing on my mind."

"I understand. It must be grueling being the High Priest of such an impressive Temple. You can mail them to me this week, or if you feel that isn't secure enough, I will be at the temple of Compassion for the Fresh Start."

"Fine," Kinen grumbled. "Nowcan I go finish my celebration?"

"Happy Darkest Night, Priest Kinen," I said, easing Maela back.

The man just grumbled at me before walking on. Still, it was enough to give us a break between people. Maela and I hurried over to where Nari was explaining to Tath how she'd only meant to say hi to an old friend, and then she didn't want to interrupt since he seemed to be enjoying himself. Tath tried to insist it wasn't what she thought, but Zeal's laughter ruined the effect.

"At least you got to see your friends," Maela said, her eyes jumping over to Zeal. "Hopefully my husband had a good enough time to convince him to come back next year. I know I did."

"Mm, me too," I said, making it sound as sultry as possible. "If you'd like, I can escort you back to your carriage, Baroness."

"I'll take my wife," Tath said. "You've done more than enough, Eladehl."

"So have you, Tath," I assured him. "Happy Darkest Night."