Chapter 67


For the next few days, Tath avoided us. The man was present at dinner, and pretty much nothing else. Supposedly he was focused on his business, but the Darkest Night was fast approaching. The rest of the Ranndor family amused themselves by buying gifts. A few days later, Talin's married sisters began to stop by.

Lina was first, greeting me with a hug before she even said a word to her brother. Then there was Reylie and her husband. Nena came in late on the evening before the Darkest Night, and the next morning, Abril arrived with her new baby. Pia was thrilled to fawn over her latest grandchild, but no matter how hard she tried to convince Yamina to take an interest, the youngest of the Ranndors refused to even pretend that she was ready for marriage.

Just after breakfast, Tath finally decided to be social again. He greeted his brothers-in-law as if they'd all just arrived. Evidently there was some bickering about the planned events for the day, but Maela informed the rest that this year, she would be attending the temple's celebration. It had been too long since the Primary Patron had been in attendance.

Yamina immediately wanted to come, but not even Maela thought that was a good idea. Next year, it was promised. Then the family had a festive meal at the house. Afterward, we were all excused early to dress for the evening's event. Tath didn't look happy about the family's excitement over returning to the temple, but it seemed Maela had won this round.

I put on my black dress. This time, I didn't choose the sedate style typical for a society lady. We were going to the temple, so I pulled out the dress I'd wanted to wear last year - the one I'd packed but hadn't truly expected to use. It was silky, it was seductive, and it still managed to cover enough that it wasn't truly scandalous. There was a long slit up the leg, exposing my lace for the Path of Action. The neckline was low enough to draw attention to my collar for the Path of the Word. The glove-like pattern for the Path of Obligation worked with the capped sleeves, and the back was cut in a V-shape to expose most of the pattern for the Path of Protection.

Naturally, I pulled my hair up off my neck to expose my entire back. My eyes were painted dark, with golden accents to bring out the color of my eyes. My lips were the brightest red stain I owned. The only jewelry I wore were the earrings Anver had given me and the necklace that had been a gift from Zeal.

My guys looked just as good. Wraythe wore another pair of those skin-tight pants with tall boots. This time, he had the nice shirt and vest, but he left off the cravat and coat. It made him look roguish, almost, and I took the chance to slide my hands up his chest, feeling the muscles that most women would be dreaming of tonight - and half the men.

Talin went with more conservative attire, and yet that man wore a suit well. Ela surprised me, though, choosing to wear his finest black suit tonight. If we were to be a part of the Baron's party, then we had to walk the line between acting as guests of nobility and the priests we were. In my opinion, the guys had managed perfectly.

"You," Talin said, sliding his hands down my sides to appreciate the dress, "look delicious."

"We will celebrate tonight," Ela warned me. "I don't even care how, but I'm taking you out of that dress."

"And I'm watching," Wraythe said as he walked over and offered his arm. "Priestess, can I escort you down to the carriage?"

Ela playfully offered his arm to Talin in the same fashion, but Talin shook his head. That would definitely be pushing things too far. Too many people in this family would not find it funny. When we reached the main entrance, all of the adult family members were standing around as if they intended to join us. It seemed there was going to be a wait before we got our coats.

"It's not fair!" Yamina snapped, her voice carrying across the room. "You say I'm old enough to get married, but I'm not old enough to worship our god on his holiday?"

"Once you're married you can attend," Tath told her. "Until then, the displays tonight aren't suitable for an innocent girl's eyes."

"Aunt Jelica isn't married," she insisted. "Why does she get to go?"

"Because my eyes aren't innocent, dear," Jelica told her.

Squealing in rage, the girl spun, making a straight line for me. "Nari! Tell them it's ok."

Her hand was clutching a stone necklace at her throat. The leather cord made me think it was the one Wraythe had bought for her on the Day of Planning. Her dress was nice enough, and not too revealing for either her age or station. Naturally, she'd chosen black, but her trim was in a vibrant purple, making it clear she wasn't a priestess.

"I can't," I told her. "I'm sorry, but this is one place I have no sway, Yamina."

Maela made her way over. "Stay and keep an eye on Haryth and the kids for me?"

"It's not fair," Yamina said again. "I'll be eighteen in a few months. You were married by then."

Maela caught Yamina's shoulders, looking right in her face. "I know. You know. It's hard to stay sheltered when you're a younger sister, but if the family is finally willing to go..."

"Ok," Yamina said. "Next year, though?"

"I'll start working on it now," Maela promised, pulling her in for a hug. "And I'll tell you all about it. Promise."

"If you see Zeal, wish him a good night for me?" Yamina asked, looking from Maela to me, and then to the guys.

"I'll tell him the next time I see him," I assured her. "You look nice, by the way. Perfect, actually."

That made the girl smile and duck her head. "Thanks, Nari. That helps. Have fun."

The moment she stepped away, Danis appeared with coats for the four of us. Talin helped me into mine. Ela made sure he had both his cane and top hat. Wraythe took his coat, then stopped the man with one for Maela, holding it so she could slip her arms in. Then, like everyone else, we headed out to the circle drive.