Chapter 66


"What do you think you are doing?!" Tath demanded the moment we were out of hearing range.

I turned, leaning my arm against the wall. Wraythe was behind me, and the more calm I acted, the more flustered this idiot became. Piece by piece, I wanted to let him feel what it was like to have someone else step all over what he cared about. He thought his title was enough to make me grovel to him? Well, he was wrong. My title was better - a god had given it to me.

"I was discussing fencing," I told him.

"With mywife!" he clarified.

"Ah, that." I nodded, enjoying how uncomfortable he was. "Maela invited me here because she's lonely. I was simply keeping her entertained. It's not like your session with Nari is a secret in the house. Evidently the entire staff knows."

"And?" Tath asked.

"And Maela lives in this house," I reminded him.

He scoffed at that. "She's my wife. It's not her place to say where I spend my time."

"I'm well aware of that, Lord Ranndor," I promised. "I also know that the High Priest felt that since he'd already made an exception for Nari, and since we're at the same training level, there was no reason he couldn't make one for me as well. At the Ranndor house's request."

The man's face went still. "She asked for a session with you?"

"Company," I clarified. "Companionship. Granted, that is a rather open-ended word, don't you think? She's beautiful, though. I can't say I'm upset by the assignment."

Tath bunched up and took a step closer. I didn't even flinch, because Wraythe did the exact same. Considering that Wraythe had a good four - maybe more - inches on Tath, the Baron backed down quickly. The hardest part was not laughing at how shallow and pathetic he was in the process.

"You will keep your hands off my wife," Tath warned.

I lifted my chin slightly. "No."

"You sit there, insinuating the things you do with men in front of her, and you think I'll tolerate that?"

Was that really the best excuse he had? At least he hadn't tried to claim the sanctity of marriage - which would almost be amusing from a man whose bastard couldn't be more than a few months old. The same man who had been so proud to brag about his sexual prowess when we'd first arrived, and who'd already had a sexual session under the same roof as his wife. This, however, was a line of thinking I could at least tolerate.

"After your brother was caught in another man's bed, do you honestly think she's ignorant of the possibilities?" I asked. "Do you honestly think that a woman who's had a child doesn't understand how a penis works? Clearly, she's been near one."

"That's different," Tath said.

I couldn't stop my smile from taking over. "How, exactly?"

"Her duty is to produce my heirs."

I had to lick my lips to keep from laughing. "Which she's done once. I'm still confused at your problem, Lord Ranndor. She is the Baroness of Temptation, a temple that focuses on the baser emotions of people. Lust, rage, pride, and greed are common ones. Lust being at the top, of course."

"You know what I'm talking about," Tath insisted. "Maela is a lady. She knows how to lie in bed, close her eyes, and pray. The woman doesn't want to be desired. She wants to have another child!"

"Or both," I countered. "And isn't it usually a husband's responsibility to show his virgin wife what sexual acts are possible? If he won't do it, aren't women encouraged to seek out the temple - and a Priest of the Body - so they can experience the pleasure that comes with the act?" I finally lifted myself from the wall, taking a single step toward the man. "And there is no limit on what gender or number of partners a noblewoman can request."

"What?" he breathed.

"Oh, if she wanted to be pinned between two men, I know a guy who'd be happy to help me with that session. If she wanted to watch me choke that man on my dick, I'd give her a display she'd never forget. She could ask for a strap-on phallus, and I'd be happy to teach her how to make me cum so hard I scream her name. Why shouldn't she know my limits, Tath? She's the one who requested me. Not any priest. Me."

"Have you actually..." Tath paused to clear his throat. "With a man, I mean?"

"Have I fucked a man?" I asked, rephrasing that to make it clear what I meant. "Yes. Plenty. I've sucked dicks, and I do swallow. I've been on top; I've been on bottom. I've hurt them until they lost control. I've also loved them so gently they felt safe in my arms. Most of all, I'm not ashamed of any of it. I made my reputation in the temple because everyone wants me. Men, women, and those who don't fit in either category."

Tath was breathing a little harder. His eyes dropped down to my crotch, but sadly I wasn't the least bit hard. I still noticed his examination, and I couldn't ignore it.