Chapter 65


After Nari's session, she came back giggling about Tath thinking he'd gotten her wet when it was leftovers from her night before - with us. Yeah, gross, but I could also see why she was amused by that. Just one more "fuck off" to Tath that she couldn't get in trouble for. After that, the four of us spent the rest of the day shopping for Darkest Night gifts.

Yamina was adamant that she should go with us. So we all got a tour of the most fashionable shops in the area. I managed to buy a few things for my friends, and we all found something for Anver, but mostly, we just wanted a reason to be out of Sandrest. When we finally got back, Tath was still grumpy about how easily Nari had made him look like an idiot. Sadly, it seemed he hadn't learned a single thing.

Instead, he'd taken to yelling at Maela about everything. The family plans for the holiday events were the main issues. Tath said they would celebrate at home. Maela made it clear that she would be at the Temple of Temptation for the Darkest Night and the Temple of Compassion for the Fresh Start. The woman refused to back down, which wasn't doing Tath's temper any good.

That evening, Branstan casually mentioned that the entire household knew about Nari's visit to Tath's office. The staff were gossiping about what it meant. Mentions of Tath's other indiscretions had come up, and the staff were on edge. Pia now had a headache, and Aunt Jelica was on the warpath, threatening to fire anyone talking about it.

Naturally, what Ela took from this was that he needed to fan the flames a little more. He sent a note with Branstan for Maela. I didn't know what it said, but my ward's wicked smile made it clear this likely wouldn't end well. Ela wouldn't say it, but I knew he waspissedabout Tath pressuring our girl to fuck him.

The next morning, I was told I might need my weapons. Yeah, I'd taken to wearing my arm sheath on principle, but I strapped on a sword as well. When Talin and Nari were ready to go down, Ela sent them on ahead. I just sighed, because we were definitely about to stir up some shit. I just hoped he made it good.

"What are you doing?" I finally asked when we were alone.

"I'm here as Maela's date," Ela reminded me. "Tath thinks his station means he can just take what's mine? Well, I'm going to make it clear that works both ways. Let's go walk Lady Ranndor down to breakfast, Wraythe."

I gestured for him to lead on, and the pair of us headed to the second floor. I didn't know how Ela had found out which room was Maela's, but when he tapped on the door, she answered it dressed for the day and looking as beautiful as ever. My only complaint was that her smile looked as wicked as Ela's.

"Morning, Ela. Morning, Wraythe," she said.

Ela offered her his arm, and I fell in behind them. "Morning, Maela. Do you know what he's doing?"

The woman leaned into Ela just a little too much. "There's a saying about a goose and a gander," Maela said.

"And something about mother bears," Ela added. "This beautiful and brilliant woman intends to make it clear that the female of the species is often more dangerous than the male."

"Mm," I mumbled, because I agreed with them. But I also had a feeling that picking a fight in this house would not go over well.

Too bad for the Ranndors, my loyalty was with Nari. Maela was on Nari's side, which meant she got a piece of that. Tath? No, fuck that asshole. He didn't even truly want my girl. He simply thought he could use her, throw her away, and get in a little jab at his brother. A stupid, petty, childhood fight, and the idiot didn't care who he tore down in the process!

I hated men like him. I despised the idea of someone who assumed that because he could piss standing up, that made him more worthy. Fuck that. In my life, the women were the ones who stood tall. Saval, Amerlee, Shalsa, Irila, and definitely Nari. Men always ended up the idiots. Not because we had to be, but because so many were spoiled enough to think it was right, and they were strong enough to force others to give in. Too bad for them, I was even stronger.

When we reached the dining room, people were already seated. Maela claimed a chair to the right of where Tath was sitting. Pia was at the foot of the table. Thiemo sat to Tath's left, with Talin and then Nari beside him. Ela claimed the spot beside Maela, then tipped his head for me to sit. That put me right across from Nari. I couldn't help it, my eyes were scanning the table, looking for threats - any threats. The air just felt too tense for this to work out fine.

"Egg and toast," Maela told the man who came to ask what she wanted. "I think Ela and Wraythe will both want full breakfasts. Eggs, toast, bacon, and sausage, please."

"Certainly, Lady Ranndor," the man said.

Tath chuckled. "In a few years, you'll regret eating so heavily in the morning, Priest Eladehl. It will settle right around your middle."

"Doubtful," Ela said. "Between the weapons work I do and my duties to Zeal, I tend to work it off faster than I can take it in."

"Oh, is that your excuse?" Maela asked. "I was curious how you earned your muscles."

"Like a common dock worker," Tath grumbled.

Ela hummed as if thinking about that. "Most approve of my physique," he said, leaning in to Maela. "I could show you how I earned the biceps."

She giggled, refusing to look at him. "I'm sure it's something scandalous."

"Rapier," Ela said. "I find I prefer a long, quick blade." Then he paused, tilting his head and thrusting out his lower lip. "That could be taken the wrong way. Fencing, Maela. I have to work hard to keep Wraythe from putting me onto the ground."

"You might like that," Thiemo mumbled before shoving a bite into his face.

"He wouldn't," Ela admitted. "Besides, on my back isn't my best position. I find I work better when I have more room to move. Crossing swords is so much easier when I use my entire body."