Ela caught her around the waist which gave me just enough time to get out. Naturally, Nari piled out right after with a smile on her face. My loyal valet chuckled at her excitement even as he hurried over. But when Wraythe stepped out next, and then Ela followed after him, Bran's expression changed.

"We weren't expecting so many guests, Priest Talin," he said.

"I prefer just Talin," I assured him. "And I'm surprised Maela didn't say anything. Priest Eladehl and Priest Wraythe are here at her invitation."

Ela stepped up and looked the man over. "A butler, I presume?" he asked.

"Valet," Branstan corrected.

"He's been keeping me in line since I was a boy," Talin explained. "Bran's a friend, and someone I trust."

"Well," Branstan said, "Lady Ranndor did mention that she'd have company. She did not mention that it would be men."

"Priests," I reminded him. "Pretty sure we don't count as men anymore."

"Lord Ranndor probably wouldn't agree," Branstan pointed out. "This also makes the guest quarters more... complicated. I'd invite you inside, but I have a feeling this should be sorted out first, Priest Talin."

"What arrangements were made?" I asked, dreading the worst.

"Your youngest sister suggested an extra bed be placed in your room." He swallowed audibly. "Danis handled the arrangements, because space was made..." His eyes jumped over to Nari. "It appears that Lord Ranndor, um..."

"Thinks Nari will be spending her nights with him," I realized. "Well, this is certainly going to be fun."

"Least we're sharing a room," Wraythe said.

"That we are," I agreed. "Bran, if you have those beds pushed together and made into one, I'd appreciate it. I also advise knocking before you enter in the mornings. The four of us currently live together, and due to space in the temple, we've grown accustomed to it. The three of us all protect Nari."

"So, three guardians?" he asked. "I was under the assumption that each priest was only assigned one."

"Not guardians," Ela assured him. "Priests of Temptation. Our duty is to support Zeal's Chosen in whatever way is deemed necessary. Dressing her, sessions with her, and definitely guarding her."

"I see," Branstan said, sounding almost amused. "Well, if you'll follow me, the family is waiting inside. I'll have your things all carried up for you. It's a pleasure to have you back, Priest Talin."