Ela nodded. "It was the one he told Wraythe to trust him on. I think he'll remember it."

She made a note of that. "Ok. Then we'll need luggage for the group of you. Nari, you and Talin are set for that, right?"

A leather coin purse dropped onto the table at Amerlee's elbow. We all looked up to see Talin standing just behind her.

"Use that to pay for it," he said. "That's Ranndor money. If my brother wants to make a scene, then he can carry the expenses. You and Jamik shouldn't have to."

"And when you need money?" Amerlee asked.

Talin reached down to rub her shoulders gently. "I have another just like it in the bedroom. I can get more with a letter to the family accountant. My father left a trust for me. My mother makes sure a portion of my brother's income is sent to me as an allowance. Tath thinks it's amusing that he pays my fees, so he hasn't tried to fight it. I'm fine. Use the money, Amerlee."

"Ok," she relented. "We'd take care of you kids regardless, you know."

"I do," he assured her. "Best mother-in-law ever. I also have no intention of making you."

"I have a question," Jamik said, moving to stand beside me. "How are all of you doing in your classes? I know that your semester exams were a big deal last year. I've barely heard about your classes this year."

"Because we're doing fine," I assured him. "With Saval directing the courses, we know what's coming and the lessons make sense. I think we're all making goods and excellents in our classes."

"We're also ahead," Wraythe said. "We've been doing our homework together, which makes it easier to remember."

"We still need to study," I pointed out. "You know the exams are going to be comprehensive, and I'm sure your guardian exams will be sparring."

"Most of them," Talin agreed.

"So spend more time in the Salle," Zeal suggested. "While Ela and Nari work on their extra classes, I can watch over them. Besides, Anver would appreciate the help."

We all traded glances, and I was nodding. "Ok. I think we can do this. We have two weeks until we go to Sandrest. For study breaks, we'll pack. We can make this happen, right?"

"Definitely," Amerlee assured me. "Tath Ranndor won't know what hit him."