Chapter 60


Three hours of sleep was not nearly enough. Talin and I talked about what we could do to make my sessions with Tath easier on him. Sadly, there was nothing. Talin had no interest in watching his brother fuck anyone, let alone me. But as we sat and talked, my eyes got heavier. At some point, they closed.

I'd fallen asleep on the couch, but I woke up that afternoon in my bed, curled up against a wonderfully solid chest. He didn't smell like Talin, didn't feel like Ela, was too small to be Wraythe, and I was pretty sure this wasn't Anver. Forcing my eyes open, I looked up to find a pair of kaleidoscope eyes watching me.

"Feel rested?" Zeal asked, his voice a soft rumble against my ear.

"Mhmm," I agreed. "How long have you been here?"

"Only a few hours," he promised. "You're beautiful when you're sleeping, and I've never had the luxury of holding you like this before."

I burrowed my face into his shirt. "We really need a bigger bed. More beds? I'd like to wake up next to you more often."

Something in his eyes softened, and Zeal smoothed my hair back from my face. His fingers teased the locks, following them down to my shoulder, and he just smiled at me.

"I like being your lover more than your god, you know," he finally said.

"I like you being both," I told him. "It's sexy when you get all divinely angry."

I felt his fingers tighten on my back as if that surprised him. "Do you truly trust me that much?"

"Yeah," I breathed, sliding my hand over the hard muscles of his chest. "I think I always have."

He lifted the hand from my hair to catch my wandering caress. "Do not tempt me, darling. I am known to give in to such things, and your father wouldn't want to hear your screams of passion."

"Wait." My dad? He meant Jamik. But if he was here... "Where are my guys?" Then I sucked in a breath as the events of this morning came rushing back. "And what time is it? I'm supposed to meet Maela!"

"Shh," he breathed. "Anver went to do his session with Tishlie. Talin stayed here to watch over you. Ela, Wraythe, and I met Maela for lunch. Amerlee, Saval, Faylie, and their guardians were there. They can all see me now, and while the server couldn't, my priests made it work."

"Floating cups and food?" I asked, trying to imagine what a server would see.

Zeal chuckled. "I'm aware enough to only move things when no one is looking. The benefits of being a god, now that I'm strong enough to actually do that in public. Now, get up, because our lovely Ela is dying to tell you what happened, and Amerlee is already in full mother mode."

"So she came back here?" I asked.

"And Jamik too," he promised. "They're in the other room, hence the lack of screaming."

But instead of crawling out of the bed, I leaned in to press my lips against his. The kiss was soft but lingering, and I took my time about pulling back. "Thank you for taking care of me, Zeal."

He cradled the back of my head and stole another kiss before brushing his lips on my cheek. "Always, Nari. I don't get to do it often, because you're too good at taking care of yourself. It's part of why I'm in love with you."

I snuggled my face into his neck. "I don't even have a good reason. Well, except that you're sexy. Big dick and all that."

He laughed hard enough to bounce me back. I used the motion to roll to the far side of the bed, then simply headed into the bathroom. Behind me, Zeal was still chuckling, proving that I'd caught him off guard with my teasing. Oddly, that felt good.

After cleaning myself up, I made my way to the living room. Zeal had gone before me, leaving the bedroom empty. Since I'd fallen asleep in my clothes, I didn't even need to get dressed. But outside of my room, our suite was a bit of a madhouse.

Amerlee was at the table with a stack of paper in front of her. Zeal hovered behind her, clearly reading over her shoulder. Jamik and Wraythe were gathering things together. My suitcases, it looked like. Ela and Talin were meandering between the kitchen and the table.

"Nari will need new dresses," Amerlee said. "Anything she didn't wear last year will work, but if she wants to keep up with the peers of society, that means no repeating fashion. You, Ela, can get away with less. I think you're going to need a few flamboyant suits to make the point. Talin, write Maela and find what colors she prefers? We'll make sure Ela matches - " She paused, seeing me enter the room. "Good afternoon, Nari."

"Morning," I mumbled.

Talin turned for the kitchen, aiming for the kettle. "Tea, beautiful?"

"Please." While he got that, I claimed the chair across from Amerlee. "So, what did I miss while I slept?"