"He's having us watched?" I guessed.

"And Ciella was determined to know about your patron. Kinen accused you of having a patron. Her lace was stripped, but she's still in not just the temple, but on the Path of the Body?"

It felt like ice ran through my veins as his words sank in. "Shit. He has Ciella watching us?"

"Which means Tishlie is too," Talin said. "She might not even know she is, but Tish talks to Ciella. Anver has a session with her this afternoon."

"And he needs to know not to say anything," I realized. "We also need to tell Maela about what Tath asked for."

"Shit," Talin grumbled. "Fuck! I do not want to be the one to tell her."

"I will," I assured him. "It's ok. She's not blind to the man she married. She also won't make any of this easy on him, Talin. She's grown so much. Maela's no longer a gentle little lady."

"No," he agreed. "She's the Baroness of Temptation. I'm sorry about the sessions, beautiful, but I think Kinen just bit off a lot more than he can chew."

"I hope you're right," I said as he finally opened the door and we both headed in.